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Dexter Season 6


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Not real sure I'm liking the whole incest (well not really, but kinda) angle they seem to be going with Debra's character....


I'm pretty intrigued by Louis as well....Me thinks he's going to be the serial killer in season 7. Like he's bringing a "game" to life.


Well I wasn't going to say it for spoilers sake, but this is pretty much what I'm thinking. He said something while Dexter was getting on the elevator to the effect of "It's time for me to stop playing with games".

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Season was bad. Writers phoned it in. I'm glad they finally got there but this season was a waste. The incest element is very creepy and completely unnecessary for the "reveal"...


Is it incest if they aren't blood-related? :lol:


Agreed on it being weird, but I think it was a nice set up. Deb wanted to talk to Dexter about her "love" for him and knew he would be there alone. Although they could have had her catch him last season just as easy.


As for this season...I thought it started slow but ended up being pretty good. It definitely wasn't the best season, but I don't think it was the worst either. I think season 5 would be my least favorite. Seasons 1, 2 and 4 are the best IMO.


Excited about where they will go with this new "intern".

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Is it incest if they aren't blood-related? :lol:


Agreed on it being weird, but I think it was a nice set up. Deb wanted to talk to Dexter about her "love" for him and knew he would be there alone. Although they could have had her catch him last season just as easy.


As for this season...I thought it started slow but ended up being pretty good. It definitely wasn't the best season, but I don't think it was the worst either. I think season 5 would be my least favorite. Seasons 1, 2 and 4 are the best IMO.


Excited about where they will go with this new "intern".

You meant to type, "any", right?


I plan to have a post on why I think this season was awful and the writers hate us, or at least think we are dumb.

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Some of my main problems with this season.


Cody and Astor - Did Dexter check out on them? Honestly, they seem to have been written off the show completely. Makes it a lot harder for me to buy into all the "father" stuff when Dexter has two other kids he doesn't seem to care about anymore.


Quinn - They turned an interesting character into a caricature. Now he is the "screw up" cop who has a drinking/womanizing problem. While that could still be a good character, the let it be the "only" part of his character now. Though he was not developed past "girlfriend broke up with me so I'm going to booze and chase women." Also, as with the show's modus operandi with Dexter there are no real consequences for his actions.


New Intern - As of right now this seems like a throw-in teaser for next season. The problem is, I already don't care. The writers didn't really invest any time in devoloping the character other than to make him slightly creepy in what I believe is an attempt to create a typical TV/Film serial killer. Why is he obssessed with serial killers, what brought him to purchase the ice truck killer stuff, and what is his strange fascination with Dexter. There is still time for him to recover but so far all he did was take time away from the writers developing a believable story for the main serial killer this season. The final scene on top of the tower required quite a stretch for me. So Dexter was able to drag an unconcious man and his son down a 400+ foot tall building without raising any questions? I don't see how this was performed gracefully, especially when the time frame he had to do this without the rest seemed rather short


Deb - I see no reason why the writers had to go the creepy incest route that they did. Dexter and Deb have always had a very close relationship and her soon-to-be struggles with Dexter's Dark Passenger would be just as believable without the creep factor added. But honestly, I just don't see a brother and sister (disregarding blood relations this is still INSANELY creepy) falling for each other like this. It definitely was NOT needed for Deb to go seek out Dexter like she did for the final reveal. Deb goes and talks to Dexter all the time anyways. The better way to write Deb this season is kind of what they did, make the promotion and all the struggles that go with it be the focus of her character arc. Deb is a highly emotional character anyways so it would be just as believable.


Religion aspect - Besides using it to set up cool crime scenes the writers ditched this pretty quickly I thought. It only took an episode for Dexter to go away from any inner struggles he really had after Mos Def's character was murdered. I think there was a lot there to go on, but the writers botched it. Whoever the hell wrote the "Father, Son, and Serial Killer" line needs to be forever banned from professional writing. I almost threw up...


Travis Marshall - I'm probably just going to touch on some aspects from the last few episodes. First off, besides fitting neatly into the story line, why wouldn't Travis kill Dexter's nanny right off the bat? He just killed two old people because he needed a hide out. I see no reason he wouldn't have killed her and snatched Harrison right then and there, except for it would have made it more difficult for Dexter to have found out about. There were also multiple times when he seemed very careless -- especially with an entire city looking for him -- and didn't get caught. I have some more issues but they are closely related to Dexter.


