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Question For Pro-Choice People


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I love listening to a bunch of guys debating a woman's gynecological choices. About as humorous as listening to a bunch of white guys from Kentucky discuss their scholarly insights about the black problem.


I wasn't born or raised in Ky. I love listening to guys who " think" they know everything and pull assumption from their behind.

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This is such touchy issue. I understand both sides completely and agree with the main premise of both arguments. I personally believe abortion is murder, but I also agree that as long as its been declared 'not murder' under the law that individuals technically have the right to make those choices on there own. @UKMustangFan literally stole all of the words right out of my mouth. I use the smoking example all the time. Smoking is absolutely awful and it frustrates the hell out of me that people still smoke, but it needs to be THEIR choice not to smoke I don't agree with forcing people to do anything unless they are breaking a law. My heart tells me that I would like Roe v. Wade reversed and abortion to become illegal under the law but with a special cause where they can somehow save the mom if the baby and the mom would not survive. But my brain tells me I'm a hypocrite for saying that because I'm "pro-choice" on literally every other topic in the world. So I consider myself "pro-life", but I fully understand and agree with the points that the "pro-choice" supporters present. This is literally the touchiest subject in the world for me.

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This is such touchy issue. I understand both sides completely and agree with the main premise of both arguments. I personally believe abortion is murder, but I also agree that as long as its been declared 'not murder' under the law that individuals technically have the right to make those choices on there own. @UKMustangFan literally stole all of the words right out of my mouth. I use the smoking example all the time. Smoking is absolutely awful and it frustrates the hell out of me that people still smoke, but it needs to be THEIR choice not to smoke I don't agree with forcing people to do anything unless they are breaking a law. My heart tells me that I would like Roe v. Wade reversed and abortion to become illegal under the law but with a special cause where they can somehow save the mom if the baby and the mom would not survive. But my brain tells me I'm a hypocrite for saying that because I'm "pro-choice" on literally every other topic in the world. So I consider myself "pro-life", but I fully understand and agree with the points that the "pro-choice" supporters present. This is literally the touchiest subject in the world for me.
The difference is that smokers are not demanding that non-smokers pay for their disgusting habit. In fact, taxes on tobacco are widely supported by liberals and those taxes may be the most regressive taxes levied on any product or practice in this country.
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The difference is that smokers are not demanding that non-smokers pay for their disgusting habit. In fact, taxes on tobacco are widely supported by liberals and those taxes may be the most regressive taxes levied on any product or practice in this country.

I'm just going to bow out of this discussion.

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The difference is that smokers are not demanding that non-smokers pay for their disgusting habit. In fact, taxes on tobacco are widely supported by liberals and those taxes may be the most regressive taxes levied on any product or practice in this country.


Let us not forget about the wonderful effects of second hand smoke.

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Let us not forget about the wonderful effects of second hand smoke.
Let us also not forget about one of the side effects of an abortion - a dead unborn child. I am sure that if they had a vote, they would take their chances with second hand smoke over certain death.
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You're pro-choice, so you believe in legalized suicide and you think self-harm is ok because the people are choosing to do it to themselves?


If your husband, wife, child, relative, etc., said "I've thought about it, I looked into everything, and I don't feel like life is worth living anymore," you'd say "ok, I support your decision to kill yourself"?


Are you asking a question or making a statement?

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Let us also not forget about one of the side effects of an abortion - a dead unborn child. I am sure that if they had a vote, they would take their chances with second hand smoke over certain death.


With you 100%

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Let us also not forget about one of the side effects of an abortion - a dead unborn child. I am sure that if they had a vote, they would take their chances with second hand smoke over certain death.

Robbed of his/her chance to fulfill his/her purpose to know, love and serve the Lord.

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