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Why read the GREEN CARD?

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I am going to tell you that the green card is a waste of time for players, coaches, and officials. The 10th region does a great job of reading the card, but a HORRIBLE and I mean HORRIBLE job of enforcing it. The cards reads that any form of disrespect or taunting of opponents is not tolerated and a penalty would be assessed. Tonight in the 10th Regional Tournament game I saw PC Standout Patrick Elliot scream in the face of an Augusta player after putting one in and getting fouled (not to mention that the guy that fouled him was 5'7" and weight half of what Pat does). No penalty was assessed and once again the refs didnt do their job. Why Read the Card if it isnt going to be enforced or followed? Tonight we were SUPPOSED to have 3 of the best. Well, all 3 missed that call!


Not saying the officiating determined the outcome because by all means it didnt. PC is the better team and would win probably 99 out of 100 times if they met, but dont read the card if you arent going to enforce it.


What do you all think?

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I have to admit that I have not heard about the green card. What penalties are given out if it is enforced?





In the captain's meeting at halfcourt before the game with players, coaches, and officials, the REFS read a green card saying not taunting or baiting of opponents is not allowed or a penalty is assessed (technical).


I just think that if they are going to read it, they should enforce it..

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Because the state requires it of officials. It states:


The N.F.H.S. and your state association require officials to enforce sportsmanship rules. High school athletics emphasize positive values. All of us have worked hard to create a sense of teamwork, respect, responsibility, and perspective. We remind you that we expect good behavior and will quickly penalize misconduct. We encourage and appreciate your help. Let this competition reflect mutual respect among all participants and officials. Coaches please certify that your players are legally equipped and uniformed according to N.F.H.S. rules. Good luck and have a great contest.

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In soccer, they would always read this to the captains, but most refs didn't bother with it. They would simply say to me and my co-captain that we know what is acceptable and what is not, and we would play the game.

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I am going to tell you that the green card is a waste of time for players, coaches, and officials. The 10th region does a great job of reading the card, but a HORRIBLE and I mean HORRIBLE job of enforcing it.


I agree with what you are saying and think there should have been something done. But you see it all the time. No calls happen and it seems to me the bigger the name of the player the more they would get away with it. I would be willing to bet if it was an Augusta player that did that it would have been called. And that is not just tonight but any night. I have seen players with a more recogized names get away with more contact or more "fancy moves" then I can count. I saw it alot in the Augusta/Mason game last week.


Over all I think tonights game was one of the better called games I have seen all year. The refs do have a job that not many people would envy.

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