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Has Atherton named a Head Coach yet?


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Not yet. There is talk of an assistant within Jefferson County and a candidate from Colorado being the frontrunners. Unless the guy from Colorado has ties from around here, he can't have a clue what he is getting into. I asked if maybe this coach came via Washington too. Maybe Gary Barnett? LOL!

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It is official. Matt Brown will do an outstanding job!


GREAT choice for Atherton--excellent coach, excellent teacher...and even better CHARACTER!


Matt is a VERY hard worker, loves the game, coaches it for the right reason, probably has more varsity coaching experience of ANYBODY his age (starting coaching varsity football at age 19 -- before the rules said you had to be older). Was one of the football-smartest "coach-on-the-field" type players I've ever seen.


It'll take some work to get it done there...Matt's not afraid of work; I predict you'll see quite a bit of improvement there given time.

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