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CAIR Muslim leader says America bears blame for terror attacks.


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A high school friend of mine is an officer in the USMC. And according to him it is no secret that there is a trojan horse coming to our nation, if not already here. I'm not normally the conspiracy driven type. However, the following article and perspective does bare a good read, thought, and discussion...


Breitbart News Daily: Fmr. FBI Counterterrorism Agent: ?Vast Majority? of US Mosques/Islamic Centers Part of ?Jihadi Network' - Breitbart


I am hoping a groundswell of people will begin to discern that we have a "Trojan Horse" among us. The subject of this interview, a former FBI agent, is describing the Hijra, the Islamic doctrine of immigration, which seeks to subjugate everyone under Sharia law. He provides multiple examples of how our government has been infiltrated and national leaders are being advised by organizations, such as the The Muslim Brotherhood, who seek the destruction of the U. S.


Do you think the article and perspective holds water? Thoughts?

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Our President is infatuated with the Muslim Brotherhood, as his own family was in it.

As his own main advisor is a Islamic sympathizer.

And Hillary Clinton's main advisor is also a Islamic sympathizer.


Our President and top Dem for Pres are letting Islamist in the White House and have a say in foreign/domestic policy. Especially that with the refugees and vetting process.


Why are we not taking more Christian Muslim refugees, they are the true ones facing genocide? Is it because they are not Islamist, I think so and so do many more people, they are just afraid to say it.

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Forget it; he's on a roll.


He actually was on a roll - he made a mistake in saying "Christian Muslim" instead of saying Syrian Christian but I think we know what he meant. Try being a Christian in the ME - not real pleasant. And there is no doubt the President seems to go out of his way to sympathize with Islam, even if it puts US citizens in peril. He has made it pretty clear he is not a fan of Israel too. The nuke deal with Iran may go down as one of the worst deals the US has negotiated with any other country in our history...

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Here's a term for you--Muslim Background Believer. This is a Muslim who converts to Christianity. These folk often live on borrowed time in the Middle East. People whose family has a history of being Christian (for instance, Marianites or Coptics) are somewhat tolerated (term used lightly) but those who were Muslim and left it to become Christian are threatened by their own family.

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