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‘Not My Presidents Day’

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What a waste of good day off.


As far as delegitimizing, the Trump admin is doing a fine job of that.

For the most part, Trump has been doing exactly what he promised that he would do if elected. So, no Trump is not delegitimizing the process. Obama's followers and the other sore losers are doing that.
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For the most part, Trump has been doing exactly what he promised that he would do if elected. So, no Trump is not delegitimizing the process. Obama's followers and the other sore losers are doing that.


Whats so hurtful to the left, and trust me the left knows this, is that Trump is trying his best to deliver on his promises. Thats why they fight so hard. They know thats this will gain momentum with people that there is actually someone who will try to deliver. This will be a huge selling point for Trump and he will expose years of that not happening from both sides. Make no bones about this, this is not about now, this is about 2018 and 2020.

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What's so hurtful to me isn't that Trump is doing what he said he's going to do. It's that he himself doesn't appear to recognize the weight of his own decisions or that his actions have consequences. It's that he will not stop talking about his electoral victory, as if it matters at this point. It's that he discredits anything he disagrees with as fake and disrespects judges who question him as "so-called".


The campaign is over. He is the President. It's time that he starts to act like it.

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What's so hurtful to me isn't that Trump is doing what he said he's going to do. It's that he himself doesn't appear to recognize the weight of his own decisions or that his actions have consequences. It's that he will not stop talking about his electoral victory, as if it matters at this point. It's that he discredits anything he disagrees with as fake and disrespects judges who question him as "so-called".


The campaign is over. He is the President. It's time that he starts to act like it.

I agree with you, but Trump is like Obama in that regard. He craves attention and high ratings and poll numbers. Obama managed to keep his approval ratings high, considering that he was a miserable flop as president. Maybe Trump's approach will work for him, especially if he continues to keep campaign promises. I do wish he would put his Twitter account into a blind trust until he leaves office.
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I agree with you, but Trump is like Obama in that regard. He craves attention and high ratings and poll numbers. Obama managed to keep his approval ratings high, considering that he was a miserable flop as president. Maybe Trump's approach will work for him, especially if he continues to keep campaign promises. I do wish he would put his Twitter account into a blind trust until he leaves office.


I was not necesssarily the biggest Obama fan either. The CFPB has made a regulatory mess of banking and has community banks begging to be bailed out by larger entities because they can't keep up with the constantly changing regulatory environment. I am all for consumer protection, but when you see some of the things banks are being penalized for all you can do is shake your head.


I respect the office of the President. I am just fearful that President Trump doesn't have the same level of respect for it as I do. The position isn't only a victory trophy to parade around.


I want unity so bad. I want President Trump to succeed because hopefully it means the country is succeeding. And I have every intention of giving him and his staff every opportunity to succeed. But so many things they say and do, all I can do is shake my head and say "Really?"

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I agree with you, but Trump is like Obama in that regard. He craves attention and high ratings and poll numbers. Obama managed to keep his approval ratings high, considering that he was a miserable flop as president. Maybe Trump's approach will work for him, especially if he continues to keep campaign promises. I do wish he would put his Twitter account into a blind trust until he leaves office.


Trump's poll numbers are low and will get lower unless he does something that all Americans can get behind. He loves his base and they love him , but that's less than 30% of the nation.


Why he hasn't put together an infrastructure bill and jobs bill to get some momentum I don't know?

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I was not necesssarily the biggest Obama fan either. The CFPB has made a regulatory mess of banking and has community banks begging to be bailed out by larger entities because they can't keep up with the constantly changing regulatory environment. I am all for consumer protection, but when you see some of the things banks are being penalized for all you can do is shake your head.


I respect the office of the President. I am just fearful that President Trump doesn't have the same level of respect for it as I do. The position isn't only a victory trophy to parade around.


I want unity so bad. I want President Trump to succeed because hopefully it means the country is succeeding. And I have every intention of giving him and his staff every opportunity to succeed. But so many things they say and do, all I can do is shake my head and say "Really?"

If unity means compromising with people who have repeatedly shown that they are willing to vote along party lines at the expense of national security, then I am not interested. If Trump rehabilitates the business climate in this country, then the economy will boom, and some socialists will begin rethinking their anti-American positions. That is the kind of unity that I want to see. I want to see socialists abandoning failed big government programs because they are evolving into a higher form of life.:lol2:
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With the current proliferation of protests and rallies, some enterprising entrepreneur could open a Protestor Supply Shop to sell the supplies, apparel and equipment used therein, and would do a brisk business--at least for the next four years. Those protesting and rallying are going to the well too often or crying wolf too much (choose your cliche) such that the effectiveness of the protests/rallies is being lost.

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Trump's poll numbers are low and will get lower unless he does something that all Americans can get behind. He loves his base and they love him , but that's less than 30% of the nation.


Why he hasn't put together an infrastructure bill and jobs bill to get some momentum I don't know?

The government does not create any jobs other than government jobs. I had one of those jobs that Obama "created," including one that involved writing applications that generated reports on jobs created under the $831 billion Obama stimulus bill (a/k/a "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009").


That's right, I had a one-year temporary job that consisted of writing code to generate reports on stimulus jobs and spending. We all saw the result of that stimulus program. I know first hand how exaggerated those Obama job numbers are.


I would not be surprised if Obama did not credit himself with created jobs every time that a federal contract expired and was then renewed. If so, then Obama may have taken credit for four or five jobs that I have held alone. Obama was nothing if not a scam artist.


I am not part of Trump's base, but I desperately want him to succeed. Success to me looks like a healthy economy, rising wages, an increasing work force - in a nutshell, a booming private economy. There is no substitute for private sector jobs in this country.

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My attitude when Obama was elected was that people get the government that they deserve. I complained about Obama throughout his two terms, fretted over the public education system that created an atmosphere that allowed such a charlatan to be elected president, and advocated legal action every time that I believed he exceeded his constitutional powers. What I never did was question the legitimacy of the electoral process that gave us such a sorry excuse of a president.


What Alinskyites such as those who organized this "event" and Obama himself through OFA seek to do is delegitimize the process of electing government leaders in this country when the results are not to their liking. They do not merely voice their displeasure with individual policies and actions, they seek to impose the will of the minority on the majority in this country who respect our system of government and traditional values.


Alinskyites are not content to exercise their First Amendment right to free speech, they actively work to squelch the free speech of others. Nowhere is that more apparent than Congressional town hall meetings, where they are trained to pair up and spread themselves out in the audience in an attempt to create the illusion that their numbers are greater than they are.


These are the same kind of people that the Soviets funded during the Cold War for propaganda purposes. They are sick, disgusting individuals who Mark Levin often describes as "masterminds." Orwell described them best when he wrote "some animals are more equal than others." These people believe that they are our betters and will never respect the results of elections of those who do not share their warped vision for America.


Your my new hero! What a great post.

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Trump's poll numbers are low and will get lower unless he does something that all Americans can get behind. He loves his base and they love him , but that's less than 30% of the nation.


Why he hasn't put together an infrastructure bill and jobs bill to get some momentum I don't know?


Presidents don't write bills, congress does. He can propose a plan but congress has to do the work.

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