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AP All State Team


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I think Danville's Darius Baughman should have made the 1st Team All-State. I should back it up with his stats all pupose 1000 yds and 28 td's and Class-A Player of the Year now tell me if thats not good enough.



Anyone know why Kentucky does not do All State by Class A -AA-AAA-AAAA? Or do they? I believe Ohio does it for all Six classifications, wouldn't this make for better balance of selections and take away many arguments?

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Anyone know why Kentucky does not do All State by Class A -AA-AAA-AAAA? Or do they? I believe Ohio does it for all Six classifications, wouldn't this make for better balance of selections and take away many arguments?


Well - better balance, yes - arguments, no way. You would only see four times the amount of people that were upset because of perceived slights.



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Anyone know why Kentucky does not do All State by Class A -AA-AAA-AAAA? Or do they? I believe Ohio does it for all Six classifications, wouldn't this make for better balance of selections and take away many arguments?


Suppose you're the voting representative for the Bowling Green paper. All the schools you cover are either 3A or 4A. What's your 2A or 1A ballot going to look like? It's not as though you have the ability to tell your superiors that "I'm not going to be covering any local teams this week. Instead, I'm going to hit the road to watch some top-notch 2A and 1A teams so that my all-state ballot is more accurate." Those superiors would laugh you right out of the building and tell you to get your fanny out to the Warren Central or Bowling Green game, because your readers could care less what Danville or Mayfield or Russell is doing.


Again, the AP team is what it is. You folks are in such an uproar about it, but have no clue as to the realities of what it takes to compile such a ballot, in light of the restrictions placed upon voters by their employers.

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So suppose they just do away with the AP All State team. Seems as if everyone puts more stock into the Coaches' All State team. It's going to be political no matter who chooses the teams. I, myself, sometimes think the AP puts more time into the college games. I know here in Somerset, you would find more "journalists" at the UK games than you would the local games. And that, is sad. How many articles do you see published by someone from the Commonwealth Journal in the Herald Leader or Courier Journal? None. It's just a way for the "journalists" to get on the sideline or in the interview room or the hospitality rooms. Maybe they should use that time to put more time into their AP ballot. But I guess it doesn't look as cool.


Just my opinion. I'm sure I'll get ripped for it.


And I think the uproar is justified. These polls mean alot to the kids playing. Sometimes I think that is forgotten.

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Suppose you're the voting representative for the Bowling Green paper. All the schools you cover are either 3A or 4A. What's your 2A or 1A ballot going to look like? It's not as though you have the ability to tell your superiors that "I'm not going to be covering any local teams this week. Instead, I'm going to hit the road to watch some top-notch 2A and 1A teams so that my all-state ballot is more accurate." Those superiors would laugh you right out of the building and tell you to get your fanny out to the Warren Central or Bowling Green game, because your readers could care less what Danville or Mayfield or Russell is doing.


Again, the AP team is what it is. You folks are in such an uproar about it, but have no clue as to the realities of what it takes to compile such a ballot, in light of the restrictions placed upon voters by their employers.


No one is asking you guys to cancel Christmas.


Maybe you guys need to get out of the voting business and turn it over to the coaches.

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No one is asking you guys to cancel Christmas.


Maybe you guys need to get out of the voting business and turn it over to the coaches.


No need for nasty sarcasm.


I don't have a vote, but have in the past. And I agree that the AP ballot system doesn't work the way it's done now. It is what it is.


Let me ask you something: How much work do you do off the clock? Because to do the ballot properly, that's what you are asking these reporters -- who get paid next to nil for the work they do -- to do just so you can see your kid's name on some list. And it's not something that can be done, honestly and fairly, in just an hour a week.

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So suppose they just do away with the AP All State team. Seems as if everyone puts more stock into the Coaches' All State team. It's going to be political no matter who chooses the teams. I, myself, sometimes think the AP puts more time into the college games. I know here in Somerset, you would find more "journalists" at the UK games than you would the local games. And that, is sad. How many articles do you see published by someone from the Commonwealth Journal in the Herald Leader or Courier Journal? None. It's just a way for the "journalists" to get on the sideline or in the interview room or the hospitality rooms. Maybe they should use that time to put more time into their AP ballot. But I guess it doesn't look as cool.


Just my opinion. I'm sure I'll get ripped for it.


And I think the uproar is justified. These polls mean alot to the kids playing. Sometimes I think that is forgotten.


And for the millionth time: Stop blaming the reporters who do the voting and instead call their publishers and corporate offices and demand they pay these voters the necessary hours it would take to compile an accurate ballot. How much work do you do for your job off the clock?


