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‘Not My Presidents Day’

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“While we acknowledge that Donald Trump holds the current title, the policies he’s trying to put in place are not the beliefs shared by the majority of the people,” said Nova Calise, a television production manager and one of the organizers of New York event.


“We do not accept Donald Trump as our president because he does not represent us,” she said, citing his policies on abortion and immigration as top concerns. Organizers say speakers will include Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer and Sonia Ossorio, who runs the New York City chapter of the National Organization for Women.


Well, many of us felt that way about Obama's policies. We didn't feel the policies he put in place were the beliefs shared by the majority of the people, we still accepted him as our president. We didn't have a stupid "Not my president" day rally. Just more kicking and screaming from childish people. :no:





Thousands expected at ‘Not My Presidents Day’ rallies Monday

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“While we acknowledge that Donald Trump holds the current title, the policies he’s trying to put in place are not the beliefs shared by the majority of the people,” said Nova Calise, a television production manager and one of the organizers of New York event.


“We do not accept Donald Trump as our president because he does not represent us,” she said, citing his policies on abortion and immigration as top concerns. Organizers say speakers will include Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer and Sonia Ossorio, who runs the New York City chapter of the National Organization for Women.


Well, many of us felt that way about Obama's policies. We didn't feel the policies he put in place were the beliefs shared by the majority of the people, we still accepted him as our president. We didn't have a stupid "Not my president" day rally. Just more kicking and screaming from childish people. :no:





Thousands expected at ‘Not My Presidents Day’ rallies Monday

My attitude when Obama was elected was that people get the government that they deserve. I complained about Obama throughout his two terms, fretted over the public education system that created an atmosphere that allowed such a charlatan to be elected president, and advocated legal action every time that I believed he exceeded his constitutional powers. What I never did was question the legitimacy of the electoral process that gave us such a sorry excuse of a president.


What Alinskyites such as those who organized this "event" and Obama himself through OFA seek to do is delegitimize the process of electing government leaders in this country when the results are not to their liking. They do not merely voice their displeasure with individual policies and actions, they seek to impose the will of the minority on the majority in this country who respect our system of government and traditional values.


Alinskyites are not content to exercise their First Amendment right to free speech, they actively work to squelch the free speech of others. Nowhere is that more apparent than Congressional town hall meetings, where they are trained to pair up and spread themselves out in the audience in an attempt to create the illusion that their numbers are greater than they are.


These are the same kind of people that the Soviets funded during the Cold War for propaganda purposes. They are sick, disgusting individuals who Mark Levin often describes as "masterminds." Orwell described them best when he wrote "some animals are more equal than others." These people believe that they are our betters and will never respect the results of elections of those who do not share their warped vision for America.

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Many of the Liberals on here will say "Not all of us feel that way".


Seems to be a majority of the Libs do feel that way.


When 30 million or so are showing up at these rallies, then you can say the majority. Even if 30,000 show up, it's still only very, very small percentage. I'm also guessing no BGP members will appear at any of these rallies either, so no need to continue to paint everyone with that brush.


These rallies are silly and pointless. However, people are certainly allowed to hold and attend these rallies if that's what they wish to do.

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When 30 million or so are showing up at these rallies, then you can say the majority. Even if 30,000 show up, it's still only very, very small percentage. I'm also guessing no BGP members will appear at any of these rallies either, so no need to continue to paint everyone with that brush.


These rallies are silly and pointless. However, people are certainly allowed to hold and attend these rallies if that's what they wish to do.

I disagree. The rallies are orchestrated attempts to delegitimize a duly elected president and his administration. These rallies are not spontaneous protests of specific policies. They are well planned, well financed attempts to thwart our electoral process. Not by overthrowing the government, but by undermining the ability of elected officials to enact the policies on which they campaigned.
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When 30 million or so are showing up at these rallies, then you can say the majority. Even if 30,000 show up, it's still only very, very small percentage. I'm also guessing no BGP members will appear at any of these rallies either, so no need to continue to paint everyone with that brush.


These rallies are silly and pointless. However, people are certainly allowed to hold and attend these rallies if that's what they wish to do.


I never questioned their ability to hold a rally.


While no BGP members may appear at these rallies, there is little doubt in my mind some will agree with the beliefs they hold.

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I disagree. The rallies are orchestrated attempts to delegitimize a duly elected president and his administration. These rallies are not spontaneous protests of specific policies. They are well planned, well financed attempts to thwart our electoral process. Not by overthrowing the government, but by undermining the ability of elected officials to enact the policies on which they campaigned.


Which policies have they been able to stop thus far?? And they certainly didn't do a very good job of thwarting the electoral process a couple months ago.


I don't disagree that these rallies are organized and well funded, and that perhaps the energy could be better spent working towards unity.

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Which policies have they been able to stop thus far?? And they certainly didn't do a very good job of thwarting the electoral process a couple months ago.


I don't disagree that these rallies are organized and well funded, and that perhaps the energy could be better spent working towards unity.

Liberals like Obama pay lip service to "unity" but their actions speak loudly of divisiveness. Exercising one's constitutional rights to undermine a legitimately elected government is unpatriotic, IMO. The goals of Alinsky's disciples are long term and their steadfast refusal to compromise is working. When radicals like Obama take office, they use their positions to pack the courts with liberal judges and fill federal agencies with liberal activists. When they lose elections, they run to those same liberal judges, stage protests, and use every smear tactic known to man to ensure that the will of the majority is thwarted.


Like I said, the radical left has been very effective in dragging our government to the left, even when they have lost elections. What they have not been is patriotic, respectful, or loyal citizens.

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