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Ashley Judd's "Nasty Woman" speech at the Woman's march 1-21-17


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I actually didn't really feel that way on that day. But I certainly have experienced it off and on over the last couple of months. And anger. Anger at the complacency of the voters who stayed home. But I felt more resignation than anything, at the time the transfer of power happened. The worst case scenario of all time is what I feel people like me face in Kentucky. We have Gov Bevin and a Republican majority at the state level, and now the situation in DC. I can't afford to spend too much time being down. There is work to do!


I have spent the last 6 weeks or so preparing for the next 4 years. I have reached out to connect more closely with Refugee Ministries. I've made sure my mother's insurance situation is the best it can be if things change. I have started education funds for my granddaughters future. I am next preparing to start working with an organization that provides assistance to the homeless. Basically, I am determined to make a difference. I can't affect the nation. But I can help my community.


As I mentioned a while back, I am not going to let POTUS Trump, Gov Bevin or their legions suck the soul out of me. The world won't end, and the opportunity to see improvement is there...Let's hope for the good of all Americans that their vision works. I control how I feel. And I refuse to let them take that from me. :D

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President Trump received 42% of the vote from ladies. So there are a lot of us ladies who disagree with George Soros/the benefactor,Michael Moore, Gloria Steinem, Ashley Judd, Madonna, any other Hollywood women or feminist women in general. Yes, the sexist remarks were ugly, I would not tolerate them in my home. The men in my home know that fact. Hopefully, he has developed a more mature appreciative opinion of a lady.



I certainly hope that develops a better opinion. Women deserve better treatment in actions and words by the men around them. We certainly should expect our leaders to model chivalrous behavior.

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I actually didn't really feel that way on that day. But I certainly have experienced it off and on over the last couple of months. And anger. Anger at the complacency of the voters who stayed home. But I felt more resignation than anything, at the time the transfer of power happened. The worst case scenario of all time is what I feel people like me face in Kentucky. We have Gov Bevin and a Republican majority at the state level, and now the situation in DC. I can't afford to spend too much time being down. There is work to do!


I have spent the last 6 weeks or so preparing for the next 4 years. I have reached out to connect more closely with Refugee Ministries. I've made sure my mother's insurance situation is the best it can be if things change. I have started education funds for my granddaughters future. I am next preparing to start working with an organization that provides assistance to the homeless. Basically, I am determined to make a difference. I can't affect the nation. But I can help my community.


As I mentioned a while back, I am not going to let POTUS Trump, Gov Bevin or their legions suck the soul out of me. The world won't end, and the opportunity to see improvement is there...Let's hope for the good of all Americans that their vision works. I control how I feel. And I refuse to let them take that from me. :D


I've had plenty of that as well.

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I certainly hope that develops a better opinion. Women deserve better treatment in actions and words by the men around them. We certainly should expect our leaders to model chivalrous behavior.


Hold on. Do these women want to be treated as equal to men or do they want to be handled with kid gloves? A feminist can open her own door, right?!

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Madonna thought about blowing up the Whitehouse? She actually said that? No one ever accused her of being the sharpest knife in the drawer. Doesn't her statement encourage "never trumpers" to act on her suggestion? Science Friction, I too felt sadness like I have never experienced after an Inauguration. I was so sad for the Trumps, Pence and myself. How could a candidate,who won the election, not be allowed to freely celebrate his victory with the many Americans who exercised their right and chose him freely? Entertainers threatened with death and gala guests who were actually hit with all manner of disgusting things, I don't even want to know what that brown liquid they squirted was.

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Hold on. Do these women want to be treated as equal to men or do they want to be handled with kid gloves? A feminist can open her own door, right?!

Absolutely. Women should be treated equal as equal to men, paid the same as men, be in charge of their bodies, and not be subjected to harassment and vulgar talk.

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Madonna thought about blowing up the Whitehouse? She actually said that? No one ever accused her of being the sharpest knife in the drawer. Doesn't her statement encourage "never trumpers" to act on her suggestion? Science Friction, I too felt sadness like I have never experienced after an Inauguration. I was so sad for the Trumps, Pence and myself. How could a candidate,who won the election, not be allowed to freely celebrate his victory with the many Americans who exercised their right and chose him freely? Entertainers threatened with death and gala guests who were actually hit with all manner of disgusting things, I don't even want to know what that brown liquid they squirted was.


I wouldn't ever encourage those kind of antics and I CERTAINLY don't care for Madonna!

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I still say we would be a hellava lot better off if we had 535 females in Congress, a female VP, a female President, and nine female Supreme Court justices. And that's no joke!
We will be much better off when and if this country moves beyond identity politics and merit becomes the sole criteria for political appointees.
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I'm certainly not saying this is the case at all so don't get me wrong. But when does the fight for equality become the fight for preferential treatment?


Well, now that you've mentioned it, I'm for women having preferential treatment too. Men sure as hell have had it for a long time ( like, since the beginning of time !!!)

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