College sports have a much broader interest base than Southwestern High School. That's why you see more reporters there. I doubt very seriously that many papers' reporters are going to UK games and leaving your local teams uncovered when they are playing. That's just plain silly.


And don't comment about something you know nothing about, w/re to what journalists do. Do they come to your job and rip into you with no provocation?

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And for the millionth time: Stop blaming the reporters who do the voting and instead call their publishers and corporate offices ...


I would disagree with this part of your post, Jim. I would say that if someone has a problem with the results of the poll (which, obviously, is flawed), they should complain to the AP outlets around the state that didn't even bother to vote.


As for the coaches poll, without question it will have a better response (both in total numbers and percent of eligible voters participating). That said, that poll, like ALL polls will be based on votes cast by people that have NOT seen all of the athletes that they are asked to vote on.


The bottom line for all polls is this: you can get more voters, that have seen more teams, but you cannot possibly have a poll that is above reproach - because NO ONE can see all of the athletes that need to be considered.



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I would disagree with this part of your post, Jim. I would say that if someone has a problem with the results of the poll (which, obviously, is flawed), they should complain to the AP outlets around the state that didn't even bother to vote.


As for the coaches poll, without question it will have a better response (both in total numbers and percent of eligible voters participating). That said, that poll, like ALL polls will be based on votes cast by people that have NOT seen all of the athletes that they are asked to vote on.


The bottom line for all polls is this: you can get more voters, that have seen more teams, but you cannot possibly have a poll that is above reproach - because NO ONE can see all of the athletes that need to be considered.




But what would you rather have? A poorly-researched poll and/or ballot filled with nothing but the local players? Because if it's not that, it's nothing at all, given the resources available to the voters. They aren't allowed by their bosses to block off a few hours each week to do research to compile an accurate ballot, and nobody likes to take their work home with them and do it for no pay. I know this; I did so when I had a vote.


I agree that the AP ballot is broken, but ripping into the voters for things beyond their control isn't going to fix it. I see only a few solutions on the threads, and even fewer of them are actually doable.

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... Because if it's not that, it's nothing at all, given the resources available to the voters...


Make no mistake, Jim - I agree with you. The only viable options are to accept the poll as it is (with it's flaws), or simply have no AP poll.


Anyone that says "just do away with it" obviously feels that the slights outweigh the positives of giving some kids the recognition. I'm not in that camp. No poll is perfect, and to me, seeing some kids get ink and honors is a good thing - even if slights occur (which they will).




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How much work do you do for your job off the clock?


Quite a bit. That's what salaried people do.


College sports have a much broader interest base than Southwestern High School. That's why you see more reporters there. I doubt very seriously that many papers' reporters are going to UK games and leaving your local teams uncovered when they are playing. That's just plain silly.


But, Jim, how many local papers do you sell for college sports? When 3/4 of the people already subscribe to a state paper (HL or CJ), they don't want to pay twice for the articles the AP writes. Local papers (daily) are mostly AP anyway. Which is my point......The AP isn't about local papers. It's about state and national papers. But......the local "journalists" (and I'm sure you were one of them when you were at the Commonwealth Journal) take the perks and take them regularly. I don't really care who works out of their 40 hour week. Instead of going to the hospitality rooms, sidelines, etc. on Saturday, why not put more of an effort into the ballot? Do the "journalists" get paid to drive to Lexington, watch the game, take a "few" pictures. I'd almost bet my life on it.


And don't comment about something you know nothing about, w/re to what journalists do. Do they come to your job and rip into you with no provocation?


I'm not ripping your job. And I know more about it than you think I know. I've seen it first hand. And as for Southwestern High School, (which you so eloquently called out) I'd like to thank Isiah Super for the great job he did for OUR school this year. A professional, who actually, seems as if he enjoys covering OUR kids. Thanks Isiah. WarriorNation appreciates you and what you do.


I'm sorry Jim, if I hurt your feelings or made you mad. Everyone knows the REAL All State comes out right before Christmas. Hope you have a Merry One!

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Anyone that says "just do away with it" obviously feels that the slights outweigh the positives of giving some kids the recognition. I'm not in that camp. No poll is perfect, and to me, seeing some kids get ink and honors is a good thing - even if slights occur (which they will).


I hope you weren't referring to my earlier post. I made that one sarcastically towards the people that continually complain that their "hometown Johnny" didn't get elected.

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I hope you weren't referring to my earlier post. I made that one sarcastically towards the people that continually complain that their "hometown Johnny" didn't get elected.


Not at all, booner. I was making that statement as a universal - and in full agreement with the comment you made. :thumb:



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