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Republicans make plans to invalidate Endangered Species Act

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If this is factual I'm 100% against it. What good does it do to let species go extinct? I get that it has occurred naturally, but a lot have been due to man as well. I think as much energy that goes into protecting our country needs to go into preservation.

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I hope some Republicans have enough sense to block this.


Making money at the expense of the wilderness or wildlife is contradictory to making America great. America is great because we have these things and protect them. It's our job to take care of the environment and wilderness.

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I hope some Republicans have enough sense to block this.


Making money at the expense of the wilderness or wildlife is contradictory to making America great. America is great because we have these things and protect them. It's our job to take care of the environment and wilderness.


Agree a million percent.

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I also wondered that...along with who, when, where, what, and "Where's the beef?" The link in the OP is to a brief two-paragraph opinionated passage beginning with a misleading headline and ending with a "Summarized by: Yahoo!" statement. If there is a link to something resembling a factual article, I did not see one. I saw a single one-sentence quote from House Natural Resources Committee Chairman, Rob Bishop. I wrote more informative reports in elementary school.


I hope that everybody takes time to read this "article" and asks themselves what they learned from it. Based on the headline, I was expecting to read about a plan to repeal the Endangered Species Act.

@formerkywrestler, have I missed a link to the article that was summarized?

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I believe that this is the original article on which the short summary by Yahoo that was linked in the OP was based.

January 17, 2017


Wildlife advocates brace for big changes as GOP takes aim at Endangered Species Act





The original article also drips with a left wing bias, but at least it would not get an "F" for omitting any of the five Ws of journalism, IMO.

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Sounds like more than groundless fear-mongering to me:


“It has never been used for the rehabilitation of species. It’s been used for control of the land,” said House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Rob Bishop. “We’ve missed the entire purpose of the Endangered Species Act. It has been hijacked.”

Bishop said he “would love to invalidate” the law and would need other lawmakers’ cooperation.

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Sounds like more than groundless fear-mongering to me:


“It has never been used for the rehabilitation of species. It’s been used for control of the land,” said House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Rob Bishop. “We’ve missed the entire purpose of the Endangered Species Act. It has been hijacked.”

Bishop said he “would love to invalidate” the law and would need other lawmakers’ cooperation.

The headline in the OP was very misleading (but unchanged from the Yahoo summary). The AP article contained the quote from one Republican but the implication was that eliminating the EPA has widespread support in the GOP members of Congress. No evidence was provided to support that implication. It does sound like groundless fear-mongering to me. A statement by one person among the 535 members of Congress does not a movement make.


I have never seen so much grasping at straws so early in a new administration in my life.

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