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For years, I have read The Herald Dispatch, Daily Independent, Ironton Tribune, and Portsmouth Daily Times on a regular basis. All of these papers have had a huge decline in the quality of local news and sports they report. The articles by local writers are full of spelling and gramatical errors and lack any real substance. When they do report on something, it is generally full of half-truths and "facts" that haven't been verified. They rely more and more on Associated Press stories to fill their pages. I remember a few years back when one of the Rose Hill girls reached the 2,000 point milestone, the Daily Independent didn't even mention it. There are very few true journalists left in this world. I wonder where the next Ernie Salvatore will come from.

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For years, I have read The Herald Dispatch, Daily Independent, Ironton Tribune, and Portsmouth Daily Times on a regular basis. All of these papers have had a huge decline in the quality of local news and sports they report. The articles by local writers are full of spelling and gramatical errors and lack any real substance. When they do report on something, it is generally full of half-truths and "facts" that haven't been verified. They rely more and more on Associated Press stories to fill their pages. I remember a few years back when one of the Rose Hill girls reached the 2,000 point milestone, the Daily Independent didn't even mention it. There are very few true journalists left in this world. I wonder where the next Ernie Salvatore will come from.


Way to direct your venom toward the wrong culprit. :rolleyes:

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I brought up one instance. As I stated in the post, all 4 local papers I read on a regular basis have a lot to be desired. I don't know who you are or your profession, but it seems like I stepped on some toes.


Newspapers are just like every other industry -- they've been forced to make major cutbacks in staff and resources, as well as the amount of space they have available on an issue-by-issue basis. When they make the cutbacks, little things like weekly stats sometimes get edged out of the picture as space becomes more of a premium. When reporters are asked to take on more duties while working the same hours, mistakes get made. When copy editors get laid off to save money, those mistakes made by the reporters don't get fixed before the story gets to print.

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I'm sure the Ashland Daily would have more room to spare if Boyd County Ford wasn't allowed a TWO PAGE ad almost EVERY DAY. The Ashland Daily Independent has tunred into an advertisement for local businesses. The news has taken a "back seat" to car ads. (Pun intended) As for the "news" in the Ashland Daily who cares about what's going on in Hollywood on a daily basis. If I wanted to read the news about all the Hollywood gossip I would buy a National Enquirer. I read the Ashland Daily for the local news not the Hollywood he said she said junk.


And as far as MyZ goes. I live in Grayson and the cable company here does NOT carry MyZ. I do not have cable I have DirecTv due to the lack of channels and shotty programming cable offers.


JMO hope I didn't step on anyone's toes. If I did I apologize.

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