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A Little Quirk I Have


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..I know, some may think it's crazy, but on the interstate I drive in the right lane. UNLESS, I have to pass someone. Loony, I know. But I don't get over in the passing lane unless I have to pass someone. Crazy concept. I'm not talking about smaller 4 lane roads like Dixie Hwy in the Ville or Route 60 in many parts of our state where you can get off in either direction. I'm talking about interstate. I-64,65,75. I must be in the minority because some of you out there can't help yourselves but to be comforted by the sweet attraction of the median immediately on your left, otherwise you can't operate your vehicle. I have a few questions for you? Who the hell taught you to drive? When someone told you or perhaps you read in a manual that it was the passing lane, did a friggin' light not come on? And maybe they don't teach it that way in OHIO. OH, and those little orb shaped thingies on the outside of both of your doors that you have to tuck in at the carwash,,,,those are called mirrors. Ironically, if you look into them, instead of your phone, whilst driving, you can see someone behind you. Maybe I'm old school, like my dad, and his dad before him. If you didn't use your mirrors when backing up, pulling out or changing lanes, you got whacked in the back of the head when learning how to correctly operate a motor vehicle.


Here's something for my BGP family: If there is ever a headline that reads SPINDOC SENTENCED TO 10 YEARS you won't have to read the remainder of the article because you'll know I shot the tires out of the buckeye in the passing lane and caused a horrific crash.

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I hear you brother. As you are heading from I 471 into Ft Thomas on Memorial Parkway, the left lane is forced to turn off up a hill into Bellevue, with right lane continuing on into Ft. Thomas. Always seems to be some jack wagon that doesn't want to get in line in the right lane, but tries to pass everyone in the left lane, cutting into the right lane at the last second and nearly causing either a sideswipe or a head on collision with cars coming the other way. As if they are so important and their time so much more valuable than mine that they can't get into the right lane behind the other cars.


Just rude and inconsiderate. No justification for it other than an emergency. And people wonder why Road Rage incidents increase. It's a result of people thinking they are more important than other people lawfully using the roads.


Here's what the unmerging bozos don't realize.


If I'm alone in the car, they're playing chicken with the wrong guy. I've led a full life and I have good insurance...

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