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Do You Ever Question Your Faith?

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Even from a young age I never really bought in to the concept of organized religion for the simple fact that if there really was a God, why did he let so many buy into different versions of himself that throughout time has done nothing but create war and strife over who is "right". Instead it came off as a way each culture instilled a belief system in their young that along the way went horribly wrong far too often when those kids became adults and were faced with what many times resulted in war over who was "right". That common theme has all too often played out to be ignored. Wouldn't God set the record straight at some point and declare a winner?


It just never made sense to me even as a kid raised in a Catholic family by a tight knit group of great people. I just never grasped the concept that where you were raised was the determining factor in "eternal salvation". If you were raised in a very religious family that didn't have Jesus as their savior in the book of life, too bad. Hope you figure it out in time, or Hell is the end game. If you were raised to believe Jesus was the savior, and that turns out to be wrong, what now? It all just sounds crazy to me in the grand scheme of things.


Perhaps I just never "grew out of it" like so many do. Probably a first class ticket to the deep south when my card is punched. Maybe then I'll get some answers... :lol2:

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Even from a young age I never really bought in to the concept of organized religion for the simple fact that if there really was a God, why did he let so many buy into different versions of himself that throughout time has done nothing but create war and strife over who is "right". Instead it came off as a way each culture instilled a belief system in their young that along the way went horribly wrong far too often when those kids became adults and were faced with what many times resulted in war over who was "right". That common theme has all too often played out to be ignored. Wouldn't God set the record straight at some point and declare a winner?


It just never made sense to me even as a kid raised in a Catholic family by a tight knit group of great people. I just never grasped the concept that where you were raised was the determining factor in "eternal salvation". If you were raised in a very religious family that didn't have Jesus as their savior in the book of life, too bad. Hope you figure it out in time, or Hell is the end game. If you were raised to believe Jesus was the savior, and that turns out to be wrong, what now? It all just sounds crazy to me in the grand scheme of things.


Perhaps I just never "grew out of it" like so many do. Probably a first class ticket to the deep south when my card is punched. Maybe then I'll get some answers... :lol2:


You and I have similar views on this subject. I started having questions at a young age while sitting in our local Baptist church listening to sermons. The thoughts and questions became more pronounced while I attended college, and even more so after I graduated.


Culture, geography, and indoctrination at a young age about a particular belief system all play a huge role in an individual's religion. There's thousands of religions all around the world and all claim to be the "true" word and the only route to a wonderful hearafter, or terrible one. But all religions can't be right. Maybe all of them are wrong. Maybe the true "word" hasnt even been revealed at this time. Maybe there's no "word" to be revealed. Maybe we're only here by random chance. Maybe all religions are man-made constructions. We'll probably never know the answers to these questions but we have to keep asking and searching. I don't want to restrict myself to blind faith to answer these questions, though.

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I have questioned it before, but fortunately going to one of the best Catholic high schools (IMO) and having a father who has a master's in Theology, most of my questions have been positively and promptly answered. Also, now that I'm older I've taken it upon myself to try to read more, and I've squashed pretty much all notions of "doubt" through that.


Being in college though has definitely been the most difficult test for my faith and staying true to morals. But with the Eucharist and prayer, you cannot lose.

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I have questioned it before, but fortunately going to one of the best Catholic high schools (IMO) and having a father who has a master's in Theology, most of my questions have been positively and promptly answered. Also, now that I'm older I've taken it upon myself to try to read more, and I've squashed pretty much all notions of "doubt" through that.


Being in college though has definitely been the most difficult test for my faith and staying true to morals. But with the Eucharist and prayer, you cannot lose.


That's admirable. I know that college was the sternest test of my faith. And while I didn't find the Catholic faith totally right for me, I can't really argue with yours.

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