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Everything posted by ggclfan

  1. The rush yards and pass yards allowed by South Warren added together equals 902, not 1,157...pretty big difference.
  2. I think the umpires 20 years ago were much worse than now. First, I think technology has made the umpires much better calling balls and strikes. They know EVERYONE watching can see on TV whether the ball was really a strike or not so it forces them to really be on their game and they get real feedback on what is a ball and what is a strike. They are certainly not perfect...but I remember back in the day Greg Maddux literally having pitches called strikes that were 6-8 inches off the plate. That almost never happens now. Replay of plays in the field really helps relations between players/managers and umpires. Rather than argue, you can just go to replay. Joe West and Tom Hallion are certainly old school guys that seem to think they are the show. I think most of the newer generation of umpires actually have better demeanors than some of the older guys. The umpire's union used to be very strong...not so much now IMO.
  3. One thing that may come out of this is that they will allow coaching from the stands going forward. They almost have to let them coach or not let the coach in the stands during a match. From what all the tennis experts were saying after the match, all the coaches are coaching anyway so just make it legal so the chair umpires don't have to be mind readers and guess what is coaching and what is not.
  4. I agree with all of this. Serena just needed to let it go at some point. She kept going at the umpire to the point of almost leaving him no choice to give her the game penalty. An important point that the announcers did not emphasize enough IMO is that the game penalty came on a game that Osaka was serving. She would have most likely won that game anyway. Now if the game penalty would have come on a game that Serena was serving, that would have been a huge penalty. The bottom line is that Naomi Osaka was the better player all night and deserved to win. I hate that all the controversy ruined the best day of her life. I do think Serena was classy after the match as she tried to get the crowd to stop booing and cheer on Naomi.
  5. I think Bell holding out in a way might help the Steelers. The players are obviously not happy with Bell and will go all out to show Bell they can win without him. Any chance that the Steelers would overlook the Browns this week are now gone. They will be a focused football team IMO.
  6. I work across the street from Fountain Square in the Huntington Bank Building. Crazy day to say the least yesterday. On our floor (14th), we could actually hear the gun shots and then we could see the cops and SWAT teams going around Fountain Square for a while and it was eery. Our building was on lockdown for a few hours...that is just a strange feeling knowing you cannot leave your building...first time I have been in a building on lock down like that. One interesting story...a lady in a department near me told me that she went to Graeters on Fountain Square to get coffee (right near where this all went down). She had literally just gotten back to her desk and sat down when the bullets started flying. If she had gone to Graeters 5 minutes later, she would have been in the line of fire. She was holding her Graeters coffee cup while telling me the story...crazy. We are lucky that this was not much worse knowing how much ammunition this loser had. It is amazing CPD took him out that quickly. Great job!
  7. One more thing about Tiger. I am not sure a lot of people know how UNBELIEVEABLE this past year has been for Tiger. He literally could barely walk at the Presidents Cup a year ago. To go from where he was to where he is now (from ranked 600+ in the world to 20 something) in one year is just mind blowing. I think he is even shocked by it. He will never be the old Tiger because guys in their 40's don't putt like they did in their 20's and early 30's. They just don't. I always thought Tiger was the best 5-15 foot putter in history in his prime. He is not great at that distance any longer and I don't know if he ever will be again.
  8. This Ryder Cup is going to be REALLY good. It was going to be great before Tiger was picked but he makes it must watch TV. Every player ranked in the top 10 in the world is in it. I think Tiger and DeChambeau will be paired together in four ball (better ball) as they have forged a really nice relationship. I doubt Tiger plays 36 both of the first two days and may not either day to keep him fresh (this team is so deep, he does not need to play all five sessions like he has had to in some past Ryder Cups). This may be the best US team ever (certainly one of the best) but the Euros have an incredible team too and are at home. The US has not won in Europe in at least 25 years...cannot watch to see this one...
  9. This! Dalton is an average starting QB in the NFL (probably in the 13-20 range in rankings). Not great but not terrible. AJ McCarron is no better than a quality back up. The word from Buffalo in camp before the pre-season games started was that he was the 3rd best QB on THAT roster. I really like AJ...seems like a good dude and you have to give him props for getting HIS wife to say yes:). But there is a reason why teams are not giving him the starting job.
