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33 Percent of Bernie Sanders Supporters Will Not Vote for Hillary Clinton. Here's Why


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Heard on one of the cable squawk shows last night that GOP rules-makers may nullify results from states that had open primaries -- only seating delegates from states that restricted voting to registered Republicans. Stopping Trump by changing the rules is the easy part. The tough part is dealing with the aftermath of handing the nomination to the guy who finished second or even third.


Again that's why I said compromise is Cruz. @Clyde probably can't believe Cruz is the compromise. If someone besides those two I could see a revolt.


But believe it or not I actually am pretty involved with local groups inside the GOP. The common theme from Trump supporters is they can live with Cruz but not much else.


Trump himself will hate it.

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There are some on here that will explode if Trump gets schlonged by the GOP. If they are any way representative of Trump voters they will not vote for Lyin' Ted. They may riot like Trump tells them to.


Trump is more than likely the nominee. But again you make comments not based in fact. Polls show more of Trump supporters will support Cruz than Sanders supporters will Hillary. It's a fact you and few others can't grasp.


Let's not forget that both Kasich and Trump received more votes in the state of Ohio in the primary than Hillary did. Hillary isn't motivating peope. There are a few states where the 2nd place GOP candidate gets more votes than Hillary this primary season.

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There are some on here that will explode if Trump gets schlonged by the GOP. If they are any way representative of Trump voters they will not vote for Lyin' Ted. They may riot like Trump tells them to.


I for one will vote for any Repub nominee over Hillary.


Scott Walker said, if going into the convention, there is no clear cut favorite, the RNC will probably bring in someone that hasn't been in the running so far. That would be a disaster IMHO.

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Trump is more than likely the nominee. But again you make comments not based in fact. Polls show more of Trump supporters will support Cruz than Sanders supporters will Hillary. It's a fact you and few others can't grasp.


Let's not forget that both Kasich and Trump received more votes in the state of Ohio in the primary than Hillary did. Hillary isn't motivating peope. There are a few states where the 2nd place GOP candidate gets more votes than Hillary this primary season.

I'm simply not seeing any polling on this. Please post a link to one of your polls (plural) that indicate that Cruz will pick up 67% or more of Trump supporters should Donald be denied the nomination in Cleveland.


The statistic you and your Pachyderm friends should really be concerned about is that only 50 percent of Republican primary voters who backed other candidates said they would vote for Trump if he became the Republican presidential nominee.


Link below:


Poll: Only Half of Non-Trump Republican Voters Would Support Him in General Election - Guy Benson

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Trump is more than likely the nominee. But again you make comments not based in fact. Polls show more of Trump supporters will support Cruz than Sanders supporters will Hillary. It's a fact you and few others can't grasp.


Let's not forget that both Kasich and Trump received more votes in the state of Ohio in the primary than Hillary did. Hillary isn't motivating peope. There are a few states where the 2nd place GOP candidate gets more votes than Hillary this primary season.

Look what I found: a New York Post story saying that if Trump is denied the nomination, only 43 percent of his supporters would vote for his replacement. So you were only off by 24 percentage points.




"If Donald Trump is denied the presidential nomination because he falls short of the delegates needed to clinch on the first round of voting, at least one-third of his supporters wouldn’t back the new Republican nominee, according to a poll released on Wednesday.


"The Monmouth University survey found that 27 percent of Trump supporters wouldn’t even bother to vote in November, and another 7 percent said they’d go with the Democratic nominee.


"Just 43 percent said they’d back Trump’s replacement."


Trump supporters wouldn’t back different GOP candidate: poll | New York Post

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Trump is more than likely the nominee. But again you make comments not based in fact. Polls show more of Trump supporters will support Cruz than Sanders supporters will Hillary. It's a fact you and few others can't grasp.


Let's not forget that both Kasich and Trump received more votes in the state of Ohio in the primary than Hillary did. Hillary isn't motivating peope. There are a few states where the 2nd place GOP candidate gets more votes than Hillary this primary season.


None of it is fact. This is pure speculation. What I said, what you said, and what the article said.


When speculating I would imagine you are correct Trump supporters would rather support Cruz over a Dem candidate BUT once Teddy helps still the nomination that will change.


Ohio was an open primary. I would vote the Republican ticket if Kentucky used this method. I would vote for Trump.

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Look what I found: a New York Post story saying that if Trump is denied the nomination, only 43 percent of his supporters would vote for his replacement. So you were only off by 24 percentage points.




"If Donald Trump is denied the presidential nomination because he falls short of the delegates needed to clinch on the first round of voting, at least one-third of his supporters wouldn’t back the new Republican nominee, according to a poll released on Wednesday.


"The Monmouth University survey found that 27 percent of Trump supporters wouldn’t even bother to vote in November, and another 7 percent said they’d go with the Democratic nominee.


"Just 43 percent said they’d back Trump’s replacement."


Trump supporters wouldn’t back different GOP candidate: poll | New York Post


I'm seeing some real truthful numbers in your posts twotoplace thank you.


People have to stop claiming Cruz is an outsider, to us he's not. Outsiders are Trump, Carson and Carly. Cruz is a life-long politician, he would be a disaster, remember green eggs an ham. We want stuff done not more grid lock.


I would feel safe to say if Trump is denied the nomination, his voters would end up like this.


10 to 15% would vote the rest won't.


His voters are upset with the establishment, their not all career voters, they won't flock back to any of these candidates.


Disclaimer.... these polls this early really don't mean much, looking back these polls predicted things that never came close to happening.

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Texas, that number of 10-15 seems awful low for people that are so passionate and to have their candidate railroaded.


If Bernie had made a go of it and super delegates was the only way Hill was going to win the Dems would be having the same problem.


Those blocks of voters are similar. They are passionate, but when frustrated; they may just stay at home and become apathetic.


IMO you're looking at plus 45% of the Trump team sitting at the house if #neverTrump succeeds.

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Hellcats, I've been wrong a couple times in my life, but how many people on bgp have already said, "im not voting",,,, "I'm voting for gary johnson",,.


The Trump people are passionate just like these posters. These people are just done with the whole bunch of the lifetime politicians.

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You know what would be outstanding?


If at the RNC, they block a Trump nomination and go with Cruz. Trump gets ticked and decides to run 3rd party. Hillary wins the nomination at the DNC (or before), and Bernie realizes he's got millions of young voters that support him, so he too decides on a 3rd party run...:lol2:


How fascinating would that be to watch play out? I would venture no one candidate would reach the # of electoral votes needed and Congress would get to decide on the next POTUS.

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Hellcats, I've been wrong a couple times in my life, but how many people on bgp have already said, "im not voting",,,, "I'm voting for gary johnson",,.


The Trump people are passionate just like these posters. These people are just done with the whole bunch of the lifetime politicians.


We are saying the same thing. I just think the number is higher. Third party vote and staying at home are equal in this situation.

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You know what would be outstanding?


If at the RNC, they block a Trump nomination and go with Cruz. Trump gets ticked and decides to run 3rd party. Hillary wins the nomination at the DNC (or before), and Bernie realizes he's got millions of young voters that support him, so he too decides on a 3rd party run...:lol2:


How fascinating would that be to watch play out? I would venture no one candidate would reach the # of electoral votes needed and Congress would get to decide on the next POTUS.



You had me until congress and decision. :scared:

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