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HHS Secretary blames GOP for ObamaCare problems.

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Couple friends in the medical profession mentioned people coming in the first few days in January wanting physicals who were surprised that they were expected to pay for them. They really believed that as of January 1st their medical expenses would be gone. Once they found out they had to pay for them they decided they really didn't need them.

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I'm surprised that she didn't anticipate the political fights. Shoot just because it's the law of the land when was the last time the opposition said "let's get on board, let's make this work"? Just doesn't happen like that these days. The opposition should have been anticipated and planned for years ago.

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I remember plenty of the criticisms of the law, but I don't remember any being worries that citizens would expect benefits the day it was signed rather than after the staggered implementation dates, which is what she said. It was a fairly bland answer. You can link to those criticisms here if you want, though. I'd be curious to read them.


As to her other point, she's entirely accurate.


Her accuracy is pitiful whining. If she can not play the political game should should move to a place where they do not have political problems. North Korea comes to mind.

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I remember plenty of the criticisms of the law, but I don't remember any being worries that citizens would expect benefits the day it was signed rather than after the staggered implementation dates, which is what she said. It was a fairly bland answer. You can link to those criticisms here if you want, though. I'd be curious to read them.


As to her other point, she's entirely accurate.


There are thousands of links under various searches.




Will Small Businesses Stop Offering Health Insurance If Reform Passes? ? The American Magazine


CBO Is Sending Warning Signals; Will ObamaCare Supporters Pay Heed?


ObamaCare?s Victims: Physician-Owned Specialty Hospitals ? And You


Colonoscopy: Another Example Of ObamaCare?s Wrong-Headed Preventive-Care Policy



The law was passed in the middle of the night with minimum debate. The half baked Senate version was used since after Kennedy passed the votes were not there. This was the worst legislation in the history of this country passed in the most thuggish manner in US history. Doctors I talk to indicate it is a disaster. Insurance lawyers I know say it is a disaster that has barely started to unfold. Putting up with the whiny politicians is just too much.

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There are thousands of links under various searches.




Will Small Businesses Stop Offering Health Insurance If Reform Passes? ? The American Magazine


CBO Is Sending Warning Signals; Will ObamaCare Supporters Pay Heed?


ObamaCare?s Victims: Physician-Owned Specialty Hospitals ? And You


Colonoscopy: Another Example Of ObamaCare?s Wrong-Headed Preventive-Care Policy


The law was passed in the middle of the night with minimum debate. The half baked Senate version was used since after Kennedy passed the votes were not there. This was the worst legislation in the history of this country passed in the most thuggish manner in US history. Doctors I talk to indicate it is a disaster. Insurance lawyers I know say it is a disaster that has barely started to unfold. Putting up with the whiny politicians is just too much.


Of course the bill was criticized. She mentioned a specific issue. None of these links address what she said. And the North Korea comment? A public official taking open questions and you are annoyed by her answer, so she is a totalitarian? I don't take any of this seriously.

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I have a buddy who's wife is fighting cancer. Today she received a shot to bump up her white blood cell count. The cost of that shot...$7,000.


But she can get birth control at no cost to her. Best wishes to the lady and sorry if I sounded crass but to my very limited mind it shows the skewed priorities of this Obamanation.

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Of course the bill was criticized. She mentioned a specific issue. None of these links address what she said. And the North Korea comment? A public official taking open questions and you are annoyed by her answer, so she is a totalitarian? I don't take any of this seriously.


Public officials are supposed to be leaders in my book. And leaders are supposed to get the job done without excuses and whining that is visible to their own organization and to those those that they are serving.


The comment about North Korea was not label her as a totalitarian. But it was due the comments about 'politics' getting in the way. Last time I checked dealing with politics has been part of this nation since its founding. It comes with the territory. To use 'politics' as an excuse is ridiculous. If avoiding politics is her goal then she should move to North Korea or Cuba. Dictatorships have fixed the 'political problem' in those countries.


This whole set up is crashing down this year. I do not really expect anything to be much different from the administration as the music slows and they look for chairs to grab when it finally just fails under its weight.


"No one" saw the issues? In March 2010 the main ones were captured in this video.


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Public officials are supposed to be leaders in my book. And leaders are supposed to get the job done without excuses and whining that is visible to their own organization and to those those that they are serving.


The comment about North Korea was not label her as a totalitarian. But it was due the comments about 'politics' getting in the way. Last time I checked dealing with politics has been part of this nation since its founding. It comes with the territory. To use 'politics' as an excuse is ridiculous. If avoiding politics is her goal then she should move to North Korea or Cuba. Dictatorships have fixed the 'political problem' in those countries.


This whole set up is crashing down this year. I do not really expect anything to be much different from the administration as the music slows and they look for chairs to grab when it finally just fails under its weight.


"No one" saw the issues? In March 2010 the main ones were captured in this video.



I watched the video and the spokesman at the end was just wrong. It was constitutional. Most of the rest is opinion stated as fact. Can you keep your doctor? Yes, unless your doctor decides not to take your insurance. I haven't seen any indication that my doctor will do that. I suspect that most will be the same. Will there be some doctors that will decide not to participate? Maybe, probably. I hope your weren't expecting the law to mandate that doctors participate. I am in the process of changing dentist. Mine decided not to accept my insurance. I could have stayed with him and paid the difference or I can change. His call, my call. Obamacare had nothing to do with it.

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One of my biggest issues with this is that the government is more or less forcing every American to buy insurance. Sure you don't technically have to buy health insurance but they are making it more expensive to not to. The last time I checked, health insurance is a privilege NOT a right.

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