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Texas softball catcher takes 2 runners out at the plate

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So its ok for Lebron to give these type of elbows in the NBA finals but someone else do it and kick this girl off the team and pull her scholarship, come on.


If she is eligible for academic scholarships, I'm all for her keeping those. But not athletic.


What if one of the players she hit got injured to the point of not being able to play again. You still have the same "come on" opinion?

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It was a cheap shot, she should be punished. If she's a junior she needs to sit some games next year. That said she is 16 or 17 years old and screwed up. Anyone innocent on that? Wanting her offer to Sam Houston taken away is too far.


I agree with this.


It should also be a learning tool. In this day and age EVERYTHING can make it to the internet where it will never go away.

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While this is pretty obvious and intentional, it does not warrant scholarship removal. She's young and she made a mistake, so she needs to learn and grow from this. I suspect after all the media hype, she will be disciplined, so we learn and move on.


I don't think we have to go terminal on every poor judgement every student / athlete makes. This kind of thing happens all the time, it gets managed, kids learn and we move on...


My only question is why does she still have her mask on ? That should have been discarded immediately, so not sure why she's still geared up ?! (These are the things I see sometimes...)

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Suspension is certainly in order. Not so sure pulling her scholly is necessary, especially not knowing her history. Although if her scholly did get pulled, I wouldn't have an issue...that's up to the school though. What she did was bad, but not the worst thing I've ever seen on the field. And kudos to the other team for not retaliating, which could have resulted in a more serious situation where someone could have been hurt more severely, and absolutely would have solved nothing.

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While this is pretty obvious and intentional, it does not warrant scholarship removal. She's young and she made a mistake, so she needs to learn and grow from this. I suspect after all the media hype, she will be disciplined, so we learn and move on.


I don't think we have to go terminal on every poor judgement every student / athlete makes. This kind of thing happens all the time, it gets managed, kids learn and we move on...


My only question is why does she still have her mask on ? That should have been discarded immediately, so not sure why she's still geared up ?! (These are the things I see sometimes...)


Maybe she's protecting herself from retaliation? SARCASM ALERT


That said with the new fangled catchers masks and helmets don't most keep them on unless trying to field a pop up? I'm pretty sure that's what our baseball guys do.

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Maybe she's protecting herself from retaliation? SARCASM ALERT


That said with the new fangled catchers masks and helmets don't most keep them on unless trying to field a pop up? I'm pretty sure that's what our baseball guys do.


Did not see 1 catcher keep a mask on this year on a live play...

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My only question is why dkoes she still have her mask on ? That should have been discarded immediately, so not sure why she's still geared up ?! (These are the things I see sometimes...)


After taking a pair of cleats to the face during a play at the plate (I had my head down trying to pick up a ball in the dirt), I always left my mask on on, and have taught catchers I've coached to do the same whenever there is a possible play at the plate. No sense taking it off because you never know when you may need it. The only time the mask comes off is when catching a foul pop, because you are looking up in the air. Otherwise, if you think about it, there is no real good reason to remove it.

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Did not see 1 catcher keep a mask on this year on a live play...


You could well be right, I honestly don't pay a lot of attention to it. On a complete tangent I once saw a catcher get absolutely blasted in the face with a thrown ball when a 1st baseman tried to throw out a runner coming from third and the catcher didn't see the throw coming. It was a mess.

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If she is eligible for academic scholarships, I'm all for her keeping those. But not athletic.


What if one of the players she hit got injured to the point of not being able to play again. You still have the same "come on" opinion?


Yeah pretty much, was it called by the umpire in the game? NO it wasnt. IMO she got away with it (whether right or wrong) To penalize her now for something that wasnt called during the game is wrong IMO. Furthermore all she did was knock the runner off balance, ive seen far worse things done in a baseball game.

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Yeah pretty much, was it called by the umpire in the game? NO it wasnt. IMO she got away with it (whether right or wrong) To penalize her now for something that wasnt called during the game is wrong IMO. Furthermore all she did was knock the runner off balance, ive seen far worse things done in a baseball game.


So just because the umpire was a cotton headed ninny muggins, we are okay with letting it go?


And the runners she "just knocked off balance" were going full speed. Very dangerous situations.

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Yeah pretty much, was it called by the umpire in the game? NO it wasnt. IMO she got away with it (whether right or wrong) To penalize her now for something that wasnt called during the game is wrong IMO. Furthermore all she did was knock the runner off balance, ive seen far worse things done in a baseball game.


So basketball game, away from the play I purposely knee another player in the junk. Dude goes down, play is stopped, but the refs missed it so nothing is done. You don't think I should be disciplined by my coaches after the fact when it's brought to their attention (with video evidence)?

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So just because the umpire was a cotton headed ninny muggins, we are okay with letting it go?


And the runners she "just knocked off balance" were going full speed. Very dangerous situations.


Either let it go, or suspend all the violations of the rules that took place on the film.


1. Third base coach was clearly out of the coaching box/area (half way down the line to home) - suspend them

2. On deck batter was withing 10 feet of the plate during the play - suspend them

3. The second girl that got knocked down, that then got in the face of the catcher - thats taunting by NFHS rules, - suspend her too.

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