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Good news from Iraq


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Cats Eye

I am glad to hear the good news.

Thank you for your service!!!!

Because of you and all of the patriots who protect our land, my family and I celebrate 6 years of peace in the homeland today, 6 years to my knowledge, without an American killed in the homeland by an Islamic terrorist.

I never dreamed on 9/11/01 that I would be able to make such a statement.


As the son of a WWII US Army veteran, a nephew of 2 WWII US Army casualties (1 KIA by the Japanese and 1 Blinded for life by a Japanese sniper) and myself a 2 tour Vietnam veteran and my family, I am standing up beside my computer right now and saluting you SIR, for your part in a job well done!!! May God Bless you and keep you safe.

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If we had had 24 hour news led by CNN, MSNBC, etc. at the time of WWII, all of us would be speaking German today.

Amen... :thumb:










How did patriotism, allegiance and pride in country become nothing more than hollow jingoism?


I am disgusted with the elites who sniff at such mundane concepts as patriotism while riding upon the waves of freedom paid for with the very blood, sweat and deprivation of genuine American patriots. It's time for Americans to love America again.

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Cats Eye

I am glad to hear the good news.

Thank you for your service!!!!

Because of you and all of the patriots who protect our land, my family and I celebrate 6 years of peace in the homeland today, 6 years to my knowledge, without an American killed in the homeland by an Islamic terrorist.

I never dreamed on 9/11/01 that I would be able to make such a statement.


As the son of a WWII US Army veteran, a nephew of 2 WWII US Army casualties (1 KIA by the Japanese and 1 Blinded for life by a Japanese sniper) and myself a 2 tour Vietnam veteran and my family, I am standing up beside my computer right now and saluting you SIR, for your part in a job well done!!! May God Bless you and keep you safe.



No truer words have been typed on this site. Many thanks Cats Eye.

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Cats Eye

I am glad to hear the good news.

Thank you for your service!!!!

Because of you and all of the patriots who protect our land, my family and I celebrate 6 years of peace in the homeland today, 6 years to my knowledge, without an American killed in the homeland by an Islamic terrorist.

I never dreamed on 9/11/01 that I would be able to make such a statement.


As the son of a WWII US Army veteran, a nephew of 2 WWII US Army casualties (1 KIA by the Japanese and 1 Blinded for life by a Japanese sniper) and myself a 2 tour Vietnam veteran and my family, I am standing up beside my computer right now and saluting you SIR, for your part in a job well done!!! May God Bless you and keep you safe.


What a great post...made my day. My sentiments exactly Cats Eye, although I couldn't come close to stating them as well as this post...

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No worries Cats Eye, it is impossoble to convince someone of progress if they've never been here. I too am stationed at Camp Ramadi, and entertained that Aiden Seamus finds your facts about IEDs useless. It is very apparent that he has never seen the destruction of one, and the demoralizing effect it has on our fellow soldiers. Much like the effect of media filtering out good stories from Iraq, and replacing them with stories that they think will sell the most papers. The truth is, most Americans dont want to read about improvements in the war here because they think we shouldnt be here. Many of you may remember the sight of the charred, dismembered bodies of four US contractors hanging from the "Brooklyn Bridge" on Highway 10 in Fallujia back in 2003. This is the nature of the enemy here. Those werent extremist who beat the bodies with the soles of their sandals to show that we (americans) are as disgusting as the dirt they walk on, or dragged the body of one american through the street tied to the back of a truck untill nothing was left of him. They were illiterate, impoverished youth led to believe by their "holy leaders" or Sheiks that Americans would put Jews in charge of their country. One major strategy in fighting the insurgents in Iraq is to win over hearts and minds. We cant even do that in our own country. So you see Cats Eye, this has become a war in which the American people support the troops, but not the war. If only they knew that they are doing more harm than good for us. Keep politics and media out of war.

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Amen... :thumb:










How did patriotism, allegiance and pride in country become nothing more than hollow jingoism?


I am disgusted with the elites who sniff at such mundane concepts as patriotism while riding upon the waves of freedom paid for with the very blood, sweat and deprivation of genuine American patriots. It's time for Americans to love America again.



Just as I get disgusted with those who feel we can not love America and dislike this war at the same time. It's time for Americans to love Americans again, even if they disagree.