Dexter - I won't keep harping on some of my problems I addressed earlier so I'll move on as much as possible. The first thing is, I don't see how they plan on addressing this incest issue but I for one don't see at all. The Code of Harry is all about Dexter fitting in. Well, having a romantic relationship with your sister definitely will not be "the norm". Some of my main problems with Dexter are how he gets so involved with these criminal suspects yet NOBODY in Miami Metro seems overly suspicous. I'll focus mainly on the last few episodes. At the crime scene with the two elderly people Matsuka was already there yet hadn't went in. Normally Dexter shows up and Matsuka or a detective has already been inspecting the scene. Surely someone walked through the house to secure the crimes scene yet nobody noticed a wall-size mural of Dexter?!?! The lake of fire thing was completely absurd and par for Dexter writers. So, he miraculously escapes an explosion that nobody sees or calls in, though later it's found out that a pilot saw it. I cannot believe that this was not called in by the pilot and at least investigated by the Coast Guard. How nobody of authority found Dexter is beyond belief. That is if you can believe he survived and floated around for what looked to be a half a day. Then when found washed ashore, his nanny hardly seemed to be that concerned. Now on to the final tower scene, so Dexter was able to drag an unconcious man and his son down a 400+ ft building without raising any flags? Especially with the short time frame it seemed he had to do it before all of Miami Metro ended up at the building. There was blood at the scene too, why was Dexter not called? Everything always seems to work out for Dexter even with obvious red flags and plot holes. As I said earlier, I feel the writers do not like us or believe we are intelligent.


The Reveal - I have wished for this for awhile, but how they got there cheapened it for me. I'm glad someone finally has found out, but it should have happened seasons ago. And let me just say it again, whoever wrote the line "Father, Son, and Serial Killer" should be fired immediately.


I have some more to add, but that touches on a lot of my problems with the season and show in general.

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This season was the start of the end IMO.


Quinn knows something about Dexter, now he's disgruntled and maybe the woman he wanted to marry is inlove with Dexter. Could provide motive for making him a serious character again.


Deb thing is weird.


The reveal thing creates alot of questions. Does Dexter eventually get caught by the police? If so, what happens to Deb? Who gets Harrison if they both go to jail?


Perhaps there is going to be one final kill that sets everything right for Dexter and he can become more normal? He started out as a sociopath, but he's not really. He has feelings for Harrison, Rita, Deb, his father. Are there other pieces to the puzzle in what created his Dark Passenger?

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You meant to type, "any", right?


I plan to have a post on why I think this season was awful and the writers hate us, or at least think we are dumb.


Season 1 was by far the best season of this show IMO. But no, I don't think they could have had Deb catch him during any season. I think it worked to build that up for a little while. I don't know that they needed to take it this long, but the sooner she catches him the less show you have left IMO. I think they have signed on for two more seasons. I think these will be the last two.

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Some of my main problems with this season.


Cody and Astor - Did Dexter check out on them? Honestly, they seem to have been written off the show completely. Makes it a lot harder for me to buy into all the "father" stuff when Dexter has two other kids he doesn't seem to care about anymore.


I don't need to see Cody and Astor anymore. Dexter wasn't there real father. He cared for them, but they were too much for him to handle. I just assume he checks in on them from time to time. I don't need to see it.


Quinn - They turned an interesting character into a caricature. Now he is the "screw up" cop who has a drinking/womanizing problem. While that could still be a good character, the let it be the "only" part of his character now. Though he was not developed past "girlfriend broke up with me so I'm going to booze and chase women." Also, as with the show's modus operandi with Dexter there are no real consequences for his actions.


Quinn is believable as a womanizer, but I agree with your views on him. He was much more interesting when he was interested in Dexter. It might come back around to that later on.



New Intern - As of right now this seems like a throw-in teaser for next season. The problem is, I already don't care. The writers didn't really invest any time in devoloping the character other than to make him slightly creepy in what I believe is an attempt to create a typical TV/Film serial killer. Why is he obssessed with serial killers, what brought him to purchase the ice truck killer stuff, and what is his strange fascination with Dexter. There is still time for him to recover but so far all he did was take time away from the writers developing a believable story for the main serial killer this season. The final scene on top of the tower required quite a stretch for me. So Dexter was able to drag an unconcious man and his son down a 400+ foot tall building without raising any questions? I don't see how this was performed gracefully, especially when the time frame he had to do this without the rest seemed rather short


I'm interested in the intern. I think he knows more about Dexter than anyone does at this point. As for the scene with Dexter moving Travis' body, this is a show about a blood spatter analyst for a homicide unit in the Miami Metro PD who moonlights as a serial killer. You have to suspend your beliefs a little. If he got caught we wouldn't have a show. :lol:



