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Trump's Education Pick


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My DIL is a teacher and also has her administrators license and is vehemently opposed to Mrs. DeVos in that role. My DIL rarely vocalizes her political thoughts, but she is passionate about public education, and has chosen to make her career path working in disadvantaged schools.


If Al Franken makes you look bad....


She jumped on that segment.

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There should not be a federal dept of education in the first place. Besides the college loan program or higher education grants the feds should stay out of education. Have you tried to explain common core math to a kid yet... It's mind bogglingly stupid. That's what you get from bureaucrats.
Do you believe Mrs Devos is the person capable of doing away with the department?
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There should not be a federal dept of education in the first place. Besides the college loan program or higher education grants the feds should stay out of education. Have you tried to explain common core math to a kid yet... It's mind bogglingly stupid. That's what you get from bureaucrats.


If the Federal government should be out of education, why should the be in the loan or grant program?

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Do you believe Mrs Devos is the person capable of doing away with the department?


To be honest I don't know much about her. I've done no research to garner an opinion for or against. I've just seen snipits of her not cooperating with the game Warren and Kaine are trying to play. Thought it was funny but of no real substance. I will side with anyone who wants to pull the federal tenticles out of our childrens daily lives. I believe Government creates more problems than it solves. So less is best. About DeVoss?

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If the Federal government should be out of education, why should the be in the loan or grant program?


It's the only thing they should be doing, giving our money back. If not for the loans then we should get to keep more of our money. You may like big brothers hand in your pocket. I don't. I think I can make better decisions for me and mine than they can.

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To be honest I don't know much about her. I've done no research to garner an opinion for or against. I've just seen snipits of her not cooperating with the game Warren and Kaine are trying to play. Thought it was funny but of no real substance. I will side with anyone who wants to pull the federal tenticles out of our childrens daily lives. I believe Government creates more problems than it solves. So less is best. About DeVoss?


So she was giving it to the democrats and that's good enough for you?


FWIW, Warren was asking if DeVos would protect students from loan abuse by for profit scam colleges like Trump University. DeVos flubbed it.


Kaine asked if all publically funded schools should be held equally accountable. Currently charter schools are not which may be why they are so "successful."

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So she was giving it to the democrats and that's good enough for you?


FWIW, Warren was asking if DeVos would protect students from loan abuse by for profit scam colleges like Trump University. DeVos flubbed it.


Kaine asked if all publically funded schools should be held equally accountable. Currently charter schools are not which may be why they are so "successful."


I believe in the public school system if the teachers are given the resources and freedom to teach. Not just regurgitate the info so the kids can pass the standardized tests. I said I have no opinion on DeVoss... I just like when people refuse to play with people like Kaine and Warren. They can't handle it....higher than thou... Guess not. I could care less if they pass on her confirmation or not. The dept is useless and failed to this point as it is anyway.

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It's the only thing they should be doing, giving our money back. If not for the loans then we should get to keep more of our money. You may like big brothers hand in your pocket. I don't. I think I can make better decisions for me and mine than they can.


You can back up with the snide comments. I asked a simple question. You answered it in your first sentence. Thanks.

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Common Core needs to go. Vouchers and Charter schools don't matter in my area but Common Core does.


I don't really understand the CC hate. It's just standards. Fewer than NCLB and less emphasis on testing than NCLB.


It seems many have a problem with school curriculum and mistaking that with the Cc standards.

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I don't really understand the CC hate. It's just standards. Fewer than NCLB and less emphasis on testing than NCLB.


It seems many have a problem with school curriculum and mistaking that with the Cc standards.

Its the common core standards that form the curriculum from my understanding. Basically everything is laid out for you in advance and teachers feel they don't get to "teach" anymore. This is just from my experience in speaking with teachers. This is more of the feeling from elementary school teachers in my experience.

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Quit being defensive and sensitive nothing snide intended. Really hard to comminicate with you. Everything doesn't have to be personal and a fight.


Then stop saying "You may like big brothers hand in your pocket". You made it personal. I'm not hard to communicate with at all.

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