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Huckabee and the Apocolypse

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I have no problem with giving political messages in churches, I have problems with political candidates giving sermons.



And the difference is? Probably that when Huckabee gives it the media will call it a sermon. Hillary speaks on a Sunday morning and it would be called a speech.


So on Sunday mornings during worship time, he is not allowed to worship in the manner he feels he was called to do?


It seems that you are very intent on making him fit into the box you want him to fit into despite the evidence that he is not fitting into the normal conservative evangelical candidate.

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Usually when a candidate comes to speak at a church they focus on an issue and there is very little God talk. I've been to several rallies in Ohio where a politician spoke at a church. The God talk isn't about salvation it's the candidate sharing what they feel an issue is and how they want to solve it. Sometimes they use their faith as a reason why.

Huck was at a church giving a sermon about salvation, and while as a pastor (which is what he should stick to) it is fine, the man is a politician. He needs to decide which one he wants to be.

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Usually when a candidate comes to speak at a church they focus on an issue and there is very little God talk. I've been to several rallies in Ohio where a politician spoke at a church. The God talk isn't about salvation it's the candidate sharing what they feel an issue is and how they want to solve it. Sometimes they use their faith as a reason why.

Huck was at a church giving a sermon about salvation, and while as a pastor (which is what he should stick to) it is fine, the man is a politician. He needs to decide which one he wants to be.


From your article,


on how to be part of "God's Army" in the middle school cafeteria where the congregation meets.


"When we become believers, it's as if we have signed up to be part of God's Army, to be soldiers for Christ," Huckabee told the enthusiastic audience.


Huckabee mixed homespun jokes into his sermon and added a more religious tone than in his political speeches, not just quoting from the Bible but citing specific verses and talking about the serious side of faith.


"When you give yourself to Christ, some relationships have to go," he said. "It's no longer your life; you've signed it over."


Where are the comments about salvation?


I see being part of God's army and how we are supposed to live our lives thinking of others first right in line with his political message.

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How does one become a part of God's Army? On top of that, the God's Army talk is a call to political action that's been used by the Religious right for years now. I've been to enough evangelical youth rallies to know what this stuff means.


And I say this with all the respect in the world LLBC. But you say you're a registered Dem but you campaign for Huckleberry like you're on his payroll. Why not just switch? I'm not being glib or anything I switched from R to D. I am just curious.

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How does one become a part of God's Army? On top of that, the God's Army talk is a call to political action that's been used by the Religious right for years now. I've been to enough evangelical youth rallies to know what this stuff means.


And I say this with all the respect in the world LLBC. But you say you're a registered Dem but you campaign for Huckleberry like you're on his payroll. Why not just switch? I'm not being glib or anything I switched from R to D. I am just curious.


I don't think it is relevant on whether I am R and D because I am loyal to issues and my view on those issues and not the letter after their name.


As I have said in the pass, twice I voted Independent cause I liked neither. For governor, I voted for my wife because I liked neither. I voted for Ken Lucas, Dem on two occassions. Give me a pro-life Democrat candidate and I would be all over it.


He was speaking to believers who were already part of God's Army and teaching them what were there responsibilities as being part of God's Army. I am now assuming (as you did with the salvation comments) that it fits right in with his political messages that we are called to think of others first. I remember his comments on the kids of illegal immigrants and educating them in Arkansas when he said, "we are a better country than that." Meaning to not educate kids.

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LLBC, I hope you're right about Hucks but if a guy is going to run for the highest office in the world while touting his religious credentials then expect him to get grilled and rightfully so. I hope he's all about charity and more progressive environmental and economic issues, but he's constantly bringing up religion and so he's going to get grilled. Especially by me, a former Southern Baptist who left b/c of the conventions fundamentalist leanings and continual political meddling.

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LLBC, I hope you're right about Hucks but if a guy is going to run for the highest office in the world while touting his religious credentials then expect him to get grilled and rightfully so. I hope he's all about charity and more progressive environmental and economic issues, but he's constantly bringing up religion and so he's going to get grilled. Especially by me, a former Southern Baptist who left b/c of the conventions fundamentalist leanings and continual political meddling.


Do you hold the Dems to the same level?


As I have shown in the other thread about the Dems and their faith and I don't think you have commented in, the Dems are doing the same things but not getting the same coverage for doing it as Huckabee is.

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I have stated many times that I have no problem with people expressing their faith as a reason they believe things should be a certain way. This applies to both D and R. My problem with religion in politics is two fold. 1. Using someones religious beliefs for the sole purpose of getting votes such as how gay marriage suddenly became an issue in 2004 when Bush was up for reelection or the abortion issue. It's been 30 years and there have been at least 20 years of promises by conservatives to get rid of it only to have it stay.

2. Using your religious credentials as a reason people should vote for you. Huckster continually stating that he is a pastor, theologian, etc. Up in Ohio (where I'm originally from) we've has several state congressmen voted into office simply b/c they paint all progressives as demonic. And we also had the "patriot pastor" boondogle in the buckeye state that thankfully failed.


Religious leaders in this country have helped end slavery, segregation, gain sufferage, and many other great things. But those things only occur b/c we have the freedom of and yes, from religion in this country. When I see someone running for office who touts their religious credentials as being the main reason they deserve votes then I will suspect that person. I hope Huck proves me wrong. I don't think he'll get the nomination so it's probably a moot point. But I will suspect anyone who is a religious figure running for office. If we don't we may be in for a rude awakening someday.

