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President To Announce Supreme Court Pick


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I'm lost.


Who used the nuclear option vote first.


Reid did in recent history on every position but the Supreme Court. But a 60 vote majority is not written into the constitution, it is a parliamentary rule.


I would prefer to keep the filibuster rule but it will break in this climate.

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I'm being lazy.


Can the Ds hold this up in any way? I thought the Rs had enough votes already.


If I were advising the Ds knowing full well that barring a bombshell (didn't pay taxes/diddled the nanny/etc) this gentlemen will be confirmed. So try to take the "high road" (by DC standards) and say "we believed that Mr Merrick should have been confirmed but due to the ugliness of politics it didn't happen. We've chosen not to take that route in the name of country first.... blah blah blah."


It's the only small win they can get.


"I'm not going to do to President Trump's nominee what the Republicans in the Senate did to President Obama's” - Dem. Senator Chris Coons

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"I'm not going to do to President Trump's nominee what the Republicans in the Senate did to President Obama's” - Dem. Senator Chris Coons


Those days are over. Nobody gets ahead in the 24-hour news cycle by acting like an adult. The Republicans kicked and screamed for eight years as they used every trick in the book and now I'm supposed to believe the high road matters? Nah.

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Those days are over. Nobody gets ahead in the 24-hour news cycle by acting like an adult. The Republicans kicked and screamed for eight years as they used every trick in the book and now I'm supposed to believe the high road matters? Nah.


Let's not kid ourselves....It's been going on for a hell of a lot longer than 8 years.

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Let's not kid ourselves....It's been going on for a hell of a lot longer than 8 years.


That's fair. It definitely seems like it's all been ramped up for the last two presidents.


Maybe it's just heightened awareness. Maybe it's always been like this and we never noticed.


I don't know who starts acting like this isn't a game first, but after the way the Republicans treated the Supreme Court last year, I wouldn't be inclined to let Mr. Trump coast to an easy victory.

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If the Dems filibuster this nominee and McConnell decides not to nuke it then the Republicans should make them actually physically, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, filibuster. Make the Dems keep the Senate in session 24/7, make the Dem Senators from states Trump won that are up for re-election stand and go on the record for all to see.

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That's fair. It definitely seems like it's all been ramped up for the last two presidents.


Maybe it's just heightened awareness. Maybe it's always been like this and we never noticed.


I don't know who starts acting like this isn't a game first, but after the way the Republicans treated the Supreme Court last year, I wouldn't be inclined to let Mr. Trump coast to an easy victory.


Two words....Social media.

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That's fair. It definitely seems like it's all been ramped up for the last two presidents.


Maybe it's just heightened awareness. Maybe it's always been like this and we never noticed.


I don't know who starts acting like this isn't a game first, but after the way the Republicans treated the Supreme Court last year, I wouldn't be inclined to let Mr. Trump coast to an easy victory.


This is where we disagree. This doesn't change the makeup of the court. There is potential for a much bigger fight down-the-road. I'd try to negotiate or something first. But at the end of it all I feel Mr Gorsuch will be the next member of the SCOTUS. The question is, how much damage will be done getting him there?

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This is where we disagree. This doesn't change the makeup of the court. There is potential for a much bigger fight down-the-road. I'd try to negotiate or something first. But at the end of it all I feel Mr Gorsuch will be the next member of the SCOTUS. The question is, how much damage will be done getting him there?


From a practical standpoint I agree with you. I don't even completely hate the appointment. Aside from my own opinion that originalism is a total fraud as a legal principle, he's at least going to be thoughtful, professional, and serious, which was honestly more than I expected from this president's appointments. I've seen some of his work already and I think the court will be fine with him on the bench.


But the Republicans have been richly rewarded for obstinacy the last few years. I'm less confident that Democrats will be rewarded for pragmatism.


In the end, the worst thing that can happen is for just enough Democrats to support the nomination while the rest carry out a campaign of meager resistance. It would give the president a victory while making the Democrats look weak, divided, and petulant. Schumer's first big test as leader will be to ensure the party puts up a united front, whatever that front may be.

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