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Survivor 27: Blood vs Water

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After Monica throwing away the Immunity Idol clue again because it puts a target on your back to have it, have we seen an end to the Immunity Idol?


If that is the only way that clues are given out, I think we do, which I'm not opposed too. I don't think having the hidden immunity idol and Redemption Island. I don't mind having one or the other but having both just puts way to much into play.

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If that is the only way that clues are given out, I think we do, which I'm not opposed too. I don't think having the hidden immunity idol and Redemption Island. I don't mind having one or the other but having both just puts way to much into play.


It sounds like they did a better job of hiding the idols this year as well. It seemed crazy in previous years how easily they could be found without the benefit of clues.

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Because everybody is aware that they may be there and I would be willing to bet that if anyone goes off by him/herself suspicions start.


Or they actually hid them well this season. Last couple of seasons people have found the idols within the first 2 days. I bet their are people out looking for them but they are just not showing it on camera.

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And Kat cuts her own throat. Overstrategized herself right to Redemption Island.


She's showed it on previous seasons, but I think her lack of maturity really gets her into trouble again.


I'm with you FKYW, I really like Vytas. I loved how quickly he was able to build that connection with the women, very smart to tell those stories.


Was that redemption challenge not one of the easiest they have ever had? They should have at least made them open all the bags at once so that they had to deal with all 100 tiles.

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She's showed it on previous seasons, but I think her lack of maturity really gets her into trouble again.


I'm with you FKYW, I really like Vytas. I loved how quickly he was able to build that connection with the women, very smart to tell those stories.


Was that redemption challenge not one of the easiest they have ever had? They should have at least made them open all the bags at once so that they had to deal with all 100 tiles.

Utterly amazed at the puzzle...
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This may surprise some people, but I think that may have been the best episode of Survivor ever. I think if you really watch that episode and get into the human dynamic, the way people interact and perceptions, it was a very interesting show. I honestly could take that show to a college psychology class and use it as a study in human nature.


There were so many twists and nuances in the new tribe that Vitas was on and who was aligned with who, how the members perceived each other, etc. I think the one guy on a tribe of women is the thing that intrigued me the most. Here are various angles that you could discuss:


1. Vitas - There is a lot to look at just on Vitas in the new tribe. One man among women and how they seemed to immediately view him as a threat and target. How Vitas opened up and shared his story, made himself open and vulnerable, with the women to gain their trust, or at least opened the door for them to look at him differently. That whole side was culminated in the way Vitas handled the tribal council. I just really found it interesting to see how the Vitas story unfolded throughout that whole show.


2. Tina - Isn't it interesting that she made one of the dumbest mistakes in the history of Survivor that cost her team in the immunity challenge; her daughter is on the tribe now, which should have put a target on her to start with since the goal seems to be to elminate the blood connections; she is an older person in the tribe which usually makes you a target because you are perceived as weak in challenges; she offerred herself up on a platter to be voted out in her apology for blowing the challenge; and yet, she was never mentioned as a possible target for tribal. Why is that? I know, she is in the girl alliance but still, why is no one talking about getting rid of her or her daughter?


3. Tina's Daughter Katie - She got a total pass because she is female in a female tribe and she is Tina's daughter. How often does stuff like that happen in real life? A lot I say. It is so often who you know and not what you know. Even though it is a female tribe, if it would have been Ciera coming in from the other tribe, I think she would have been treated very differently. So much about how people view other people involved in that whole dynamic with Katie.


4. Kat - Her human nature dynamic is not as interesting as the others above. But there still is the trust versus lost trust issue here. It is similar to what happened with Brad. Kat went after Monica for "playing the game" agressively, but ironically that is the very thing that got Kat voted off. The difference with Kat was she was targeting an alliance member and that eliminated the trust bond. While Monica is strategizing hard, she is working with her "partners" and not against them.


All those things make me want to watch that episode again, to watch the twists and turns that people take in their relationships with others. That was a snippet of how to win and lose relationships last night.

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This may surprise some people, but I think that may have been the best episode of Survivor ever. I think if you really watch that episode and get into the human dynamic, the way people interact and perceptions, it was a very interesting show. I honestly could take that show to a college psychology class and use it as a study in human nature.


I've always said this about Survivor in general and why I enjoy it so much.

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