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Game of Thrones: Season 2


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Not sure I like what they are doing with Margery Tyrell.


Yeah I agree. I dont know what they are doing with her, other than making more of a drama between them. The whole lines of should I bring in Loras had me rolling though.



Spoiler Below, Highlight to read

I also dont understand why they made Margery have kinda an importance to the show when by the next two episodes Renly will more than likely be dead.

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I freaking love Tyrion Lannister. I haven't read the books so I don't know what becomes of him, but right now he is my favorite character. Also a huge fan of Snow and Arya.


Tyrion and Dany have the best chapters throughout the entire book series so far. Were you able to follow along the whole sending Myrcella off portion with Tyrion? I loved that part in the books.


-What did you guys think of Brienne? They might have casted someone to good for that part with that pick :lol:


- It might be me, I know in the books we dont get much of Robb/Dany but it seems like there has been nothing from in the first 3 episodes.


-Theon "Turncloak" is coming in his own now. I liked the couple tidbits they did with him in the show that wasn't in the books but should have been. Like the whole conversation with him and Robb, and then him thinking about warning Robb what was going to happen and deciding against it.


- One of my favorite sections in all of the books was said from Varys, “In a room sit three great men, a king, a priest, and a rich man with his gold. Between them stands a sellsword, a little man of common birth and no great mind. Each of the great ones bids him slay the other two. ‘Do it’ says the king, ‘for I am your lawful ruler.’ ‘Do it’ says the priest, ‘for I command you in the names of the gods.’ ‘Do it’ says the rich man, ‘and all this gold shall be yours.’ So tell me—who lives and who dies?”

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Just watched episode 3. The action is starting.


I'm kind of confused about what they're doing with Margery as well. Knowing what's in store for her in the later books I'm kind of scratching my head about that bit of casting.


This season has been different then the first for me as I have now read the books. I read the first book as last season played out. Knowing what's coming kind of gives a feeling of anticipation/trepidation. First anticipation about seeing how they present very dramatic events then trepidation about seeing bad things that are going to happen.

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So :lol: those of you who haven't read the books what do you think just happened?


I wish there was a smiley face capable of capturing my expression at the end of the show. I don't even know if what I saw really happened because it was so absurd. I don't have a clue what that thing was. The season has officially gotten under way though.

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I have read the books but I can't remember the torture method being used at Harrenhal being described. Just the thought of it made my skin crawl.


That never happened in the books. That part and the whole cutting the injured soldiers foot off was rough.

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I had to change the channel for the foot scene. Also did Joffrey savage a prostitute in the books as he did in this episode? I remember him having Sansa stripped and beaten but I don't remember Tyrion trying to assuage his sadistic tenancies that way.

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I had to change the channel for the foot scene. Also did Joffrey savage a prostitute in the books as he did in this episode? I remember him having Sansa stripped and beaten but I don't remember Tyrion trying to assuage his sadistic tenancies that way.


Nope, there are a good amount of scenes they have added. Like the one with Joffrey. I think it helped show what kind of person he really is. I just wanna hurt him all the same :lol:

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