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Louisville Legends Coach charged with sexual assault


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I go with my gut too AFI. I don't think any of us in an interview situation would ask a perspective coach, have you ever been known to shave points? Or, do you have any criminal background that I should be aware of? Besides, what is the guy going to say, oh yeah I did have this little murder rape that happened a few years ago but you can trust me with your kid!

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Said on the news that AAU does not check the background of its players. I am not a supporter of AAU or other club sports that use school aged athletes, for this and other reasons.


So let me make sure I understand you correctly. You think that the only sports that a kid should be able to play in are ones that are offered through the school?

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He does a great job with his kids he coaches. He appears to have some moral issues but he is not molesting children. Based on what I have heard he will probably not be convicted. I do agree that he probably shouldn't coach again but I do know that he and his teams are at the Indy Fieldhouse playing this weekend and that all of the parents on the team still support him.

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Be awfully hard for AAU organization to conduct background checks on all the AAU teams out there. There are so many teams in each age group. Not to mention how coaches change throughout the year. I think its the responsibility of parents to research the coach and the program. It was pretty widely known that he was involved in the point shaving scandal at Northwestern. That alone should have been enough for me not to let my son play for him.


Not that hard. Everyone that works in the school system must pay 10 bucks for a KSP background check. I cant see why 10 dollars is to much to coach an AAu team.

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After reading the article again and seeing some of the posts on here I think everyone is convicting the guy before he gets his due process. Did anyone ever think that maybe he was just trying to get a little freaky and the woman could be embellishing what really happened?


I am not saying that is the truth but everyone seems really quick to just believe what the lady is saying. In reality, anyone can call the police and accuse someone of a crime if they really want to and its pretty sad if you ask me.


I will be curious to see how this plays out.

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After reading the article again and seeing some of the posts on here I think everyone is convicting the guy before he gets his due process. Did anyone ever think that maybe he was just trying to get a little freaky and the woman could be embellishing what really happened?


I am not saying that is the truth but everyone seems really quick to just believe what the lady is saying. In reality, anyone can call the police and accuse someone of a crime if they really want to and its pretty sad if you ask me.


I will be curious to see how this plays out.


Regardless of what happens on this charge, he has 2 previous convictions - 1 for point shaving (morality) and 1 for drug related offenses.

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Be awfully hard for AAU organization to conduct background checks on all the AAU teams out there. There are so many teams in each age group. Not to mention how coaches change throughout the year. I think its the responsibility of parents to research the coach and the program. It was pretty widely known that he was involved in the point shaving scandal at Northwestern. That alone should have been enough for me not to let my son play for him.

Not necessarily, little league requires it and I dare say that there are many more LL teams out there than AAU teams.

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Said on the news that AAU does not check the background of its players. I am not a supporter of AAU or other club sports that use school aged athletes, for this and other reasons.

Yes, little league baseball, upward basketball and Pop Warner football are all horrible entities. I'm right there with you.



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Pleaded Guilty to third degree sexual abuse. Also I mentioned earlier that it was ultimately parents responsibility to research the AAU program and Coach. Parents were interviewed last night on the news and were defending him as a great coach. Looks like they dont care what kind of character the coach has as long as they are winning and their kids are playing.



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So let me make sure I understand you correctly. You think that the only sports that a kid should be able to play in are ones that are offered through the school?


No, but I think some of these teams have gotten out of control and some of the orginazations are loosely organized as well as the rules, which leads to problems. Just my opinion I am sure it is not a popular one, but I have seen frst hand some of the smoke that gets blown by certain AAU programs and the problems it has caused for high school teams. It also many times is a venue for illegal recruiting.

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Pleaded Guilty to third degree sexual abuse. Also I mentioned earlier that it was ultimately parents responsibility to research the AAU program and Coach. Parents were interviewed last night on the news and were defending him as a great coach. Looks like they dont care what kind of character the coach has as long as they are winning and their kids are playing.




Based on National AAU guidelines, he would be ineligible to coach in AAU sanctioned events with this conviction.

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