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Gas Prices Are Too High! The Economy Stinks! Blah, Blah, Blah

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Ok, I know the economy is in a really bad slump and I’m not any happier with gas prices than the rest of you, but…

I’ve noticed a few things that just don’t jive with all the rumblings. I don’t see any evidence that people are really as upset or hurting like they claim they are. I drive to and from work and don’t see less traffic from carpooling (lots of cars with one occupant); people pass me while I’m doing 65 mph the same as they have for years, I've seen no sign of people slowing down to increase gas mileage. I look at the area restaurants and shopping malls and see parking lots just as full as in the past and when I go shopping myself I don't notice people just browsing and not buying any less than before. What gives? If things are so bad, why aren’t people showing it?

Opinions anyone?

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Ok, I know the economy is in a really bad slump and I’m not any happier with gas prices than the rest of you, but…

I’ve noticed a few things that just don’t jive with all the rumblings. I don’t see any evidence that people are really as upset or hurting like they claim they are. I drive to and from work and don’t see less traffic from carpooling (lots of cars with one occupant); people pass me while I’m doing 65 mph the same as they have for years, I've seen no sign of people slowing down to increase gas mileage. I look at the area restaurants and shopping malls and see parking lots just as full as in the past and when I go shopping myself I don't notice people just browsing and not buying any less than before. What gives? If things are so bad, why aren’t people showing it?

Opinions anyone?



Check what they owe on credit cards.....:D

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That is why I do not have any of them! :ylsuper:


If I can't buy it with cash I don't need it!



I am almost right there with you. I do have one that I only use for emergencies....and then I paid it off when the bill comes in. But there are ALOT of people that owe alot to credit cards....and keep spending.:eek:

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I am almost right there with you. I do have one that I only use for emergencies....and then I paid it off when the bill comes in. But there are ALOT of people that owe alot to credit cards....and keep spending.:eek:
Think that's because they're not worried or because they're just stupid?
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We still eat out, however we choose to eat at home more often. I think twice before I drive 10 miles for a sale, especially if I only have to pay a little more at a store closer to home. As far as people driving over the speed limit (way over), I see it every day.

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Think that's because they're not worried or because they're just stupid?


It would worry me to death if I owed alot on a credit card. I was taught growing up that if you don't have it...you don't spend it. I pay all my bills first. put back so much in savings..then streach what is left to do me the month till I get my retirement check in....:D We do not eat out very often...but I do fix a big supper each night. As I stated before groceries is what is killing me. I can cut out some of the driving I do....but I am not giving up my eating.....:lol:

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Common practice, anticipation on the next shipment.


I agree BUT the gas that is still in the tanks is cheaper for them two days ago compared to next week! I guess we are giving them a bigger profit! Oh well still have to have it!

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