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Everything posted by ggclfan

  1. Again, you could say the same thing if Enterprise did not rent cars to black people or women or Muslims...just go to Budget since they do. You cannot discriminate for race, religion, sex or age...
  2. I imagine some 19 year old will walk into Dick's very soon, ask to purchase a gun, and then when told no, lawyer up and try to make some cash in a lawsuit...it's gonna happen soon IMO...
  3. This score does not do justice to the beat down that St. Joe's gave RI. I was channel surfing and saw the game early in the second half and it was 56-23! This game was the definition of "not showing up for your Senior Night" for RI. Maybe the most shocking score of the year in college hoops...
  4. Nothing better than two rich guys (I don't like either one that much) going back and forth after each other...
  5. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE golf and hope it does not get any more popular again. It is MUCH easier to get weekend morning tee times now than it was 10-20 years ago. It also helps keep prices down at quality public courses...just sayin
  6. Sounds like you got a lemon...can happen with any make and model. I know many who have had great experiences with Subaru (including my wife, parents, former boss and a few others). If I had the issues you have had though, I would not buy another one either. They are rated very well over all though.
  7. Back to the thread topic, I drove a Rav-4 for about 8 years and finally was just ready to drive something different. I gave it to my daughter with 160,000 miles and she still has it and likes it. It is a great vehicle. I like Hondas as well and have owned three in my life. Cannot really go wrong with either. I drive a Mazda CX-5 right now and absolutely love it.
  8. Why not? My wife has a Legacy and it is a great vehicle. I love that it is a 4 door sedan with all wheel drive. Nothing but good things to say about its look, performance, etc.
  9. What is awesome is how ticked off the goalie gets. You can tell he is thinking, "I cannot believe this guy got me again with this garbage"...lol
  10. This is a BIG deal...over 100 years of tradition gone just like that. I don't like only two holes. But the leaders start the final round so late now (3pm or after) I think they are afraid that there is not enough light to guarantee 3 or 4 holes of sunlight. I always liked that the US Open was different and had an 18 hole playoff. I get it though that it inconveniences a lot of people by making them come back on Monday to finish.
  11. The video does not lie. If you were in the front row and thought THAT was foul, thank God you are not a ref...not even close to a foul....
  12. Any organization or entity that generates billions of dollars is either totally corrupt or has elements of corruption...IOC, FIFA, NCAA, big businesses, governments, charities, churches, etc... I actually thought Sean Miller was one of the good ones too...
  13. Well said Mom. As I have said, I have no dog in this fight. I don't revel in the U of L's pain. I just listened to Pitino and liked what he said for the most part...and did not expect to when I started listening. I think we all agree he had to go however. I feel bad for U of L fans...the fans and the players on that team DO NOT deserve to see that NC vacated IMO.
  14. I am pretty ambivalent regarding U of L. I was shocked when they hired Petrino with all his baggage but that is another story. I truly don't care that much about them. I root for them when they play UK but have always rooted against them when they play UC. My question is does U of L get the death penalty when the Adidas stuff is finalized? If you do something to get a major penalty like this and while under investigation, you get busted doing something major again, is the death penalty in order? I am not saying they should or should not; I am just very curious as to how this all comes down...
  15. Could Lechler get in the HOF as a punter??? He has been the best or close to it forever. I think Ray Guy is the only punter in the HOF.
  16. I did not read the article but am a little confused here. Are we talking NCAA problems or FBI problems? I agree that the NCAA is not going to kill the golden goose but the FBI should not care...although the FBI has plenty of its own problems lately...
  17. I HATE it when coaches point to FT disparities in games. There is no reason why FT's shot in a game should be close. Often one team just fouls a lot more than the other. That being said, 35-2 is the most lopsided I have ever seen. Still, WV was up double digits with 5 min left...you have to close the deal in that situation. BTW, UK's favorite ref was doing the game...lol
  18. I keep hearing that if UK hit this shot or that shot, they would have won...what? Auburn had a MISERABLE shooting night. They were 22-60 from the floor and missed A LOT of open shots. What has to be scary for Cal is that Auburn shot 36.7% from the floor and still won by 10. Auburn by no means played a great game.
  19. No doubt. I have a customer that is a retail gun seller who absolutely HATED HRC but wanted HRC to win because business would be much better than if Trump won.
  20. I don't really have strong feelings either way regarding Kennedy. I frankly did not realize he was still there. My question is why do you announce this now? Why not wait until the season is over?
  21. Mash and the Big Bang Theory were the first two that come to mind... I agree with Schue on Greatest American Hero - cheesy but I liked it...
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