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2007 Bethlehem


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Bethlehem suffers from heavy graduation losses and from the loss of their head coach, Steve Hart, BGP's Kentucky Coach of the Year. 2007 figures to be a rebuilding year for the Eagles, but with the right type of rebuilding, and with a favorable district placement, it could be a positive rebuilding year.


The first thing the Eagles must do is name a head coach. I would have liked very much for that to have been done already, in order to get started as early as possible with the change of regime and also to eliminate the uncertainty associated with any delay. The defensive coordinator, Stan Torzewski, deserves the job, IMO. Stan is very young (27, I think) but he has a solid football resume, is energetic and ambitious, has some great football ideas, has excellent rapport with the kids, and is the closest thing Bethlehem has with an actual school position to step in and be a Head Coach. This program is only 10 years old, and is still in its infancy in terms of systems and protocols, and Stan knows the ones they have. Perhaps most importantly, Bethlehem's coaching staff is almost entirely composed of system products. There is a strong indication (backed by Coach Hart's endorsement) that if Torzewski is not the choice, that the coaching staff will not be enthusiastic about sticking around.


I think the program is too young to mess with the tenuous success formula that is has had, and that they need to name Stan ASAP.


Several names from the outside have been bandied about, but no word with any substance behind it as of yet.


The Eagles lose everybody this year. Almost all of Bethlehem's starters were two-way starters and seniors, including RB/LB Billy Jackson, FB/LB Kent Simpson, FB/LB Kaylin Williams, QB/FS Richard Kay, and OL/DL Stuart Haydon, George Janes, John Martin, Austin Carey and Patrick Mudd, and CB/WR Justin Brown.


The only returning starter with any production is RB/CB Blake Stanley. Blake ran for over 500 yards and also caught 22 passes and was a dangerous return man. He will be the Eagles feature skill player. Trouble is, as of right now, there is noone to block for him. The only returning interior lineman is DE/OG Michael Kidwell, who will be a 3-year starter, but he only weighs about 165 lbs. (though small lineman has never been a problem for Bethlehem).


The QB right now is exprected to be Travis Greenwell. Travis is tall (6'1") and reportedly has a very strong arm, but to my knowledge has never taken a snap as a varsity QB.


The Eagles have some potential in the receiver area. They have a whole lot of underclassmen who are small and quick, including one with playing experience (DB/WR Michael Haydon), and several who were contributors on special teams (Corey Monin and Casey Robinson). These guys are smart and tough, but it remains to be seen whether they have the athleticism to compete with the better Class A teams.


I think that Bethlehem is going to have to go out and "chop wood" like Rutgers did this year. Make incremental improvements and buy into a new system, and not be so concerned about repeating this years 11-2 season. Personnel-wise, they might be better served getting into the shotgun and running an offense like the old Houston Oilers, where they are primarily a throwing team, letting those little receivers run short, overlapping routes, and occasionally sneaking one in to your feature back.


They will need broad-based support from their fans and administration, patience in the win-column and lots of hard work in the weight room. Their district (Beth Haven, Caverna, Lou. Holy Cross, KCD) gives them the opportunity to still have some success. However, its going to all start with the choice of the right head coach.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Confirmed!!! Stan T. was named as head coach. Better things to come for Bethlehem. Yes they have lost the best senior class they have ever had but the momentum they created is contagious. At the first football meeting of the year they had 37 current students attend. Yes several of these will not come out or make it through two a days but they have the largest and best group of freshman to be coming in next year. They will get anywhere from 10-12 players form that class. Might not sound like alot but is a huge class for Bethlehem. More importantly it consist of some good size offensive lineman which will really compliment backs like Casey Robinson, Luke Wimpsett, and Cam Wilson after the departure of Blake Stanley. Look for next year to be somewhere around 6-4 but the following two years will see them back on top of the district.

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  • 5 months later...

Bethlehem has 42 players out this season (a lot by their standards) but very few returning starters. They will have some young studs but play a killer schedule early in the year. Expect alot of bumps and bruises but expect them to be good at seaons end.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Luke Wimpsett will be a load by the time he's a senior, but he's gonna go thru the tough times for a couple years, he's hard nosed, will be good


Bethlehem has looked good in practice. Wimpsett and Stanly are ready now. If they can get the play out of Greenwell, Robinson, Wimpsett, Downs, and Wilson that they are capable of then they could be a formidable opponent down the road. Bethlehem will be playing a full Freshman and Jv schedule this year and their future looks very good.

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Bethlehem has looked good in practice. Wimpsett and Stanly are ready now. If they can get the play out of Greenwell, Robinson, Wimpsett, Downs, and Wilson that they are capable of then they could be a formidable opponent down the road. Bethlehem will be playing a full Freshman and Jv schedule this year and their future looks very good.


Coach, how did the Eagles look in the scrimmage last week? Whom did they play and what were the results?

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Better than expected. Played Eminence and controlled the scrimmage. Actually looked better than I remembered them looking against Eminence in the preseason last year. Stanley looked very good running the ball, Greenwell passed well. The offense will be much more balanced and have more depth. The biggest issue will be the tough schedule ahead. It will make it tough for some of the younger guys to step up.

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