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You mean how the races should be ran instead of the tearing down that goes on presently? Convincing people that you are the best candidate instead of you being the best candidate because they are a worse candidate.


That is how I would like to see them run, yes

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You should vote for Barack Obama because he is a not in the Washington loop. He doesn't have as many people to please as others that have their friends and favors. He has tried to get rid of the lobbyist pressure & doesn't take lobbyist $.


Barack is bi-racial. While he is considered black, he is 50/50. He was raised in a white home (his grandparents). He went to Harvard and became a lawyer. He is intelligent and one of the best speakers that I have ever hear. Why are these important? He will be able to relate to most of the population because of his mixed background.


Barack is cultured. He was raised in Hawaii, moved to Indonesia, back to hawaii, went to Columbia and Harvard and now lives in Illinois. His mixed race and cultural appeal will allow the U.S. to work more efficient on diplomacy. Don't you think most countries think we're hypocrits that we say "created equal" but have always had a white educated male as president.


Barack has opposed the Iraq War from the beginning & says we should have concentrated on Osama Bin Laden. Osamam was the one that planned 9/11. Iraq had or didn't have WMD's that we still haven't found.


Barack supports universal healthcare but doesn't want the gov't to mandate it. He wants to work to get the costs down so everyone can afford it. He and I feel that most would buy insurance if it were affordable. He also say that if someone can and doesn't buy insurance, then they get sick, they will be penalized and have to pay for the procedure since they were gaming the system.


Barack wants to reform the immigration system. While many republicans want to "round-up" the illegals, Barack feels that this would not be cost efficient or feasible. His immigration policy involves putting the illegals here in the back of the line to get them citizenship. Would it really make sense to spend $ to find the illegals, deport them & then have them comback tomorrow, fill out the papers & enter legally??? Is that cost efficient?


Barack supports the woman's right to choose. The supreme court has 5 conservative judges to 4 moderates. This debate has been done for 30 years. If the Supreme Court wants to overturn Roe v. Wade, they have the votes. Whoever is president doesnt matter now b/c conservatives have the majority & still haven't & will not overturn. Abortion is a non-issue imo b/c there is already a conservative majority.


Barack supports letting the Bush tax cuts relaps to the 2000 tax levels. This is technically a tax increase but going back to the pre-Bush levels. This mainly involves higher rates for people that make over $250,000 (roughly the top 1%). I really dont support tax breaks for people like Bill Gates. on a side note. The top 1% of the population controlls over 60% of the wealth. yeah, lets give them the breaks!!!

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You should vote for Barack Obama because he is a not in the Washington loop. He doesn't have as many people to please as others that have their friends and favors. He has tried to get rid of the lobbyist pressure & doesn't take lobbyist $.


Barack is bi-racial. While he is considered black, he is 50/50. He was raised in a white home (his grandparents). He went to Harvard and became a lawyer. He is intelligent and one of the best speakers that I have ever hear. Why are these important? He will be able to relate to most of the population because of his mixed background.


Barack is cultured. He was raised in Hawaii, moved to Indonesia, back to hawaii, went to Columbia and Harvard and now lives in Illinois. His mixed race and cultural appeal will allow the U.S. to work more efficient on diplomacy. Don't you think most countries think we're hypocrits that we say "created equal" but have always had a white educated male as president.


Barack has opposed the Iraq War from the beginning & says we should have concentrated on Osama Bin Laden. Osamam was the one that planned 9/11. Iraq had or didn't have WMD's that we still haven't found.


Barack supports universal healthcare but doesn't want the gov't to mandate it. He wants to work to get the costs down so everyone can afford it. He and I feel that most would buy insurance if it were affordable. He also say that if someone can and doesn't buy insurance, then they get sick, they will be penalized and have to pay for the procedure since they were gaming the system.


Barack wants to reform the immigration system. While many republicans want to "round-up" the illegals, Barack feels that this would not be cost efficient or feasible. His immigration policy involves putting the illegals here in the back of the line to get them citizenship. Would it really make sense to spend $ to find the illegals, deport them & then have them comback tomorrow, fill out the papers & enter legally??? Is that cost efficient?


Barack supports the woman's right to choose. The supreme court has 5 conservative judges to 4 moderates. This debate has been done for 30 years. If the Supreme Court wants to overturn Roe v. Wade, they have the votes. Whoever is president doesnt matter now b/c conservatives have the majority & still haven't & will not overturn. Abortion is a non-issue imo b/c there is already a conservative majority.


