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President Trump's Agenda

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I guess it all depends on how you view healthcare. Is it a right or a privilege?


I guess you could look at it as the ultimate leverage on people to get health insurance. Use the fear factor that you take a big risk of losing everything if you don't get coverage or the right coverage.

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Repeal Nafta...


I doubt that one happens. But I think you are right that he will put trade agreements high on his list. On this issue, I think the one higher on the agenda is TPP. That is now dead. It will be renegotiated or not approved. NAFTA is very difficult to change but he can fulfill his campaign promise by attacking TPP.


One fact that Hillary missed the boat on big time. The US has lost far more jobs to China than Mexico and there is no trade agreement with China.

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I doubt that one happens. But I think you are right that he will put that high on his list. On this issue, I think the one higher on the agenda is TPP. That is now dead. It will be renegotiated or not approved.


One fact that Hillary missed the boat on big time. The US has lost far more jobs to China than Mexico and there is no trade agreement with China.


We have to get americans back to work. America will be at its greatest if we can lower the burden on and grow the middle class.

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How do you handle the uninsured and those that cannot get insurance because of health issues?


Allow companies to underwrite plans.


Get rid of the state by state barriers. Mass competition nation wide.



Those that can't make it through underwriting enter a high risk pool that can be subsidized by the government.


Those that can't afford the underwritten plans can be subsidized as well. These pland will be a scaled down versions of the underwritten plans. Smaller networks to make them cheaper. (Medicaid style plans)

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My hope is that they repeal it and go back to what we used to have, while striving to come up with a better less outrageously expensive solution. Probably a pipe-dream, but who knows.


AHCA did nothing to actually reduce health care costs, it just redistributed them...more into the insurer's pockets. We need to find a way to reduce the cost of pharmaceuticals especially. When we reduce our health care costs, we reduce our cost of doing business which is good for employment and our competitiveness.

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AHCA did nothing to actually reduce health care costs, it just redistributed them...more into the insurer's pockets. We need to find a way to reduce the cost of pharmaceuticals especially. When we reduce our health care costs, we reduce our cost of doing business which is good for employment and our competitiveness.



AHCA was doomed as soon as the Ds agreed to make it easy for people to not have to buy insurance. Mathematically there was no other option for premiums to go than up when the mandate was removed.

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I'm interested to see the steps he takes to increase business and infrastructure. He's a proven winner in the business world. Can he carry that over to the White House and truly make America great again?


It's a myth that running an economy is similar to running a business.

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