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Greenup County Football Coach


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Sorry you took it the wrong way. I read and re-read my previous posts and nowhere, and I mean nowhere, did I name call one time. It is just my opinion that I agree to disagree about your opinion. And that is just my opinion, not reflective of anyone elses opinion.

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Sorry you took it the wrong way. I read and re-read my previous posts and nowhere, and I mean nowhere, did I name call one time. It is just my opinion that I agree to disagree about your opinion. And that is just my opinion, not reflective of anyone elses opinion.


:thumb: Agree to disagree. (You referred to me as selfish or having underlying motives to see GCHS football fail, especially since I was at Raceland, now.) Your posts #331 and #333.

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I think that the combination of the football teams is a WONDERFUL idea the boys would all learn to play together and instead of trying to beat each other they would be a team.The way that it is now the boys from both ends have to play against each other and it is drilled into their heads to beat the opposing school. It sounds to me that most of the people who are against this idea are all at a different school now and might be a little afraid we just might get things together and end up beating them.:banana: I too will come to the BOE meeting and vote for this change. Stay focused people I believe that it is all coming together for us MUSKIES.

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Does anybody know what the strength coach is trying to get as in weightlifting equipment?


I can find out for us.... I was just told state of the art and 40K worth has already been ordered and Matt is trying to find a place to put it so the entire school system can benefit from it.

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Where is this practice going to take place? Last I checked we have a freshman, JV and Varsity practicing and playing at the high school.


They have never practiced as seperate teams. (Which is a whole seperate issue!) There is plenty of room for everyone. Having more coaches might allow for more specialized practice sessions with a focus on defense or special teams. I know alot of parents who have boys in middle school and at the high school. Having everything in one location would be a benefit. Having the middle school boys at the high school and being a part of a larger program might help keep them interested and involved when making the transition to high school (which is when we lose alot of them.)

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My first practice, game, and memory of football was at McKell. I learned to play the game there. We moved to Lloyd and Greysbranch had no football, so we bussed to South Shore for practice. Parents were there to pick us up. Now, with all of that, I say this,,,,if it's feasible, I think it's a grand idea. However, I tend to lean towards sidelinedoc's point of view with regards to the many obstacles that face this decision if it's made.


Frankly, I don't have a dog in this fight, but will always be connected to that school if for no other reason than I still have many friends that I grew up with on the football field whose kids are there. I wish them nothing but the best in the endeavor of upgrading their football program. I suppose I'm simply skeptical of the outcome and knowing all to well the history of the goings-on in and around the program, I guess I have a skewed slant on the prognosis of success with merging into one team at that level. So, I'll be pleasantly surprised if it does work. Good Luck!:thumb:


Spindoc, you are da man.


I just want to interject what I have researched and been told by a dozen programs that have field turf in thier system, the past one was Saturday night at Tates Creek High School, they have had it for 5 years and Joe Ruddell, AD there told me, "You can not, not, afford to do it." He went on to say it has saved them money, they have got thier investment back 2 fold (they put 1.7 mil in it going to cost us 400K estimated), improved not only the facility, the education programs that deal with physical ed and etc and improved the athletic program (Dom Fucci was in there when I was speaking to him about it and he said he was practicing baseball on it like it is outside right now) but brought the community together and created a sense of community pride that was never there before, and these folks have very, very sucessful program in many areas, and Lexington is not the only place this is happening, it is happening all over and the results are more pros than cons, the only con is the initial cost but there are a some folks working on that end of it, it needs to happen at GCHS..

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They have never practiced as seperate teams. (Which is a whole seperate issue!) There is plenty of room for everyone. Having more coaches might allow for more specialized practice sessions with a focus on defense or special teams. I know alot of parents who have boys in middle school and at the high school. Having everything in one location would be a benefit. Having the middle school boys at the high school and being a part of a larger program might help keep them interested and involved when making the transition to high school (which is when we lose alot of them.)


Great point, a lot of pros on this side of it and the biggest pro is, I see it eventually mending fences, healing old wounds and getting rid of that stigma that we have here now. It will take a strong leader to get it done and done right and I have high hopes in Mr. Hughes, Matt and Chris in getting that done for us as well.

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I am not against it totally especially if the numbers are declining. I just don't think it is a solution is all. If they do combine they will have a great team. I know kids on the team and I will be tickled to death and hope they win everygame (except against Russell haha). But everything comes with a price. Russell combined and alot of people have mixed feelings about it after the fact. There are pros and cons to it all and no side is actually wrong or right. Its just all about opinions.

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I am not against it totally especially if the numbers are declining. I just don't think it is a solution is all. If they do combine they will have a great team. I know kids on the team and I will be tickled to death and hope they win everygame (except against Russell haha). But everything comes with a price. Russell combined and alot of people have mixed feelings about it after the fact. There are pros and cons to it all and no side is actually wrong or right. Its just all about opinions.


Does Russell have different middle schools?

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