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Is Tebow Showing His True Feelings ?


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No. He's going to speak at his church. He writes him a big check and you've got something. Because he speaks at his church doesn't mean his views are the same. You can make that stretch, like you are inclined to do, and that no more makes it true than you typing it. You have no clue what he thinks about this guys views, haven't heard him speak there yet, have no idea what he'll say, and can't provide one stitch of evidence of proof to support it, which is what you consistently clamor for.


I bet the checks he writes to his daddy dwarf yours and my yearly salary.


I don't know enough of his beliefs to be wary although it wouldn't surprise me as many strong religious people do feel it's their way or the highway. I've never heard him quoted as being negative towards other religions though. The fact that he dated the girl for a while tells me he doesn't hold some of the views that others apparently do concerning the Catholic faith.


His going to the Phillipines and trying to convert a country that is 90 percent Catholic doesn't speak volumes to you?


I have a hard time believing that a holy God would send his only begotten son into this world as the penultimate sacrifice for the sins of the world, then tell us through his son that no one enters Heaven but by him, that he was kidding. Do I think that if there is a chance that someone hasn't been exposed to the gospel that they can make it? I have no idea. I hope so. Is that not the point of the great commission?


I guess the real question is for whom did God send his Son? And did he send him to oversee a ridiculously frayed Christian sect that can't agree on anything? Is God that cynical and mean-spirited?


Seriously, is there anyone that really believes Tebow would turn down any opportunity to share his message of Christ's love, regardless of the audience? I would venture his whole goal is to spread his message to as many people as possible, regardless of their beliefs.


Does anyone seriously think he'd turn down a speaking engagement for a Catholic church/group if asked to share his story/message?


Hell yes. Again, he went to the Phillipines to convert Catholics. I think it's great how diehard Tebow supporters love to gloss over this.


That's my thoughts, particularly since it was reported she and her family had strong faith. My take on Tebow is he would go out with someone strong in their faith. The fact that she was Catholic leads me to think he doesn't have the low opinion of Catholics that his father reportedly does. My father had very strong but very wrong biases. Out of love and respect I did not call him out in public but we certainly shared plenty of arguments in private. This could be a similar situation.


Or, he may be as fake as some of us have believed all along.


There are certainly people who do good deeds & carry out acts of service for reasons that aren't religiously based.


At the same time, the kind of works asked of Christians are the type that point people to Jesus. He asked that we give a cup of cold water in his name. We're told to let our light shine before men that they may see our good deeds & praise the Father in heaven (Mt. 5:16).


Good works don't save the believer, but good works done in Christ's name do identify the believer.


What about bad works done in his name? Do they also identify the believer? Or, at least, expose them?


What if Christ works through those who don't necessarily realize it? Are they screwed even if they don't realize it? That would certainly make Christ a manipulator/user.




I love this thread, and have been waiting for it for some time. For those of you dying to attack my sentiments about The Savior, you should first deal with my other comments.


Where is PP92? I'm really disappointed.

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Tim Tebow says that "due to new information" he will not be speaking at the church. I guess someone finally used the Google machine.


Or Tim bowed out due to pressure. I would think pressure wouldn't prevent someone whose heart is filled with the desire to spread the word.


This doesn't look good for Tim. Seems like he's more worried about public perception than spreading the word.

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What about bad works done in his name? Do they also identify the believer? Or, at least, expose them?


What if Christ works through those who don't necessarily realize it? Are they screwed even if they don't realize it? That would certainly make Christ a manipulator/user.


Most definitely bad works reveal the "believer" to be a fraud (exposed is a good word choice). Jesus said as much: "By their fruit you will recognize them." I'm thinking here of those who use the gospel for personal gain or notoriety or for anything other than something Christ-centered.


I'm not sure what you're getting at with the Christ working through those who don't realize it.

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Tim Tebow says that "due to new information" he will not be speaking at the church. I guess someone finally used the Google machine.


Or Tim bowed out due to pressure. I would think pressure wouldn't prevent someone whose heart is filled with the desire to spread the word.


This doesn't look good for Tim. Seems like he's more worried about public perception than spreading the word.


Not sure about the bolded sentence. I certainly leave open the possibility that he bowed out because of the negative publicity this generated. At the same time, he's not a member of this church, so it's also certainly possible that he was not aware of some of the statements made by the preacher.

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Not sure about the bolded sentence. I certainly leave open the possibility that he bowed out because of the negative publicity this generated. At the same time, he's not a member of this church, so it's also certainly possible that he was not aware of some of the statements made by the preacher.


RP, yes, it's "possible."


However, this guy is well-known for any that follow politics and religion. However, even if he's not familiar then someone failed to do their homework.


IMO he caved to pressure.

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Jim Schue wrote: "His going to the Phillipines and trying to convert a country that is 90 percent Catholic doesn't speak volumes to you?"


Apparently no more than his dating a girl with strong Catholic faith speaks volumes to you. His faith calls for trying to convert other faiths. I have no problem with that as I've met many people like that over the years. I just remove myself from their presence but I don't dog them for doing what their faith says they should.


I said before he could be a fake but I'm doubting it as too many people who've known him over the years say he is genuine, some even who are no friends of his. Haven't seen too many who doubt him, even from those who are not supporters.

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Tim Tebow says that "due to new information" he will not be speaking at the church. I guess someone finally used the Google machine.


Or Tim bowed out due to pressure. I would think pressure wouldn't prevent someone whose heart is filled with the desire to spread the word.


This doesn't look good for Tim. Seems like he's more worried about public perception than spreading the word.


Spin, spin, spin....Guy just can't win with you Clyde.


First you criticize him for accepting the speaking engagement, now you're criticizing him for withdrawing from it. :lol:

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Spin, spin, spin....Guy just can't win with you Clyde.


First you criticize him for accepting the speaking engagement, now you're criticizing him for withdrawing from it. :lol:


Pay attention. I'm not criticizing him for stepping away. I'm freely speculating that he can't look good either way. IMO he caved which goes against his public image of wanting to spread the word. If he truly believes his words and believes that he can help the world then public pressure should not be a factor.

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Tim Tebow says that "due to new information" he will not be speaking at the church. I guess someone finally used the Google machine.


Or Tim bowed out due to pressure. I would think pressure wouldn't prevent someone whose heart is filled with the desire to spread the word.


This doesn't look good for Tim. Seems like he's more worried about public perception than spreading the word.


Or maybe he thought that his message of love he planned to present is being overshadowed by some people believing he supports the message of that particular church and decided that was a message he didn't want to send.

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That's what I thought.


I've been a Christian for 21 years. I listen to some preachers on the radio frequently & I had never heard of him until this thread. Nor had I ever heard of the church. The church is in Texas, which is Joel Osteen (most well-known preacher) & Max Lucado (most well-known author) territory.

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That's what I thought.


I've been a Christian for 21 years. I listen to some preachers on the radio frequently & I had never heard of him until this thread. Nor had I ever heard of the church. The church is in Texas, which is Joel Osteen (most well-known preacher) & Max Lucado (most well-known author) territory.


Gotcha. I'm familiar with him more through the political angle as he is linked to Gov Perry and there have been articles about him in Rolling Stone.

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Or maybe he thought that his message of love he planned to present is being overshadowed by some people believing he supports the message of that particular church and decided that was a message he didn't want to send.


But if you believe do you succumb to public pressure?

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Gotcha. I'm familiar with him more through the political angle as he is linked to Gov Perry and there have been articles about him in Rolling Stone.




Did he endorse Perry or something?


Were the Rolling Stone articles Perry-centered or were they more exposing some of the things Jeffress has stated from the pulpit?

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