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Ryle 5 Walton Verona 4

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Both teams battled and Ryle came out on top. Walton lost this game in the 2nd inning when they gave up 5 runs. They made some mental mistakes and Thacker didn't seem to have her "A" game on the mound. Walton got rattled but they did regroup but just couldn't pull it out. Both teams should do well in their respective regions. Good luck.

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Walton has been spinning since they lost in All "A"


Can't believe you said that. They have an 8-2 record since the All A. I wouldn't consider that as "spinning". I'm sure they were deflated after getting knocked out of the All A but they have continued to win. They will play anybody anytime. Example, on Saturday, they play South Oldham and then travel to #2 Ballard later that afternoon. Ballard was a game they added because they want to play the best. Walton is 22-7, that's not spinning.

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Tough loss for Walton but they have no time to be down. Sacred Heart Thursday followed by South Oldham and Ballard on Saturday. They need to eliminate the mental lapses that they seem to go through. Ryle did what they had to to win. Congrats to them.

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Nice win for Ryle, both teams are raising the bar for NKY.


I love that Walton and Ryle are playing challenging schedules. I also like that they play as many games as they can get in. My daughter has played for 5 years now and I bet Walton has played an average of 10 to 20 games more a year. Some of that is do to success in All A and doing better in post season but I think your girls get better playing so many more games.


Best of luck to both teams.

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Nice win for Ryle, both teams are raising the bar for NKY.


I love that Walton and Ryle are playing challenging schedules. I also like that they play as many games as they can get in. My daughter has played for 5 years now and I bet Walton has played an average of 10 to 20 games more a year. Some of that is do to success in All A and doing better in post season but I think your girls get better playing so many more games.Best of luck to both teams.


I AGREE 1000000000000000000000000%. If it were up to me, how ever many we are allowed to play per season that's how many we are going to play.

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I have heard she will be walking on at Morehead St. Can The Sarge verify this ?

I believe you are right sir. She it two run homerun yesterday in her first at bat then was pitched around the rest of the game. She has been pitched around fairly consistently but still has good numbers at bat.

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Didn't the Smith girl pitch varsity last year? I was told she has been pitching some JV this season.


Yes she did, there has been a "little" DRAMA taking place in Union and Patty had to make some moves so Smith has had to play other positions.

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