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Survivor 27: Blood vs Water

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Okay, supposedly it's 10 returning players and a family member (spouses, siblings, etc.)....The link I saw had a list of the players, so I'll refrain from posting that. Just google "Survivor 27 spoilers" if you're interested in the rumored cast.

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Gervase Peterson (Borneo)

Tina Wesson (Australian Outback/All-Stars)

Rob Cesternino (Amazon/All-Stars)

Rupert Boneham (Pearl Islands/All-Stars/Heros vs. Villians)

Aras Baskauskas (Exile Island)

Kat Edorsson (One World)

Colton Cumbie (One World)

RC Saint-Amour (Philippines)


The final two are from the following list of past contestants:


Danni Boatwright (Guatemala)

Cirie Fields (Exile Islands/Micronesia/Heros vs. Villians)

Candice Woodcock (Cook Islands/Heros vs. Villians)

Natalie Bolton (Micronesia)

Stephanie Valencia (Redemption Island)

Andrea Boehlke (Redemption Island/Caramoan)

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I personally am tired of the re-treads. How in the world can I get on Survivor if they keep bringing people back? 15 minutes of fame is now 3 hours of fame? Get some new people on there already.

I agree, bring in all new contestants. Survivor is trying to maintain a ratings base by bringing back contestants we already either love or hate, but either way will watch. The only retreads I want are either all of the winners face off or all of the 1st ones voted off face off.

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Gervase Peterson (Borneo)

Tina Wesson (Australian Outback/All-Stars)

Rob Cesternino (Amazon/All-Stars)

Rupert Boneham (Pearl Islands/All-Stars/Heros vs. Villians)

Aras Baskauskas (Exile Island)

Kat Edorsson (One World)

Colton Cumbie (One World)

RC Saint-Amour (Philippines)


The final two are from the following list of past contestants:


Danni Boatwright (Guatemala)

Cirie Fields (Exile Islands/Micronesia/Heros vs. Villians)

Candice Woodcock (Cook Islands/Heros vs. Villians)

Natalie Bolton (Micronesia)

Stephanie Valencia (Redemption Island)

Andrea Boehlke (Redemption Island/Caramoan)


I can't stand these two...:banghead:

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Kat Edorsson (One World)


I believe she was the bubble-head that said at tribal counsel that she loved blind-sides because they were "fun & exciting"; then proceeded to be blindsided that evening. Must-see TV.

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Rupert has to be one of my least favorite cast members ever. Guy is terrible at playing the game, and for some odd reason everyone loves him. :idunno:
I liked Rupert the first season but since then he seemed to become a caricature of himself.
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