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Belfry 21 Corbin 0

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Corbin was better than the devils last year but didn't win , all summer they were best in 2a ... Now expectations can come to earth and football begin .. This loss will likely be a good thing for Corbin .. Did Red Army have any break away speed .. they missed that last year ? ...

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The big play bug bit us again. Take the 2 big plays (not being honest on the belly action give or belly) it is 7-0. Our line got out played belfrys line was more physical/quick.... period. Not making excuses Belfry is a good football team, we just made them look better. Good luck Belfry on the rest of your season.

Not making excuses but also could have very well been 38-0... Hickman dropped a wide open pass down the sideline, Earnest barely misses a Field Goal as the half expires, and Preston had the defense burnt on a pass that Elkins threw perfect despite getting drilled but Preston stopped on his route and the ball went off his finger tips.

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Very late right now,, will post my analysis tomorrow. Just some quick hitters:

1. When the lights went out it made me think that maybe it was Mr. Phillip's letting us know he was taking in one more Pirate game.. glad the Bucs could get the job done on such an emotional night.


2. Corbin is the epitomy of a class program. Their offense is alot better than the score makes it appear, remember this Belfry defense was pretty outstanding last year and return nearly everyone off that unit.


3. Belfry's run defense was impeccable. This group ahs the potential to be dominating with their quickness and gang tackling. It surprised me Corbin continued to try to run the ball against the Pirates.. I understand balance but when your longest run comes because a fumble goes three yards down the field, maybe you should stick with the pass.


4. Elkins played a smooth game on both sides of the ball, he ahd 3 incomplete passes, but in all honesty all three of thsoe should have been caught, two of which for TD's.


5. Dustin May was a mule on both sides of the ball... 125+ rushing, anoither 40 or so receiving, and one heckuva defensive performance.


6. Ivan Lee... coming out party.


7. Don't get me wrong, Cashen was solid and a great player...but IMO #18 Sanders was the MVP of Corbin.

8. Belfry's secondary is miles ahead of where I figured they would be... in fact the majority of Corbin's passing yards came as a result of Cashen having all day to make a play... with that much time eventually a receiver will get open.


Sanders seemed to be in on every tackle, it would have been real ugly if not for his play defensively.


Belfry just looked to be a more physical, sound football team than Corbin.

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I would guess Belfry probably had 350 rushing yards or so and another 50-75 passing. I don't have a good guess on Corbins yardage but I would bet their rushing yards were under 100 and passing maybe 150 or so. I could be way off, but that is my guesses. They also had a lot of field position taken away on penalties.


But don't be fooled by the score or the stats, Corbin will give some people fits in 2A. They have a strong nucleus and several playmakers. They are very quick on defense and they move to the ball well and gang tackle.


I can't say enough good things about Cashen. The kid has a LOT of savvy at the QB position. You couldn't hem him up in a phone booth, and even under pressure, he keeps his cool and finds a receiver. You could see him checking off his options while scrambling until he would ultimately find an open man. Belfry was playing a deep zone and he consistently took what they were giving him, thowing several passes in between the linebackers and the deep coverage.


Also, Sanders is a PLAYER. The kid was in on so many tackles and some really big hits. I loved watching this kid and his name will be one you will hear more of. What grade is he in?


Overall I was very pleased with the Pirates for the first game of the year. Belfry is still playing running back by committee, and we are without one of our 2 way starters in Webb. The line play was good and you could see Elkins' development has improved at QB. We have a lot of options to go to on offense and the defense was impressive. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the kinks work themselves out.

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So here we go, first my take on Belfry:



- Belfry's line play was spectacular. The Pirates could get 3 yards per play with the surge alone. The ISO play was unstoppable tonight. Defensively, the Pirates were on a different level quickness wise up front and caused absolute fits for the Hounds running the ball... if you factor in the long loss on a botched shotgun snap, I am guessing that Corbin may have had less than 20 rushing yards.


- Belfry's backfield. May put in a very Dustin May perfromance... 16 carries for 125 yards plus, 2 TD, a ton of broken tackles. Hickman got the start and ran well... Lee was almost as impressive as May running tonight, he punished anyone who got in his way. I also felt Timmy Lovern played really well. Elkins played a smooth game at QB, after an early hiccup on the option (I could have sworn the DL was WAY offsides) he carried out gorgeous playfakes, pitched at the best time, and threw pretty passes.


- Belfry's secondary impressed me. Corbin got passing yards, but for the most part the coverage was excellent. Elkins was excellent at CB, and Varney/Dotson never allowed anyone to truly beat us over the top. The majority of Corbin's completions came because Cashen had all day to throw and could wait until someone came open.





- Fumbles.... Belfry turned it over 3 times with fumbles. When you are controlling the LOS and moving the ball fluidly, you cannot turn it over.


- As I touched on..Elkins' stat line will have 3 incomplete passes listed..but Elkins was on the money all night. The Hickman drop and Preston's misjudgment were both TD passes, that would have hurt badly if Corbin would have capitalized. The only bad pass I saw Elkins throw was the bubble screen where he threw it high and behind Preston..he still gained 3 yards, but if thatball is throw right then it goes for more.




-For the most part the Belfry fans were huge in number btu small in voice. Numerous big defensive plays (see 4th and 1 where Belfry stuffed the Hounds) but the crowd wanted to sit on their hands.




I was impressed and surprised. The foundation is there to have a really good team, lets see if they build off of it.