Barack supports letting the Bush tax cuts relaps to the 2000 tax levels. This is technically a tax increase but going back to the pre-Bush levels. This mainly involves higher rates for people that make over $250,000 (roughly the top 1%). I really dont support tax breaks for people like Bill Gates. on a side note. The top 1% of the population controlls over 60% of the wealth. yeah, lets give them the breaks!!!



Thank you Superfan!


Okay we've got Huckabee, Romney and now Obama... McCain, Clinton, Paul supporters? What say you?

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Sorry I am just now seeing this thread.


First off ....


Don't vote for Hillary because just she's a woman.


Don't vote for Obama because just he's an Africian American


Don't vote for Romney just because he's a Mormon


Don't vote for McCain - just because I think he's a cannon ready to blow.:D


Don't vote for Huckabee just becaues he won't be in the running.:D


If you can think about your vote and you can honestly say that seeing that person as your president doesn't scare you, then that's who you need to vote for.



I will never vote for someone just because of their sex or their race. I will only vote for the person that I truly feel would make the best president.


I am not as smart as some people on here who can tell you vote from vote how someone has voted. I can't give your percentages of this and percentages of that. What I can give you is my honest opinion.


I will vote for Hillary because I truly think she is a very smart person and I really feel as if she can hit the road running on the first day of being president. If she had been made of lesser stuff, I think after all she has gone through in the past 8 years plus, she would have folded up her tent and went somewhere until the dust settled.


A woman in today's MAN'S world is hard enough but to be a woman running for president has got to be a very difficult thing and yet she has done it and done it well.


As I said, I won't vote for anyone because of their sex or race and I won't this time. I will vote for Hillary because when I think about who my president is, picturing her in that position doesn't scare me.

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Barack supports universal healthcare but doesn't want the gov't to mandate it. He wants to work to get the costs down so everyone can afford it. He and I feel that most would buy insurance if it were affordable. He also say that if someone can and doesn't buy insurance, then they get sick, they will be penalized and have to pay for the procedure since they were gaming the system.


I am not pointing fingers or slinging mud, but isn't this what Romney wants to do also? BTW, I am not a Romney guy, I am a Huckabite :lol:

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You should vote for Ron Paul because he's the ONLY candidate not regurgitating a line of crapola.

:thumb:And they sure are slinging it aren't they? Today has been just a comedy act listening to all of them yakking about the other. If I were a betting woman, and I am, I would bet that McCain and Romney have a fist fight before too long.:D

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Sorry I am just now seeing this thread.


First off ....


Don't vote for Hillary because just she's a woman.


Don't vote for Obama because just he's an Africian American


Don't vote for Romney just because he's a Mormon


Don't vote for McCain - just because I think he's a cannon ready to blow.:D


Don't vote for Huckabee just becaues he won't be in the running.:D


If you can think about your vote and you can honestly say that seeing that person as your president doesn't scare you, then that's who you need to vote for.



I will never vote for someone just because of their sex or their race. I will only vote for the person that I truly feel would make the best president.


I am not as smart as some people on here who can tell you vote from vote how someone has voted. I can't give your percentages of this and percentages of that. What I can give you is my honest opinion.


I will vote for Hillary because I truly think she is a very smart person and I really feel as if she can hit the road running on the first day of being president. If she had been made of lesser stuff, I think after all she has gone through in the past 8 years plus, she would have folded up her tent and went somewhere until the dust settled.


A woman in today's MAN'S world is hard enough but to be a woman running for president has got to be a very difficult thing and yet she has done it and done it well.

As I said, I won't vote for anyone because of their sex or race and I won't this time. I will vote for Hillary because when I think about who my president is, picturing her in that position doesn't scare me.

High taxes and Government Heath Care doesn't scare you?

Does me. :scared:

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High taxes and Government Heath Care doesn't scare you?

Does me. :scared:

Now why did I don't know that you would be the first to pick me apart?:lol:


High Taxes....How could they be any higher than what I'm paying now.


Government Health Care - Her plan isn't that far off from Obama's and I think that any health care would be better than what a lot of people have - which is none. I've struggled trying to help pay hospital bills for my brother who had to have heart surgery and he had just lost his insurance. I've struggled to buy medicine for my mother and my brother when they didn't have any insurance to help pay for it. I sit and pray daily that my brother doesn't have another heart problem for at least 2 years because his new insurance won't pay for a pre-existing condition for 2 years.


I sit here with health insurance, paid for for life, because I was lucky enough to have a job that has affored me this benefit. I'm not saying that either one of their plans are perfect but at least they are thinking about a health care plan. I believe that I heard the other night that the Republicans haven't addressed this issue. Is that correct? Not being smart...I truly want to know what their plans are.

