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Clay 68 North Laurel 65

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Barnburner indeed! Great game to watch. Back and forth all night. Packed house. I hope we don't have to play North again. North took a 9 or 10 point lead in the 3rd then spread the floor. I thought Conway got too happy too early, he was in celebration mode...You can't let up on Clay, they'll come back and get you, they've proved that many times this year. This regional tourney should one of the best in a long time.

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Barnburner indeed! Great game to watch. Back and forth all night. Packed house. I hope we don't have to play North again. North took a 9 or 10 point lead in the 3rd then spread the floor. I thought Conway got too happy too early, he was in celebration mode...You can't let up on Clay, they'll come back and get you, they've proved that many times this year. This regional tourney should one of the best in a long time.


That's something he and Brown both like to do. It just seems to me that it's better to keep on attacking, because once you stop, it's hard to start attacking again.

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This was a great game. I also thought it was a great officiated game. There was some close calls, but I think they kept it under control. The Tigers never gave up. They lead by 14 in the second quarter, just couldn't hang on. Jones come up big tonite at big times. Sizemore had the intensity. Swafford played pretty good. Hibbard came up big also. Richard Jones played defense great tonight. Lewis kept buring it up. I think the player that played great tonight for the Tigers but won't get much talk is Ryan Lee Smith. At the end of the 3rd he stepped up big in stopping Shanade twice, and getting him frustrated enough to get t'ed up. Great job Tigers!! Also I would like to congratulate Coach Gray. YOU DESERVE IT!!!

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I thought Allen, Carson and Asher brought it and left it on the floor tonight. Hard fought game by both teams.

Yes those guys did everything they could. I hated to see either team lost. Both coaches coached with everything they knew. Hopefully this will set the standard for the new 49th district.

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Oh! The standard IS set! Looks like the OBI/Jackson/Red bird Trio's voting scheme fails again. I wish they would step up and call a vote to seed the district again. When Pigs Fly huh!

Why don't they?? I don't understand. All 3 of them were able to compete this week.

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Why don't they?? I don't understand. All 3 of them were able to compete this week.


Because they — like most other small schools in Ky. in a district with larger schools — have drank the Kool-Aid that makes them believe the only way they can get to the region is through the blind draw and getting lucky enough to draw one of their fellow "weak sisters."

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This game sounds like it was a good one. North seemed to play a solid game but just came up a bit short. Losing to Clay over there by such a slim margin is obviously not as good as a win but not anything to hang your head about either. I'm not referring to the crooked ref stereotype either. Clay is just a hard place to play because of great friends, intimidating tradition, and talented players. Either of these teams could sneak up and win the region.

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There were some interesting happenings that have not been brought up. The technical foul called on North's Allen. All he said to the ref was "He is holding my jersey" This was at the end of the 3rd quarter North up by 8 or 9. Start the 4th up by 2. If I'm not mistaken.

Late in the 4th under 2 minutes to play North is called for an intentional foul. The parent of the Clay player flipped a table onto the court and ran onto the court. Police had it under control, he was escorted from the gym. No call. Could this have also been a technical on Clay? What is the ruling on this? Jones for Clay is a Man on the boards, North could not stop him.

I know it sounds like I'm begging for a call or saying the refs took the game, I'm not. Just some interesting happenings that have not been brought up.

With all of this said, It was a great game and great atmosphere. This is what High School Basketball in Kentucky is all about. Good luck to both teams in the 13th Region Tournament.

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Oh! The standard IS set! Looks like the OBI/Jackson/Red bird Trio's voting scheme fails again. I wish they would step up and call a vote to seed the district again. When Pigs Fly huh!


They won't and to be honest, I don't think Clay and North mind very much. I think that these 2 schools look at the situation as one where they would hate to use that many games playing district schools that can be used to play more difficult opponents. North had a schedule in the toughest 15-20% of the state, but that wouldn't have been the case if they had to play that many district games.

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They won't and to be honest, I don't think Clay and North mind very much. I think that these 2 schools look at the situation as one where they would hate to use that many games playing district schools that can be used to play more difficult opponents. North had a schedule in the toughest 15-20% of the state, but that wouldn't have been the case if they had to play that many district games.

They won't mind until they draw each other.

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