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CIA Cozy Relationship With Reporters


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"the CIA’s reaction appears to have led to significant changes in the story that was eventually published in the Times."


Its this statement here that causes you to ask - was the story right and the CIA altered a correct story for a desired purpose? Was the story incorrect and CIA just simply 'corrected it'?


Either way it shows a news function that is not independent and - as posted in other thread - not relying on multiple, independent sources to assemble a a story that they can stand behind. That is how it seems.


The CIA probably has strong links and is probably 'inside' the major news outlets. Or maybe best to say 'elements of the agency'.


I always like the end of Three Days of the Condor. "What if they don't print it?"



Language warning.




Also - "You think not getting caught in a lie is the same as telling the truth?"

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It's not a leak, it's a political lie. That's why they won't appear before the committee. Because they would have to admit it's not true or perjure theirselves to continue the falsehood. It all meant to try to continue to undermine the election process. The democratic party has done more damage than any alleged hackimg could have done to this nation. All started with a corrupt primary, fixed for a corrupt politician, the email cover up and illegal fix, voter fraud in Detroit and GOD knows where else. All the rioting and beating of non democratic voters. Recounts aimed at trying to get states electorial votes thrown out by waiting to the last second to file. Trying to intimidate and lie to the electorial voters. We know who the bad guys are and the are not Russian.

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The CIA probably has strong links and is probably 'inside' the major news outlets. Or maybe best to say 'elements of the agency'.


I always like the end of Three Days of the Condor. "What if they don't print it?"



Language warning.




Also - "You think not getting caught in a lie is the same as telling the truth?"

I just rewatched that movie last week! One of my favorites.


"You're about to become a very lonely man."

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