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Just as I get disgusted with those who feel we can not love America and dislike this war at the same time. It's time for Americans to love Americans again, even if they disagree.
I am blessed to know a lot of people. I can honestly say I have never met anyone who loves or wants war. Fortunately, I also know a lot of people who accept when it is time to roll up our sleeves and get busy.


Overall, as a culture, we've become too soft.


I am genuinely concerned that it will take something much worse than the events of 9/11 for us to wake up and realize we can't negotiate peace, go home from or ignore the enemy at our door. They will accept nothing less than our destruction or their own martyrdom or both.


I hate war, but this is a fight we can't avoid.


What's your better plan?

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But is "the enemy at our door" in Iraq?


I thought we were going after the people who orchestrated 9/11....that being Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, not Saddam.

Some people either don't want to get it, or maybe just can't understand.


Radical Islam has declared war on us.


They don't care whether they fight us here or Iraq or anywhere else... they just want to fight us and go out in a blaze of glory as martyrs.


Given the choice, I would vastly prefer to help them become martyrs thousands of miles away from my home and family at the hands of trained professionals equipped with the best weaponry in the history of the world, as opposed to allowing them to invade a local school and systematically blow away innocent American student after innocent student for our gluttonous news services to broadcast around the world.


You tell me which you'd prefer?

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But is "the enemy at our door" in Iraq?


I thought we were going after the people who orchestrated 9/11....that being Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, not Saddam.

Then I assume you were against us going into Afghanistan. The Taliban did NOT attack us.

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Bin Laden isn't and wasn't in Iraq at that time. Different case for Afghanistan.


There is no evidence of any Iraqi connection to al-Qaeda.


If it were legitimate to start a war because of what another country might do sometime in the future, then anyone could start a war, any time.

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Are you sure? Hitler and Sadaam have much in common, including an invasion into a neigboring country for their resources years before the US joined the war.


I'm sure. Saddam was effectively contained by UN sanctions and no-fly zones. He had no capacity to produce WMDs of any sort nor any viable stockpiles following over a decade of sanctions and UN weapons inspections. We kicked his butt so badly in 1991 that he knew better than to ever pull a stupid stunt like starting a war ever again. Given the whole story (not just the cherry-picked part about the Iran/Iraq war), find me the parallel between Saddam Hussein's Iraq in 2003 and Adolph Hitler's Germany in 1939. There simply is none. And on the subject of comparing Iraq to WWII, only about 4% of the Iraq war has involved a conventional military campaign against a uniformed enemy fighting for real estate. The remaining 96% (May, 2003-present) has been a counterinsurgency/occupation/civil war police action.

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Germany was only a threat because we would not remain neutral. We were aiding enemies of both the Japanese and the Germans long before December 1941.


That is screwy logic. Germany was absolutely a threat to the U.S. prior to our entry into World War II. They were allied with the Japanese, who were trying to muscle the U.S. out of the Pacific, had signed a non-aggression treaty with the Russians, and had just about completely taken over Europe and North Africa. The Destroyer Reuben James (DD245) was torpedoed by a German U-boat on October 31, 1941 (well before the United States entered World War II). One hundred and fifteen American sailors died. If that isn't evidence of a threat, I don't know what is.


This is really pathetic, trying to imply a justification for the Iraq war through these truly laughable comparisons with World War II.


Either there is an overwrought sense of drama regarding prewar Iraq or a startling ignorance of the magnitude of the struggle in World War II.

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No its not. Its preposterous to for us to stick our head in the sand (again) and think that Hussein was never going to try to harm the U.S., its national interests and its people. That's not only preposterous, it would be a total breach of their duties for our elected officials to do so.


So, when do we invade Iran, Syria, North Korea? While we're at it, might as well invade Saudi Arabia too (after all, they're supporting terrorism against our interests and allies as much as anyone). Saddam Hussein had no capability to do anything toward the United States when we invaded. And why aren't you this full of bluster about getting bin Laden and the reconstituted al Qaeda forces in Pakistan? Those are guys who attacked us six years ago today and they're doing their thing unmolested as I type this.


Most of the American people would argue that we have stuck our collective heads in the sand by initiating this completely unrelated adventure into Iraq rather than exterminating the organization that perpetrated 9/11. I think you should be lecturing our elected officials. They are the ones in breach of their duties.

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