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Montgomery 42 Bourbon 37

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Final from Paris...


Disappointing end of the year for Bourbon, this team was expected to get to Maysville....


You hate to see good kids like Tyson Jones not make a final trip to Mason Co......


Both teams couldn't hit the ocean if they were standing two inches from it and I gave them five mulligans.... Both teams shot under 45 percent from the FT line....


Some would call this an "upset" but I really do not, I thought it would be close, and obviously if the game was played in the 30's and 40's, going to the Indians advantage...


Cameron Ryals had 17 points, 12 boards, and 5 steals. I remember seeing him in a JV game two years ago hit seven threes in two and a half quarters, the kid if for real, and was the best player on the floor tonight by far....


Bart Rison is right at the top of the list when it comes to best coaches in the region. Fantastic job this season, and they'll be much better next year....


Dont see Bourbon getting back to Maysville next year with Montgomery and GRC bringing back so much of their team....


Dont be surprised to see this as a rematch in the first round of next years districts.....

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Good win for the Indians. From the report I got sounded like a pretty ugly game. Sounds like the Indians did as little as possible to still win.

This new district sure will make for some interesting tournaments over the next few years.

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what did montgomery play on defense? Rison likes to ply some zone to slow the gamedown. How was he able to slow them down that much?


I think it was mostly 2-3 matchup, and it worked, Borubon shot something like 20 percent for the game......


Montgomery will be a tough out for a team like Pendleton/Mason in regionals (if they lose Thursday Night)

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It was a Very hard loss on behalf of the bourbon county colonels . The team had worked very hard all through the season ....the colonels seniors will be missed as the following ........tyson,henry,chris,zack,russ,scotter

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I think one of the biggest busts of the 10th region this year, has been the play of Russell Allen. Alot of potential with his size, but he just did'nt seem to put it together. I felt that after the regional game with PC last year he showed some promise, just did not come to fruition.

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Final from Paris...


Disappointing end of the year for Bourbon, this team was expected to get to Maysville....


You hate to see good kids like Tyson Jones not make a final trip to Mason Co......


Both teams couldn't hit the ocean if they were standing two inches from it and I gave them five mulligans.... Both teams shot under 45 percent from the FT line....


Some would call this an "upset" but I really do not, I thought it would be close, and obviously if the game was played in the 30's and 40's, going to the Indians advantage...


Cameron Ryals had 17 points, 12 boards, and 5 steals. I remember seeing him in a JV game two years ago hit seven threes in two and a half quarters, the kid if for real, and was the best player on the floor tonight by far....


Bart Rison is right at the top of the list when it comes to best coaches in the region. Fantastic job this season, and they'll be much better next year....


Dont see Bourbon getting back to Maysville next year with Montgomery and GRC bringing back so much of their team....


Dont be surprised to see this as a rematch in the first round of next years districts.....


FreakNasty how has Ryals done this year on the whole? I remember seeing a Montogemery County player play with some of the CovCath kids at the Blue Chip camp this summer and I just realized that this is him. He was a solid kid had no weakness from anywhere.

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FreakNasty how has Ryals done this year on the whole? I remember seeing a Montogemery County player play with some of the CovCath kids at the Blue Chip camp this summer and I just realized that this is him. He was a solid kid had no weakness from anywhere.


I dont have any offical stats, but I know he's been their most consistant threat for most of the year. If you leave him open, he's going to kill ya....


From what I have saw over the last year or so as well is he plays very hard on defense and on the boards. The work he puts in during a game is what makes him above average IMO....


I think expectations have been too high for Russell Allen since his Freshman year. He was never going to be region POY, but he was always going to be a solid contributer to a solid basketball team, and that was what he was, especially his last three years. Does he have more talent than he shows at times? Absolutely, but he's certaintly not the reincarnation of Rick Mahorn either....

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Ryals is a player you can always count on. He's been a real contributor since his sophomore year. He's really a perfect role player (like he played last year), he's got a sweet shot especially if he's open, and he rebounds very well for his size.

This year he's had to be more of a go to guy, and that's not really what his game is built for, but he's done a very solid job and has definitely been the foundation of this team.


We will certainly miss him next year!

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FreakNasty how has Ryals done this year on the whole? I remember seeing a Montogemery County player play with some of the CovCath kids at the Blue Chip camp this summer and I just realized that this is him. He was a solid kid had no weakness from anywhere.


Along with Brett Kelley, Cameron is one of my favorite players to come out of Montgomery ever. He gets so many steals on defense, rebounds well for a shooting guard/small forward, and can flat out shoot the three. He usually guards the other teams best guard. Cameron is the only returning contributer from the last two years (one going to the region finals).

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