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I also want to comment on the crowds for this game.


There was a lot of people in the stands on the Belfry side, but it was stangely subdued. A lot of sadness tonight among the Belfry faithful surely contributed to that. I think it was the quietest I have ever seen a Belfry crowd during a game, much less a big win.


Additionally, I was surprised that Corbin didn't bring more fans to this game. It was thin on that side of the field and that was a big shock for me. I'm sure the drive, the heat and the fact that the game was on live on WYMT played a big part in that.

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Overall I was very pleased with the Pirates for the first game of the year. Belfry is still playing running back by committee, and we are without one of our 2 way starters in Webb. The line play was good and you could see Elkins' development has improved at QB. We have a lot of options to go to on offense and the defense was impressive. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the kinks work themselves out.

Tusi, I also noticed that heath Varney didn't play and he was going to eb given the starting nod at one of the HB's and be our only back that didn't have to play defense full time. What's the word on both of these kids?


It's also a testiment to our depth this season that without Webb (who I fully expect to be a playmaker on defense) and Varney we didn't skip a beat.

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Congrats to the Pirates on a standout win tonight. Without a doubt, their were some heavy hearts and tearful eyes at CAM Stadium tonight, but I have a feeling that Mr. Phillips wasnt crying at all last night. Its these kind of games and trials that bring teams together and produce great seasons. From what I have read on this site, no words can describe what Mr. Phillips meant to his and the Belfry family, but its instances like this that gives a team that extra determination that makes other teams watch. Once again Congrats Belfry on the win and my condolensences on your heartfelt loss.

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Belfry congrats. They completely dominated us from start to finish. We are lucky that the score wasn't worse. Sanders played outstanding, we talked about it on the way home, that Sanders should have been MVP. We better go back to the old school and learn tocontrol people up front. We had the majority of our O-line back and D-line and got kicked.

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Now for Corbin,



- Cashen did not disappoint. He appeared to be like a second head coach out on the field, play after play he amde the right decision and did everything he could to move the Hounds down the field against an exceptional defense. When Belfry would send extra pressure he was brilliant at not only avoiding the sack, but finding a receiver.


- Sanders was an absolute manchild... he may not be very big in the look aspects, but the kid plays like he is 6'4 240. On offense he was a viable option as a receiver and on numerous times made huge blocks (he absolutely crushed Ivan Lee who is a monster), defensively he was everywhere and he amde sure when he hit you that you didn't just get arm tackled. This kid will wreak havoc on 2A teams.


-Pass blocking was solid. Keep in mind that for the most part Belfry was only sending three men, but even when they would pinch an end or send either May or Dotson, the Hounds would pick it up and give Cashen all day to oversee the field.


-The Hounds will flat hit you.. Belfry's poor Sophomore HB/S Thomas Vaney got introduced to Varsity football the hard way.



- Corbin got absolutely wore out up front.. Belfry appeared bigger, stronger, and quicker.


- Though the Hounds would lay a hit, the Pirates broke a ton of tackles from Corbin players not locking up.


- Corbin may return 9 starters on both sides of the ball, but they amde some mental errors that would make you think they were only returning 3 or 4 starters. Numerous penalties inluding a substitution infraction on 4th and 4 to give Belfry a first down. The Hounds also ahd the ball fairly deep in Pirate territory then lost about 30 yards on a botched shotgun snap.




-Not alot fo Hound faithful at the game, that took me back a bit.


-Corbin never gave up, but you could tell their spirit was broke by their lack of emotion on the field in the second half. It was as if they were frustrated by the Pirate's methodical marches down field 3 yards at a time.



Corbin's offense passed well enough that the shutout doesn't indicate how good they really are. Corbin has some small tweaking left to do, but they still have everything they need to compete for a 2A title.I do question the Corbin coaches committment to continue to try to find the running game, even late in the 4th quarter. Corbin won't have to see many Front 7's as talented as Belfry... and once they eliminate the emntal errors this team will be solid.



I wanna give some props to #2 for the Hounds. The best show of sportsmanship all night came when #2 helped a Belfry player who was cramping up until the coaches came.

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Stats per this morning's Williamson Daily News (take them for what they are worth, suually the WDN stats aren't accurate)



Passing 11-27 107 yards, 1 INT

Rushing 43 yards


150 Total Yards (I think Corbin has more passing yards than what they are given, that or they were deducted passing yards ala NFL for that long loss in the first half on the botched snap)



May 16 carries, 129 yards 2TD


Total yards 282 (I also question this... Elkins threw for about 75 yards.. May ran for 129... that alone is over 200 yards, Hickman ahd a 50 yard run and Lee a 22 yard TD... I know Belfry gained more than 15 yards with their other carries.

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I watched 2 quarters of this one on WYMT and all I can say is Belfry's line is tough! They took it to Corbin every play both sides of the ball they will flat out hit you in the mouth and I now know why they are amoung the tops in the state great win and congrats from someone a little bit west of you!

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Not making excuses but also could have very well been 38-0... Hickman dropped a wide open pass down the sideline, Earnest barely misses a Field Goal as the half expires, and Preston had the defense burnt on a pass that Elkins threw perfect despite getting drilled but Preston stopped on his route and the ball went off his finger tips.


I agree 100%. Hey Belfry is a great football team, i just feel our line play made them look alot better becasue we couldn't establish a running game.

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