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I Need Help With My Core...Can You Give Me Some Ideas?

Science Friction

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I stay pretty committed to my running but I neglect my core strength and I know it is hampering me from upping my running game to the level I would like. When I first starting running I didn't even realize how important core strength was to running well. The problem is I just don't seem to want to do ab exercises as much I as need to. I'm not overweight at all but the core area needs some shaping and strengthening(yep, as much as I run I still have a bit of a belly)


Do some of you runners have any ideas that would help me take more interest in core work? I will get on a kick every now and then where I will do sit-ups several times a day for a week or so and then I drop off. Is there some exercises that would not take up too much time or might be kinda fun and not too much of a chore. Anything that would help me in this area would be greatly appreciated. I know it is a big key to helping me make greater improvements.


What are some things that you guys do to make your core stronger? Thanks in advance.

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Good for you working on your core. Here is a workout - http://www.acefitness.org/acefit/fitness_programs_core_workout.aspx?workoutid=5

It works great to strengthen the core. I'm an ACE certified personal trainer 4 years now. I started last year doing 5k's but strengthening my core has helped me tremendously. I actually got a first place trophy this year in my age group. I love the energy at the 5k's. Even did a 7 mile hike this year which turned into a 15 mile(missed a marker which is another story). Hope this helps you.

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Planks and side planks:


13 Essential Core Exercises for Runners | ACTIVE


Some good stuff in there -- not just core but some other excercises such as the hip stuff that runners need to be doing.


I see a personal trainer once a week for mine.


I like to use a bosu ball too and you can get good core workouts in by using it for push-ups, squats, etc.

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For runners, particularly distance runners, when fatigue starts to set in one of the first things that begins to fade is posture. You see shoulders start to slump, lateral sway, excessive arching, etc. Postural muscles often get overlooked in training.


Lower back and posterior shoulder strengthening should be included in runner's programs.

Sword Drill

The Bird Dog that is linked in @formerkywrestler post along with the movements listed on page 3 of his link are all very good as well.


Along with that, probably my favorite "core' movement the Paloff Press

Edited by JCVD
forgot something
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Planks and side planks:


13 Essential Core Exercises for Runners | ACTIVE


Some good stuff in there -- not just core but some other excercises such as the hip stuff that runners need to be doing.


I see a personal trainer once a week for mine.


I like to use a bosu ball too and you can get good core workouts in by using it for push-ups, squats, etc.


I don't run but this is pretty much what I do and it seems like more than enough.

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Good for you working on your core. Here is a workout-http://www.acefitness.org/acefit/fitness_programs_core_workout.aspx?workoutid=5

It works great to strengthen the core. I'm an ACE certified personal trainer 4 years now. I started last year doing 5k's but strengthening my core has helped me tremendously. I actually got a first place trophy this year in my age group. I love the energy at the 5k's. Even did a 7 mile hike this year which turned into a 15 mile(missed a marker which is another story). Hope this helps you.



I did something similar earlier this summer. I went for a week long teacher's conference in North Carolina. I ask for a couple of locals to plan me out about a 8 mile run around town and back to campus. Well, let's just say the path they came up with was more like 12 or 13, which turned into 17 or 18 miles when I kept missing my turns and getting lost.



I just can't continue neglecting my core strength if I am ever going to make the kind of strides I hope to make. I appreciate the helpful workout tips. Congratulations on the first place trophy. I ran my first race over the summer(it was just a miler). I won my age group and finished sixth overall with a time of 6:36. My goal is to carry that kinda pace over a 5K distance and there's no way that will ever happen if I don't seriously work on my core.

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Good for you working on your core. Here is a workout - ACE Fit | Core Workout

It works great to strengthen the core. I'm an ACE certified personal trainer 4 years now. I started last year doing 5k's but strengthening my core has helped me tremendously. I actually got a first place trophy this year in my age group. I love the energy at the 5k's. Even did a 7 mile hike this year which turned into a 15 mile(missed a marker which is another story). Hope this helps you.


I fixed that link kygirl.

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