  10. I think he did to. I was just saying they were questionable, not wrong. They are the kind of decisions that coaches have to make and are then crushed if they don't work. I imagine Chip Kelly is being roasted in LA today for going for it when he did.
  11. One of the best lines ever was by Williams in the 1970's, long after he retired. He was asked how he would do against the pitchers of that era. He said he would probably hit about .300. The guy who asked the question was very surprised and asked why he wouldn't do better. Williams said "well I am in my 60's now"... I have always loved Ted Williams. He was one of the greatest hitters ever and he knew it.
  12. Some VERY questionable moves by the coaches late...Kelly going for it from his own 36 on 4th down with over six minutes left (did not work at all) and Fickell going for it twice in the last two minutes when a chip shot field goal puts them up 5 (did work perfectly). Kelly will not sleep well tonight after his decision blew up on him...
  13. Totally agree Deuce. What he did cannot be called self defense...no way. It is closer to 2nd degree murder IMO than self defense. Manslaughter is probably easier to get a conviction than murder though...
  14. Golf is so much better with Tiger back. The Ryder Cup should be as good as any before as both teams are just loaded. Tiger's putt on 1 HAD to go in but somehow leaked a little left at the hole when it had to go right. His putt on 11 somehow stopped less than a millimeter from going in. Those two putts on Sunday and the fact that he could not make a putt on the back nine Saturday (including a horrendous three putt on seventeen) is what cost him. I was shocked that he did not hit 3 wood at all on Sunday...either hit driver or iron off the tee. I guess the holes were either so long that he felt he needed to hit driver or short enough that iron was enough. I just remember him hitting 3 wood a lot and usually pretty straight. It is literally a miracle that he is where he is now compared to a year ago...I just hope the back continues to hold up...next year's majors should be awesome. Three of the four are on courses that Tiger loves (Augusta, Bethpage Park, and Pebble Beach)...
  15. Thank God I have never experienced anything like drug addiction so what do I know...but it seems to me that the best place for him to be is on the field and in the locker room with the guys to keep him busy and his mind off of things. Also, if I was Cleveland, I would probably pay someone to basically live with him 24/7 to keep an eye on him. I hope he can overcome this but the odds are against him and I just don't think this is a good sign at all...I hope I am wrong.
  16. This seems pretty simple to me...shooting an unarmed guy who is backing away from you is not standing your ground. Maybe you could claim emotional distress for being knocked down but this is at a minimum manslaughter and more likely murder IMO...
  17. I have been saying the same thing for a while...absolutely ridiculous that they constantly let that go...
  18. I don't think any manager in MLB could win with the hot mess that is the Reds right now, but when he sat Votto in early April to give him rest, that did it for me. There is just no possible reason IMO for resting Votto, especially against a pitcher he owns and this early in the season...just mind boggling...
  19. I am just shocked that once the money stopped rolling in that their relationship blew up...they are both such solid people...:lol2:
  20. This lowering the head rule could lead to MAJOR PROBLEMS. Every QB sneak I have seen, the QB lowers his head. Is that illegal now? If a RB sees a hit coming, his natural reaction is to lower his head (basically duck). Is that illegal now? If a D lineman is coming off a block and is lunging forward and lowers his head as he hits the QB in the thigh, is that a penalty? NFL refs have to HATE this. They have SO MUCH now they have to keep track of on every play. They are in no win situation now.
  21. I really like Mack and believe he is a very good hire by U of L. It is interesting the difference a year makes. On 3/1/17, X lost its 6th game in a row and was then 18-12. I doubt many U of L fans would be excited about hiring Mack AT THAT POINT. I doubt that many X fans would be all that upset if he left AT THAT POINT. However, after an Elite 8 run last year and a very strong year this year, he is universally like by everyone on 3/28/18. This is why coaches have to "strike when the iron's hot". With the expectations at X now, if he finished 5th in the Big East and was 18-14 next year, people would start turning on him pretty quickly.
  22. The better question is whether UCONN could beat CovCath's JV team...and I am not trying to be funny. I love watching UCONN's women too. I LOVE the way they play. What makes Geno so good IMO is that his teams ALWAYS play totally unselfishly. They pass the ball extremely well and play for each other. They really do run a clinic offensively. That being said, let's be real here...
  23. Is this going to be one of those "kids against the second or third wife" deals?? Or is it just the kids not getting along??
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