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Obama-Clinton Fight Watch


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Does the winner of this bloody contest have a chance in the General Election after being ripped to shreds by their party-mates and exposed for the world to see? I just picture this bloodied and beaten boxer having to get right back into the ring after going 15 rounds with someone else.


I agree with Habib, the polarizing effect of Hillary will get the Republicans out in droves to vote for anyone / anything opposing her on the ticket.

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Does the winner of this bloody contest have a chance in the General Election after being ripped to shreds by their party-mates and exposed for the world to see? I just picture this bloodied and beaten boxer having to get right back into the ring after going 15 rounds with someone else.


I agree with Habib, the polarizing effect of Hillary will get the Republicans out in droves to vote for anyone / anything opposing her on the ticket.


The same thing will be happening on the other side too so the effect should be minimal.

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I'm a Republican and is Hillary wins the primary...I will rest easy in that I feel the Republicans will keep the White House.

You don't live where I live then. Democrats are eager to vote for her as they think it will bring back what they think was the great economic time of the "Clinton" years. Bill gets all the credit for what was going on in 90's concerning the economic boom. Hillary gets a feed off credit. Of course that is in the Democratic world I live in. They are eager to vote for her.

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^ Well any financially savvy person knows that Clinton was not the cause of our economic boon in the late 90's....our country was primed for that to happen from about '84 on....with that...I live in a very Republican area of town....but keep in mind, this country from east to west, and north to south...may not be ready for a woman in the White House...especially one as polarizing as Hillary.

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You don't live where I live then. Democrats are eager to vote for her as they think it will bring back what they think was the great economic time of the "Clinton" years. Bill gets all the credit for what was going on in 90's concerning the economic boom. Hillary gets a feed off credit. Of course that is in the Democratic world I live in. They are eager to vote for her.


Democrats will line up to vote for her, that is true, but can you imagine a Republican or someone with even a slight conservative lean sitting at home on election day with her on the ballot?


At the same time I am sure there are some (very) moderate Democrats who can't stomach voting for Hillary because of her husband or because she is a women. If the Republicans manage to offer a remotely attractive candidate, Hillary will do the rest.

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^ Well any financially savvy person knows that Clinton was not the cause of our economic boon in the late 90's....our country was primed for that to happen from about '84 on....with that...I live in a very Republican area of town....but keep in mind, this country from east to west, and north to south...may not be ready for a woman in the White House...especially one as polarizing as Hillary.

Based upon how informed people are these days when they vote, I am not sure savvy describes them.


Won't convince my parents of the first statement.

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I think the republic party will get their wish. It will come down to Hillary and Rudy. My man Obama just eliminated himself from VP consideration.


Hillary will beat Rudy soundly because the religious right will not be able to hold their noses and pull the lever for Rudy's pro gay, pro abortion stance. In fact I am suprised so many BGP posters don't see this as in issue in their poll.


Once Hillary is sworn in she will appoint Bill as "The Special Ambasador To The Mid East Region" and all will be well in the world once again.

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I think the republic party will get their wish. It will come down to Hillary and Rudy. My man Obama just eliminated himself from VP consideration.


Hillary will beat Rudy soundly because the religious right will not be able to hold their noses and pull the lever for Rudy's pro gay, pro abortion stance. In fact I am suprised so many BGP posters don't see this as in issue in their poll.


Once Hillary is sworn in she will appoint Bill as "The Special Ambasador To The Mid East Region" and all will be well in the world once again.

But here is the problem, Hillary is the same way as Rudy. So do you think they will vote for her or just not do their civic responsibility and vote?

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because the religious right will not be able to hold their noses and pull the lever for Rudy's pro gay, pro abortion stance. In fact I am suprised so many BGP posters don't see this as in issue in their poll.



On the contrary, I think there are many young and moderate Republicans that embrace Rudy because of those stances. Further, I think the Republican Party not encapsulated in the "Christian Right" will trumpet those differences. Now will that turn off the old-school blue-blood Repulicans...maybe.

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