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I have stated many times that I have no problem with people expressing their faith as a reason they believe things should be a certain way. This applies to both D and R. My problem with religion in politics is two fold. 1. Using someones religious beliefs for the sole purpose of getting votes such as how gay marriage suddenly became an issue in 2004 when Bush was up for reelection or the abortion issue. It's been 30 years and there have been at least 20 years of promises by conservatives to get rid of it only to have it stay.

2. Using your religious credentials as a reason people should vote for you. Huckster continually stating that he is a pastor, theologian, etc. Up in Ohio (where I'm originally from) we've has several state congressmen voted into office simply b/c they paint all progressives as demonic. And we also had the "patriot pastor" boondogle in the buckeye state that thankfully failed.


Religious leaders in this country have helped end slavery, segregation, gain sufferage, and many other great things. But those things only occur b/c we have the freedom of and yes, from religion in this country. When I see someone running for office who touts their religious credentials as being the main reason they deserve votes then I will suspect that person. I hope Huck proves me wrong. I don't think he'll get the nomination so it's probably a moot point. But I will suspect anyone who is a religious figure running for office. If we don't we may be in for a rude awakening someday.


And as I have shown, Huckster is not promoting himself as the main reason why they deserve votes. The media is only given that message out.


Many, many things on the Huckster website is not about faith.


Others who you would not normally associated with the right have complained about the limited Huckabee message that the national media is promoting.


On the gay marriage issue, I agree that it is the reason why Bush won the election in 2004. It mobilized a section of this country and it just so happened when they voted on that issue, they tended to vote for Bush.


On the abortion issue, the conservatives have done a lot of things to move towards getting rid of abortion. With the SC decision in the 70's, you cannot straight ban, so you have to work in other manners. The two SC justices appointed by Bush may end up helping. 8 more years of a President that is anti-abortion and the SC justices he may end up appointing could be another huge leap in banning of abortions.


The partial birth abortion bill that the Republicans passed and the Clintons vetoed and the Republicans passed and Bush signed is an example of them working to do what they can while being hamstrung by the SC decisioin on limiting and working towards overturning Roe v Wade.


And as I have repeatedly said, the Dems are also promoting their, as you said, "religious credentials" but it is not get the play that Huckabee's is. Check out the links in the other thread.

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And as I have shown, Huckster is not promoting himself as the main reason why they deserve votes. The media is only given that message out.


Many, many things on the Huckster website is not about faith.


Others who you would not normally associated with the right have complained about the limited Huckabee message that the national media is promoting.


On the gay marriage issue, I agree that it is the reason why Bush won the election in 2004. It mobilized a section of this country and it just so happened when they voted on that issue, they tended to vote for Bush.


On the abortion issue, the conservatives have done a lot of things to move towards getting rid of abortion. With the SC decision in the 70's, you cannot straight ban, so you have to work in other manners. The two SC justices appointed by Bush may end up helping. 8 more years of a President that is anti-abortion and the SC justices he may end up appointing could be another huge leap in banning of abortions.


The partial birth abortion bill that the Republicans passed and the Clintons vetoed and the Republicans passed and Bush signed is an example of them working to do what they can while being hamstrung by the SC decisioin on limiting and working towards overturning Roe v Wade.


And as I have repeatedly said, the Dems are also promoting their, as you said, "religious credentials" but it is not get the play that Huckabee's is. Check out the links in the other thread.


I've read the other links and I'll probably post on those as well. However, what I think is going to happen with Huckleberry is that the GOP is going to do everything in their power to stop him. He's too liberal on some economic issues and his religious talk has them scared. The GOP doesn't want the "real deal" to be the nominee on socially conservative issues. They know that the promise of appointing anti-Roe v Wade justices is what keeps getting them elected. Note: The promise. If abortion suddenly is off the table, they lose. If it's overturned then look for a 1 term GOP president b/c they'll lose. You keep people thinking you're going to do something about it they'll keep following you. The same with gay rights. There's no reason why gay folks shouldn't have equal rights, but if you keep playing to peoples religious predjudices then they'll vote for you.

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I've read the other links and I'll probably post on those as well. However, what I think is going to happen with Huckleberry is that the GOP is going to do everything in their power to stop him. He's too liberal on some economic issues and his religious talk has them scared. The GOP doesn't want the "real deal" to be the nominee on socially conservative issues. They know that the promise of appointing anti-Roe v Wade justices is what keeps getting them elected. Note: The promise. If abortion suddenly is off the table, they lose. If it's overturned then look for a 1 term GOP president b/c they'll lose. You keep people thinking you're going to do something about it they'll keep following you. The same with gay rights. There's no reason why gay folks shouldn't have equal rights, but if you keep playing to peoples religious predjudices then they'll vote for you.

So, your suggestion would be to just give up the fight and let this country continue to kill unborn babies?


I agree that this country needs to address and help the TRULY needy and poor as Jesus would want us to do, but what do you think Jesus' view on abortions would be?


And as long as Jesus has that view, no way, I can stand to vote for any candidate that is not at MINIMUM pledged to try and do something about it.


While the Reps MIGHT be not doing enough at least their position is not that they will do everything to even more firmly root the right to kill and unborn child to our society.


Give me a Ken Lucas who sees that abortion is a horrible choice for this country and I will than look at all of the other issues to consider whom I am going to vote for.

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