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Mike Huckabee announces his Presidential campaign

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Zero shot.







Those are the only 4 Republican candidates that have a shot at the nomination. Everyone else that declares is just muddying the field.


Who benefits the most from a muddy field and please excuse my ignorance but who is Walker? I'm drawing a blank.

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I can also guarantee if it's anyone not named Rand Paul vs. Hillary, Gary Johnson will 1000% be getting my vote. There's no chance I vote for anyone outside of Paul or Johnson, so my view on all these guys is probably a bit skewed. :lol2:

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Huckabee would be the best to get America back on the right track. But he dont stand a chance because he is a Christian.


Everything has to be about race or religion with you, doesn't it?


Huckabee doesn't stand a chance because of his stance on the issues and his personality. Has nothing to do with his religion. Not a bit.

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Everything has to be about race or religion with you, doesn't it?


Huckabee doesn't stand a chance because of his stance on the issues and his personality. Has nothing to do with his religion. Not a bit.


Are you kidding, everything anymore is all about race and religion. Watch the news.

Ben Carson gets hammered for anti gay remarks, why? Because it's his religious belief.


Whether you want to admit it or not, there is a lot of anti Christian sentiment in America. It's easier to be a sinner than be morally good.

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Yep. And that's the key IMO. I know a lot of people think Senator Paul will have a tough time winning the nomination, but I think as more and more people see how well he stacks up with Hillary (the likely opponent) most will come on board. He can and will appeal to Republicans, Independents, and Democrats alike. He's the homerun nominee, which means they'll probably give us another Bush v. Clinton. :puke:


I lean more conservative these days and Paul doesn't appeal to me at all.

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Everything has to be about race or religion with you, doesn't it?


Huckabee doesn't stand a chance because of his stance on the issues and his personality. Has nothing to do with his religion. Not a bit.


Huckabee would be the best to get America back on the right track. But he dont stand a chance because he is a Christian.
I think there is some truth to your statement, mountain ref. However, I would add that he is an Evangelical Christian. That is a huge reason he doesn't have a chance, amongst other things.
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Are you kidding, everything anymore is all about race and religion. Watch the news.

Ben Carson gets hammered for anti gay remarks, why? Because it's his religious belief.


Whether you want to admit it or not, there is a lot of anti Christian sentiment in America. It's easier to be a sinner than be morally good.


I hanmered him for his anti-gay remarks because they were stupid remarks. People don't go to prison and come out gay as a result. That might be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard a "smart" person say. I thought he was Muslim to be honest.

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I hanmered him for his anti-gay remarks because they were stupid remarks. People don't go to prison and come out gay as a result. That might be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard a "smart" person say. I thought he was Muslim to be honest.


He is Seventh Day Adventist


And how do you know no one who goes to prison can't come out gay.

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