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Everything posted by ggclfan

  1. Hurley has my vote!!! That is awesome... I loved when he accused Jordan of stealing valuables from England...lol
  2. We were both wrong! Based on what St. Johns did to Nova, maybe it was a good loss...lol
  3. I find it interesting that often Duke does not have depth. How can a Coach K team consistently not have more depth?
  4. Cat was rooting for a scoreless tie in this one...lol
  5. Both T's were flat out ridiculous. I love the line on the first one..."he roughed the ball"...classic
  6. Yep...Butler is private but not Catholic...I learned that when my daughter went there. I thought it was Catholic before she went there.
  7. Nice article... I love the Big East conference right now. It is the best put together conference in the country IMO. All the schools are inner city, private institutions and basketball is king. Either no football team or non-scholarship football at each school. The quality of play is very strong (maybe too strong) and the schools just "fit" together... The thing I find most ironic is that the Chicago and New York schools (DePaul and St. John's) are the worst two programs now...with all the good players in Chicago and New York, that just seems strange to me...maybe the good players in those cities want to get OUT of those cities...
  8. Yes...Nova in the last two years is 50 something and 2 against every team not named Butler and 0-3 against Butler...crazy stat. Butler goes to Nova Saturday...may get ugly as Nova has to be pretty sick of losing to Butler.
  9. Wow, my guess is that Kraft promised he would get the head coaching job when Belichick leaves...but really, do you really want to follow Belichick? Especially with Brady gone or on his way out?? That is the definition of a no win situation. I cannot even imagine how ticked off the Colts are. They could have had another coach 3 or 4 weeks ago...if Kraft did this to stick it to the Colts, I LOVE it.
  10. X ranked 5 and UC ranked 6...pretty impressive for Cincinnati...March may be a lot of fun the the Queen City...
  11. I was rooting for Butler but nothing but respect for X...so many ways to beat you...definitely enough there to make the Final Four IMO
  12. I don't care how "up" St. John's gets for Duke. That is a really bad loss for Duke. Duke still might win the whole thing but that is a horrible loss...I mean St. John's could go 1-17 or 0-18 this year in the Big East. They are that bad...and every team gets up for Duke. Time to move on though...
  13. The season UK is having shows both the beauty and the absurdity of the NCAA Tournament. UK has underachieved most of the year and will most likely limp into the Big Dance as a 6-10 seed. However, if they make a decent run in the Tournament (Elite 8 or Final 4), all will be forgiven and Cal will be considered a great coach again...it is a shame that so much is based on a team's performance in the Tournament...but is also why the Tournament is so fun to watch...
  14. I am not a fan of either UK or Duke so it was a good day for me...lol. I think the Duke loss is as surprising as any Duke loss in at least 5 years (maybe 10). I mean St. Johns is 0-11 in the Big East!!! You can sugar coat it and say that they get up for Duke but you don't think they get up for their conference games? Really? How many other teams are there in the country that are "o-fer" in their conference games this year?? I also find it funny that fans of both teams are calling it a good day because the other team lost...so UK fans would rather see Duke lose than UK win and vice versa...I find that interesting...
  15. I used to be a fan of Knight but not any longer. He just turned into a bitter old man...in some ways I feel sorry for him and in others, I do not. Like many of us, he had some great traits and he some not so great. As he got older and more bitter, rather than becoming more willing to forgive and let things go, he went the other direction and it is pretty sad to watch. No excuse for putting your hands on a player in anger...
  16. The Seinfeld episode (Marine Biologist) is one of my all time favorites. Many great scenes but the episode in its entirety is a true classic...
  17. This is the one I was going to go with but you beat me to it...
  18. The way the NFL is set up now, a QB is simply the most valuable player in the league almost every year. Look at the lines in Vegas. If Big Ben missed a game, the line would move more than if Bell or AB missed a game. As far as the Pats go, you can take anyone off that team and they still win (except Brady). They won the SB last year without Gronk. They came back against the Jags last week without Gronk and they have not had their best WR (Edelman) all year. What Brady did in the AFC Championship with guys like Amendola, Cooks and Hogan is crazy. Those three guys without Gronk would be considered in the bottom 25% of pass catching trios in the NFL but with Brady, they are in the SB...and it is not like Brady has Barry Sanders to hand the ball off too either...just a few serviceable RB's, nothing more.
  19. I keep hearing people say that once the playoffs start, the Cavs will be fine. I am not buying it. They are not just losing...they are getting rolled. Frankly, they are just not very good right now. I think Houston is probably the only team in the NBA that can possibly beat GS in a 7 game series...assuming both teams are healthy. I don't think the Cavs would win a game against either if they made it to the Finals. To answer the thread question, I agree with Deuce...more chance Cleveland does not make it.
  20. So have you and Hinckley ever been in the same room at the same time...just sayin:)...and didn't you have a thing for Jodie Foster back in the day???
  21. I think we are conflating a lot of issues into this thread not related to football. The thread question is about whether a parent wants his kid to play football. I already gave my view. Believe me, the fact that I would not want my kid to play football does not make me "soft" and I resent the implication. I may be a lot of things but soft is not one of them. As we learn more about head injuries, any parent should want to know more about whether the pros outweigh the cons of playing football. Reasonable people may look at the information and come to different answers but to dismiss people that are not excited about their kid playing football as soft is just lazy and ridiculous IMO. And I do think that as a society we have coddled our kids in the last 10-20 years. But that is a different thread topic.
  22. This is where I am at. I played football for a few years growing up but then settled in on hoops and baseball in HS and baseball in college. I have two daughters so there was never a football decision. If I had a son and he REALLY wanted to play football, I would let him. However, I would NEVER push him in any way to play and would actually tell him I am not a fan of him playing...but would let him play if he really wanted to. And I know you can hurt playing any sport. I have seen horrific injuries in baseball and basketball and soccer, etc. However, you are kidding yourself if you think the chances of significant head injuries is as much in those sports when compared to football. Football is a collision sport. The others are not. I respect the guys who play it but I would not be excited for my kid to play...just my opinion.
  23. You are right...it should have not been this close...Vandy should have won by much more. This was the biggest gift in college hoops this year that I have seen...
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