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Another Planned Parenthood executive discussing the sale of "tissue".

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So pointing out that there was more said than what was intentionally left out makes my point invalid? Come on.


Edited tapes should ALWAYS be questioned. To not do so smells of partisanship.


It was questioned. That's why the organization released the unedited versions. The smell test was complete. That's why your point to keep making the comment of "edited video" is invalid.

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Your line of reasoning for being okay with the way your taxes being distributed is backwards. Yes.


Like you, I'm not OK with it. I just don't win every battle.


Potentially unlike you in this particular case I see there is good as well. I can't ignore that.


You mentioned repercussions. I think any repercussions will be felt on the R side of the ballot box if this becomes a big issue. The abortion issue has never won an election for the Republicans. I don't think it ever will.

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It was questioned. That's why the organization released the unedited versions. The smell test was complete. That's why your point to keep making the comment of "edited video" is invalid.


99% of people have not read the transcripts nor watched the unedited video. They don't need to. The filmmakers told them what they should know.

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I stated the 3% number as well as a subsequent post saying something like 17% of their income comes from abortions. They see about 3M people a year so about 10% of those customers/patients are for abortion. 90% are not.




Again, my point is that the 3% number mentioned previously is that PP downplays what role abortion has in their organization.


10% of customers are for abortion. Income makes up roughly 1/5th of total income for PP. Yet they relegate dead babies, often 3-5 lbs as a 3% stat.

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Again, my point is that the 3% number mentioned previously is that PP downplays what role abortion has in their organization.


10% of customers are for abortion. Income makes up roughly 1/5th of total income for PP. Yet they relegate dead babies, often 3-5 lbs as a 3% stat.


I bet most Americans would be shocked at 10% being the % of abortion procedures. I bet most would be like Sen Kyl who said it was 90%.


I'd be curious to know about "often 3 to 5 lbs."

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Like you, I'm not OK with it. I just don't win every battle.


Potentially unlike you in this particular case I see there is good as well. I can't ignore that.


You mentioned repercussions. I think any repercussions will be felt on the R side of the ballot box if this becomes a big issue. The abortion issue has never won an election for the Republicans. I don't think it ever will.


So if you agree with the good that PP does, but not the abortions, would you be okay with just allocating those funds to community centers who offer the same exact services as PP minus abortions?

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So if you agree with the good that PP does, but not the abortions, would you be okay with just allocating those funds to community centers who offer the same exact services as PP minus abortions?


Possibly. However, as I stated, it hasn't worked well yet in Texas. I don't think it's as simple as some think.

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Possibly. However, as I stated, it hasn't worked well yet in Texas. I don't think it's as simple as some think.


The current bill that was voted on just reallocates the $530 million from PP to community health centers.


There are more community centers than Planned Parenthood.


Did Texas reallocate funds or just get rid of it?

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Marvel, are you opposed to the state or federal govt investigating these allegations and making a determination like Indiana did?


They should investigate. Has the federal government stated that they will? No.

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As to the above there are two problems.


1. The doctor is speaking theoretically.

2. The video shown cuts off the part where she says that she would have to defer to the doctor on what's allowed.


The above was said RIGHT AFTER she said the part you're talking about but the video cut that out and went right to "you have my email" as if that was never said.


Why leave out that she will defer to the doctor?


Yes, Planned Parenthood Is Breaking the Law | Mediaite

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