Deb - I see no reason why the writers had to go the creepy incest route that they did. Dexter and Deb have always had a very close relationship and her soon-to-be struggles with Dexter's Dark Passenger would be just as believable without the creep factor added. But honestly, I just don't see a brother and sister (disregarding blood relations this is still INSANELY creepy) falling for each other like this. It definitely was NOT needed for Deb to go seek out Dexter like she did for the final reveal. Deb goes and talks to Dexter all the time anyways. The better way to write Deb this season is kind of what they did, make the promotion and all the struggles that go with it be the focus of her character arc. Deb is a highly emotional character anyways so it would be just as believable.


I don't love the incest thing they're doing either. But it doesn't really destroy it for me. It's weird but Deb is easily influenced IMO and her psychiatrist threw it out there that she was in love with Dexter, and she believed it. I seriously doubt Dexter would ever go that route though.


Religion aspect - Besides using it to set up cool crime scenes the writers ditched this pretty quickly I thought. It only took an episode for Dexter to go away from any inner struggles he really had after Mos Def's character was murdered. I think there was a lot there to go on, but the writers botched it. Whoever the hell wrote the "Father, Son, and Serial Killer" line needs to be forever banned from professional writing. I almost threw up...


I didn't like the religion thing all that much. Dexter isn't religious. He's never going to be...


Travis Marshall - I'm probably just going to touch on some aspects from the last few episodes. First off, besides fitting neatly into the story line, why wouldn't Travis kill Dexter's nanny right off the bat? He just killed two old people because he needed a hide out. I see no reason he wouldn't have killed her and snatched Harrison right then and there, except for it would have made it more difficult for Dexter to have found out about. There were also multiple times when he seemed very careless -- especially with an entire city looking for him -- and didn't get caught. I have some more issues but they are closely related to Dexter.


Dexter - I won't keep harping on some of my problems I addressed earlier so I'll move on as much as possible. The first thing is, I don't see how they plan on addressing this incest issue but I for one don't see at all. The Code of Harry is all about Dexter fitting in. Well, having a romantic relationship with your sister definitely will not be "the norm". Some of my main problems with Dexter are how he gets so involved with these criminal suspects yet NOBODY in Miami Metro seems overly suspicous. I'll focus mainly on the last few episodes. At the crime scene with the two elderly people Matsuka was already there yet hadn't went in. Normally Dexter shows up and Matsuka or a detective has already been inspecting the scene. Surely someone walked through the house to secure the crimes scene yet nobody noticed a wall-size mural of Dexter?!?! The lake of fire thing was completely absurd and par for Dexter writers. So, he miraculously escapes an explosion that nobody sees or calls in, though later it's found out that a pilot saw it. I cannot believe that this was not called in by the pilot and at least investigated by the Coast Guard. How nobody of authority found Dexter is beyond belief. That is if you can believe he survived and floated around for what looked to be a half a day. Then when found washed ashore, his nanny hardly seemed to be that concerned. Now on to the final tower scene, so Dexter was able to drag an unconcious man and his son down a 400+ ft building without raising any flags? Especially with the short time frame it seemed he had to do it before all of Miami Metro ended up at the building. There was blood at the scene too, why was Dexter not called? Everything always seems to work out for Dexter even with obvious red flags and plot holes. As I said earlier, I feel the writers do not like us or believe we are intelligent.


Like I've already said, this show isn't as good as it was in season 1. It's not even close. With that said, I still enjoy it. I don't think the incest issue will go any further. Deb will quickly realize she's not in love with Dexter now that she knows he's a murderer. She'll struggle with whether or not she should arrest him. He's responsible for many unsolved cases in her city, but he's also her brother. And her dad is the one who taught him how to do what he does. Dexter will not be interested in a relationship with Deb.


People get suspicious of Dexter from time to time. Doaks was interested in him, but died. And Quinn was interested but Dexter helped him out a little and Quinn fell in love with Deb and forgot all about Dexter.


As for the coast guard/authorities finding Dexter or his boat...there is a lot of ocean out there and it's hard to see small things. A person could go unnoticed very easily. He was a few miles off of the coast I believe.


As for your other complaints...this show isn't all that realistic. You can't sit around and pick at every detail because there are far more things than just the things you've noticed that are not realistic. For example...Dexter does most of his research for his future victims on his work computer...yet no one ever finds any of that.

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