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Huckabee and the Apocolypse

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Are you suggesting that man can determine when the end of times will be and not God?


I would also like a response to this question. I know of no SBC that believes that man has the capabilities of bringing the Rapture. If fact, it's the opposite.

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Many religious righties want certain things to occur to go along with their interpretation of prophecy. Many of these folks are Southern Baptists (I should know, I was one once) and I want to know that Huckabee as a former SBC minister isn't going to start attacking Iran or forcing a one-state Israel-Palestine solution to bring about the rapture. If we are going to put up hit pieces saying George Soros, freemasons, or the reanimated corpse of Vladimir Lenin are supporting the Democrats then what's wrong with hearing the other side. As I said it was an OPINION piece.


I don't think you should worry about that. Huckabee seems to be a fairly sane guy. Regardless of what he believes about the rapture or second coming, I don't think Huckabee is so delusional as to think he can actually bring it about. That's Iran's president...he's the one who thinks he's been chosen by Allah to bring about the return of the Mahdi. To date, I haven't heard Huckabee say that God is going to use him to initiate the return of Christ.

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I would also like a response to this question. I know of no SBC that believes that man has the capabilities of bringing the Rapture. If fact, it's the opposite.


No, but it seems they certainly like to support people they believe will try to "line up" events so that they can help trigger it. Sort of "priming the pump," if you will.

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No, but it seems they certainly like to support people they believe will try to "line up" events so that they can help trigger it. Sort of "priming the pump," if you will.


The POTUS is a pretty powerful position, but not that powerful. Unless of course you believe that, for instance, GWB had "hurricane machines" in Africa that started Katrina and other hurricanes on their disastrous path intentionally. Although it would be cool to see the Prez whip up a plague of locusts, and I've always wanted to see what the Four Horseman looked like. Maybe we should find a Prez who has an equestrian background.

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The POTUS is a pretty powerful position, but not that powerful. Unless of course you believe that, for instance, GWB had "hurricane machines" in Africa that started Katrina and other hurricanes on their disastrous path intentionally. Although it would be cool to see the Prez whip up a plague of locusts, and I've always wanted to see what the Four Horseman looked like. Maybe we should find a Prez who has an equestrian background.


A plague of locusts would be cool although I am partial to the frogs from the Nile in OT lore.

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The previous governor commuted his sentence.

The parole board let him out.



Governor Huckabee: No. I did not. Let me categorically say that I did not. And it's really interesting, if people want to really look into that record. Here's the chronology, and here's the timeline. I'm going to try to do it as briefly as I can, because it's been delved into repeatedly, normally during an election year.


In 1992, Bill Clinton was governor; Jim Guy Tucker was Lieutenant Governor. And during Bill Clinton's governorship, while he was campaigning for president, Jim Guy Tucker signed the papers to commute the sentence of Wayne DuMond to parole eligibility. That's what made him parole eligible in 1992. He had been convicted of rape in Forest City Arkansas, during time of awaiting trial, he was hogtied and castrated; his testicles were later placed in a jar on the desk of a sherriff.


I was not elected to anything at that time; I was a candidate for the United States Senate. I was elected Lieutenant Governor in 1993; in 1996, Wayne DuMond had requested another commutation for time served because the parole board had not granted parole even though he was parole eligible.


Let me make it clear, governors in Arkansas cannot parole anybody. The parole process is separated from governor; the governor can commute a sentence to make it parole eligible.


The parole board, the following year, early 97 approved his parole plan after I had denied the further commutation.



As a Huckabee supporter that is 1 lie I have caught... I Saw where he took credit as Governor for the release!!!!!!!! it was on A&E'S AMERICAn Justice....


HE LIED..... It was on a week ago......... So lbbc he did support the release he's flip-flopping


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The Guy Killed Again after his release.....


I don't think this one instance is what the big deal is. And please, don't take that the wrong way...I'm not trying to say that a person losing their life is a small thing. What I'm saying is this...I think most Americans could forgive Huckabee for a mistake in pushing for this guy's release...we all make mistakes. Granted they don't always lead to the loss of life, but governors are in a position to make bigger decisions.


Where I think Huckabee takes the biggest hit, is combining the result of the particular story with the fact that he issued around 1000 pardons as governor. That is where people can really score some valid points on him, IMO.