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You should vote for Barack Obama because he is a not in the Washington loop. He doesn't have as many people to please as others that have their friends and favors. He has tried to get rid of the lobbyist pressure & doesn't take lobbyist $.


Barack is bi-racial. While he is considered black, he is 50/50. He was raised in a white home (his grandparents). He went to Harvard and became a lawyer. He is intelligent and one of the best speakers that I have ever hear. Why are these important? He will be able to relate to most of the population because of his mixed background.


Barack is cultured. He was raised in Hawaii, moved to Indonesia, back to hawaii, went to Columbia and Harvard and now lives in Illinois. His mixed race and cultural appeal will allow the U.S. to work more efficient on diplomacy. Don't you think most countries think we're hypocrits that we say "created equal" but have always had a white educated male as president.


Barack has opposed the Iraq War from the beginning & says we should have concentrated on Osama Bin Laden. Osamam was the one that planned 9/11. Iraq had or didn't have WMD's that we still haven't found.


Barack supports universal healthcare but doesn't want the gov't to mandate it. He wants to work to get the costs down so everyone can afford it. He and I feel that most would buy insurance if it were affordable. He also say that if someone can and doesn't buy insurance, then they get sick, they will be penalized and have to pay for the procedure since they were gaming the system.


Barack wants to reform the immigration system. While many republicans want to "round-up" the illegals, Barack feels that this would not be cost efficient or feasible. His immigration policy involves putting the illegals here in the back of the line to get them citizenship. Would it really make sense to spend $ to find the illegals, deport them & then have them comback tomorrow, fill out the papers & enter legally??? Is that cost efficient?


Barack supports the woman's right to choose. The supreme court has 5 conservative judges to 4 moderates. This debate has been done for 30 years. If the Supreme Court wants to overturn Roe v. Wade, they have the votes. Whoever is president doesnt matter now b/c conservatives have the majority & still haven't & will not overturn. Abortion is a non-issue imo b/c there is already a conservative majority.


Barack supports letting the Bush tax cuts relaps to the 2000 tax levels. This is technically a tax increase but going back to the pre-Bush levels. This mainly involves higher rates for people that make over $250,000 (roughly the top 1%). I really dont support tax breaks for people like Bill Gates. on a side note. The top 1% of the population controlls over 60% of the wealth. yeah, lets give them the breaks!!!


Don't know about your information, but a couple with 3 kids earning 85,000 per year will see an INCREASE in their taxes of about $3,700 if we return to the 2000 tax level.

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Now why did I don't know that you would be the first to pick me apart?:lol:


High Taxes....How could they be any higher than what I'm paying now.


Government Health Care - Her plan isn't that far off from Obama's and I think that any health care would be better than what a lot of people have - which is none. I've struggled trying to help pay hospital bills for my brother who had to have heart surgery and he had just lost his insurance. I've struggled to buy medicine for my mother and my brother when they didn't have any insurance to help pay for it. I sit and pray daily that my brother doesn't have another heart problem for at least 2 years because his new insurance won't pay for a pre-existing condition for 2 years.


I sit here with health insurance, paid for for life, because I was lucky enough to have a job that has affored me this benefit. I'm not saying that either one of their plans are perfect but at least they are thinking about a health care plan. I believe that I heard the other night that the Republicans haven't addressed this issue. Is that correct? Not being smart...I truly want to know what their plans are.

IMO, government healthcare would break this country and I think, or at least hope the Republicans know this. I just don't feel that it is something that is "owed" to us and I get the feeling that both Hillary and Obama think it is.

As for the taxes, I said in another thread Hillary said “Marginal tax rates on the affluent were “confiscatory” by today’s standards” and that she actually waxed nostalgic for those days. (In the early 1970s, the top rate, which applied to income above $1 million in today’s terms, was 70 percent; the top rate now is 35 percent.) She would like to see this again and that won’t be good for the economy in any way, shape or form.

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IMO, government healthcare would break this country and I think, or at least hope the Republicans know this. I just don't feel that it is something that is "owed" to us and I get the feeling that both Hillary and Obama think it is.

As for the taxes, I said in another thread Hillary said “Marginal tax rates on the affluent were “confiscatory” by today’s standards” and that she actually waxed nostalgic for those days. (In the early 1970s, the top rate, which applied to income above $1 million in today’s terms, was 70 percent; the top rate now is 35 percent.) She would like to see this again and that won’t be good for the economy in any way, shape or form.


This is the argument that I just do not get. Republicans are okay with wasting trillions of dollars in Iraq that doesn't directly involve any American civilians. BUT it will break just to spend a fraction of that amount on U.S. citizens. I could understand not spending the money but to be okay with spending it on a war but not health care?? I just dont get it...

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