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Why should I vote for the candidate you support?


For the sake of argument let's assume that KY had an open primary and it just so happened to be within the next week. Which candidate are you supporting and why do you think I should vote for him or her?


Forget for a minute anything you know about my own political views(and use of landmines), and assume I am a tabula rasa that could go either way.

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Well, I am not going to repeat the umpteen threads I have already started on Mike Huckabee or restate them in their entirety, I will mention a few things.


I like that he wants to jumpstart the economy by not issuing just checks but rather create jobs while redoing the nations' infrastructure.


I like that he is obviously pro-life.


I like that he is what is being considered the new evangelicals that is combining helping the truly needy with the protection of life and marriage. I heard a description of him this weekend. Two different types of evangelicals. One attends a church with a choir. One attends a church with a praise band. The ones supporting Huckabee are the ones with the praise band. They said he is winning the young vote for the Republicans. Didn't give any specific stats, just the claim they made.


I like that he is willing to look at change to better this country with the Fair Tax. Don't think he will get it passed but he isn't intent on just staying with the status quo to stay with the status quo.


I think his past has shown he is a man of high degree of character and integrity.


He is the most senior of all the candidates in actually running a government and has to make the tough individual decisions that the others have not.

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Well, I am not going to repeat the umpteen threads I have already started on Mike Huckabee or restate them in their entirety, I will mention a few things.


I like that he wants to jumpstart the economy by not issuing just checks but rather create jobs while redoing the nations' infrastructure.


I like that he is obviously pro-life.


I like that he is what is being considered the new evangelicals that is combining helping the truly needy with the protection of life and marriage. I heard a description of him this weekend. Two different types of evangelicals. One attends a church with a choir. One attends a church with a praise band. The ones supporting Huckabee are the ones with the praise band. They said he is winning the young vote for the Republicans. Didn't give any specific stats, just the claim they made.


I like that he is willing to look at change to better this country with the Fair Tax. Don't think he will get it passed but he isn't intent on just staying with the status quo to stay with the status quo.


I think his past has shown he is a man of high degree of character and integrity.


He is the most senior of all the candidates in actually running a government and has to make the tough individual decisions that the others have not.



For those playing the home game this is an excellent example of what I am looking for. Thanks LBBC! :thumb:

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No other responses?


RebelK, why should I support Hillary?

Morehead Eagle, why should I support Obama?

AcesFull, why should I support Romney?

Leatherneck, why should I support McCain?


Anyone who knows, why should I support Ron Paul?


So silent? We are always out in force to go after other candidates, I want you all to tell me the merits of your candidates. Come on,surely there must be some for you to want to vote for them!

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Even though I will not support him in the general election, I will cast a vote for Obama as a Democrat in the primary because I think this country needs to move on from the Bush/Clinton years. We don't need 8 more years of the same infighting that has occurred over the past 20.


At least he gives a new face to the issues.


And to bring this full circle, that is ALSO a reason why I like Huckabee. He is from outside of Washington and brings a new face and new thoughts and new touch to the messed up politics that is occurring in DC.

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You should vote for Romney because he is the best qualified and has the best presidential temperment for the job. Romney has been a very successful business career (as a CEO and leader, not as a manager), was instrumental in making the Salt Lake City Olympics a success after corruption and ineptitude threatened them, and he has been a successful Republican governor in a heavily Democratic state.


Governor Romney has shown an ability to work with business leaders, civic leaders, and elected representatives of both parties to get things done. Aside from terrorism, the biggest threats to our way of life is the creeping socialism that is causing the size of our federal government to explode and unfettered illegal immigration.


Romney is a fiscal conservative who has proposed no new federal taxes and will work toward a fair system to shut off the valve of illegal immigration and expand legal immigration to meet labor shortages.


Nobody else in the race understands how capitalism works and how government and business should work together the way that Mitt Romney understands it. Growing businesses, creating jobs, signing paychecks, and dealing with the federal bureaucracy in the private sector are things that no career politician can understand.


Governor Romney is uniquely qualified to be president among the remaining contendors.

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You should vote for Romney because he is the best qualified and has the best presidential temperment for the job. Romney has been a very successful business career (as a CEO and leader, not as a manager), was instrumental in making the Salt Lake City Olympics a success after corruption and ineptitude threatened them, and he has been a successful Republican governor in a heavily Democratic state.


Governor Romney has shown an ability to work with business leaders, civic leaders, and elected representatives of both parties to get things done. Aside from terrorism, the biggest threats to our way of life is the creeping socialism that is causing the size of our federal government to explode and unfettered illegal immigration.


Romney is a fiscal conservative who has proposed no new federal taxes and will work toward a fair system to shut off the valve of illegal immigration and expand legal immigration to meet labor shortages.


Nobody else in the race understands how capitalism works and how government and business should work together the way that Mitt Romney understands it. Growing businesses, creating jobs, signing paychecks, and dealing with the federal bureaucracy in the private sector are things that no career politician can understand.


Governor Romney is uniquely qualified to be president among the remaining contendors.


Daggone mods too slow closing the thread and let Ace make a good argument for Romney.:D;):sssh::p

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The reason to vote for Hilary or Obama is because they don't have a R next to their name, and therefore aren't George Bush :sssh: Just kidding, I am anxiously awaiting RebelK and ME as well.


I wish someone would do this on Ron Paul, maybe HHSDad. And I hope leatherneck's post isn't too long. :lol:

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Obama -


Government is not a business, it is not about making a profit and ending the year with balance. It is about raising enough revenue to handle the problems, issues, and possibilities that confront the nation. It is about compromising so that the country moves forward and is not stuck in gridlock. It is about finding answers that are not always completely pallatable (sp) to everyone yet doable by everyone.


Being a successful CEO is not the same as being a successful Executive. As a CEO you do get to be the "DECIDER" and as a Executive you really do need to be a Uniter.


You also have to able to inspire the people to move beyond where they are right now to new and better places. You may also have to call on people to sacrifice sometimes (Bush should have with the war) to tighten their belts for the good of the country.


Being a good executive is being a community activist and that is what Obama is.

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Obama -


Government is not a business, it is not about making a profit and ending the year with balance. It is about raising enough revenue to handle the problems, issues, and possibilities that confront the nation. It is about compromising so that the country moves forward and is not stuck in gridlock. It is about finding answers that are not always completely pallatable (sp) to everyone yet doable by everyone.


Being a successful CEO is not the same as being a successful Executive. As a CEO you do get to be the "DECIDER" and as a Executive you really do need to be a Uniter.


You also have to able to inspire the people to move beyond where they are right now to new and better places. You may also have to call on people to sacrifice sometimes (Bush should have with the war) to tighten their belts for the good of the country.


Being a good executive is being a community activist and that is what Obama is.



I appreciate your zeal but I need more substance. Details, plans, information. :thumb:


I also want to make it clear that I do NOT want to see anyone taking shots, even tertiary ones, at other candidates in here. Doing so only hurts, in my estimation, your candidate. I don't want anti-Bush rhetoric. I don't want the Liberal Dems are going to make us into a communist state talk. I want straightforward information.

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I appreciate your zeal but I need more substance. Details, plans, information. :thumb:


I also want to make it clear that I do NOT want to see anyone taking shots, even tertiary ones, at other candidates in here. Doing so only hurts, in my estimation, your candidate. I don't want anti-Bush rhetoric. I don't want the Liberal Dems are going to make us into a communist state talk. I want straightforward information.


You mean how the races should be ran instead of the tearing down that goes on presently? Convincing people that you are the best candidate instead of you being the best candidate because they are a worse candidate.

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