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I don't think this one instance is what the big deal is. And please, don't take that the wrong way...I'm not trying to say that a person losing their life is a small thing. What I'm saying is this...I think most Americans could forgive Huckabee for a mistake in pushing for this guy's release...we all make mistakes. Granted they don't always lead to the loss of life, but governors are in a position to make bigger decisions.


Where I think Huckabee takes the biggest hit, is combining the result of the particular story with the fact that he issued around 1000 pardons as governor. That is where people can really score some valid points on him, IMO.


I agree also


but I think that is the big deal with most Americans is that he pushed for the release of a rapist and a murderer.. Thats the guy they think of not the other 1000 pardons as governor. Thats just what I think..... :argue::sssh::jump:

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Are you suggesting that man can determine when the end of times will be and not God?


Morehead Eagle isn't but there are some extreme Pre-Millenial Dispensationalists who do believe that in their hearts if not their words.


BTW, Huckabee has never shown himself to be an extremist in the SBC. He never really jumped to the extreme fundamentalist group and left ministry not long after the "takeover" by them.

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I don't think this one instance is what the big deal is. And please, don't take that the wrong way...I'm not trying to say that a person losing their life is a small thing. What I'm saying is this...I think most Americans could forgive Huckabee for a mistake in pushing for this guy's release...we all make mistakes. Granted they don't always lead to the loss of life, but governors are in a position to make bigger decisions.


Where I think Huckabee takes the biggest hit, is combining the result of the particular story with the fact that he issued around 1000 pardons as governor. That is where people can really score some valid points on him, IMO.



You might be right but if they do then it's a double standard. Michael Doukakis was fried by George the First on the Willie Horton story. He was a pardon that went out and murdered again. You couldn't see an ad vs. Doukakis without that being in there.


If Huckabee did the same, wouldn't you expect the same outrage or is it only for Democrats running for president?


(BTW, I'm not implying you feel this way 5Wide, just the hypocricy of the electorate that would choose to ignore the very same issue that hurt another candidate almost 20 years ago.)

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The POTUS is a pretty powerful position, but not that powerful. Unless of course you believe that, for instance, GWB had "hurricane machines" in Africa that started Katrina and other hurricanes on their disastrous path intentionally. Although it would be cool to see the Prez whip up a plague of locusts, and I've always wanted to see what the Four Horseman looked like. Maybe we should find a Prez who has an equestrian background.


That's all fine and dandy to make jokes and stuff, but there are lots of crazies out there — such as the pre-millenial dispensationalists and others who advocate political action and aggressively fund political causes they think will help tip us toward The End Times — who just may believe Huckabee's that guy.

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That's all fine and dandy to make jokes and stuff, but there are lots of crazies out there — such as the pre-millenial dispensationalists and others who advocate political action and aggressively fund political causes they think will help tip us toward The End Times — who just may believe Huckabee's that guy.



Why must we associate any religious with "crazies"? There are a lot of "crazies" out there in any religion and a whole bunch who practice no religion whatsover.


My Southern Baptist upbringing taught that the end times would be brought about by God when he saw fit and there was nothing man could do to prevent nor hasten it.


When did it become wrong to be part of a mainstream religion? It once meant a display of character.

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Why must we associate any religious with "crazies"? There are a lot of "crazies" out there in any religion and a whole bunch who practice no religion whatsover.


My Southern Baptist upbringing taught that the end times would be brought about by God when he saw fit and there was nothing man could do to prevent nor hasten it.


When did it become wrong to be part of a mainstream religion? It once meant a display of character.


As did mine, but there are some new extremists that "call themselves" Southern Baptists that push others to act extreme in dealings with Israel or pushing the time table. For example there have been some people who were advocating destruction of the Dome of the Rock in order to hasten a Premillenial view of Tribulation.


BTW, Southern Baptists have not historically been all that unified in viewpoints on how it all shakes out. For Example:


Hershel Hobbs (writer of the '63 Baptist Faith and Message) was a believer with an Amillenial viewpoint.


New Testament scholars Ray Summers and George Beasley Murray were of an Historical Premillenial view. (As was Billy Graham who did not buy into the Hal Lindsay movement as much as other SBC pastors and leaders did)

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