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Coach Ruthsatz is a class act!

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I'm a Holmes grad, rooted for Holmes and was very happy they won. However, Coach Ruthsatz won me over tonight in a very chance encounter.


We took our 4th grade AAU team to B-Dubs tonight to celebrate their championship at the Spiece Kentucky Gym Rats Basketball Classic in Louisville this weekend and the Holmes championship (which we barely made it to). While we were there we noticed Coach Ruthsatz showed up and ordered food to go. As he was waiting for his food he walked over and engaged our boys (5 of them at a table alone) and talked with them for 15 minutes solid. He was so sincere, kind and nice in the way he talked to them it crushed me inside. He answered every stupid question they asked and he even asked them about their championship t-shirts. After all was said and done all of our boys said they wanted to play for him in High school.


I can't think of many other coaches who would give that kind of time and attention to kids and engage them the way he did after that kind of loss. That man has his life screwed on right!


Thanks coach!

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I told TOG as well that Scott has really made a huge impression on me as well over the last two weeks. Nothing but class from this man and Covcath is lucky to have him.


After the game tonight he went out of his way to tell the three Holmes seniors (almost 30 mins after the game ended), while taking a picture together for one of the Holmes' parents, how proud of them he was and that they showed tremendous leadership in such a big game. Then went on to tell Quan Palmer that he showed a lot of leadership knocking down those ft's late and asked (laughing) why he had to do it against "us."


Really hope these stories change other people's perception of him as well, if they don't personally know him. The guy was extremely genuine when he wished Holmes and those three seniors in particular good luck and said he'd be pulling for them to represent the 9th region at Rupp.

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Someone will now accuse him of recruiting. lol


First thing that crossed my mind. Hmmm a table full of young men who just won a hoops championship?? Want to play for Cov Cath?

I thought for sure someone would try to turn a great gesture into a recruiting issue. Not real close to the Cov Cath program, but know enough people who are. I'm sort of shocked to think that some folks are not fans of Ruthsatz and that it would take this type of story to influence their perception of the man. I personally don't know him, I have heard nothing but positive things about him. He surrounded himself with great people.

Best of luck to him and the Cov Cath program.

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I'm sort of shocked to think that some folks are not fans of Ruthsatz and that it would take this type of story to influence their perception of the man. I personally don't know him, I have heard nothing but positive things about him. He surrounded himself with great people.

Best of luck to him and the Cov Cath program.



For the record, the people that have made comments within this thread about 'changing their perception' were not CCH fans; the CCH fans are 'surprised' to hear that anyone would have a negative perception.

The CCH faithful appreciate that they've got a very special coach and a good, sincere man.

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Did we ever hear what the hoopla was with Listerman yesterday?


Lol. When Ruthsatz was finished talking to the boys we asked him about that. He said he (Ruthsatz) was simply trying to ask the officials at the end of the half a question. He wanted to know if in a situation like that, where his team just scored and he wanted a timeout, but the officials could not see him in time, because he was at the other end of the floor, if he could come out of the coaches box, onto the floor, to signal for a TO. Listerman saw them talking and ran down there... a little upset about the extended conference.

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Scott's a good dude. Quiet. Not a back slapper. Can be intense during games. Really good coach.


Glad the youngsters were excited to talk to a high school coach. I remember being that age and being thrilled when I talked to Bill Warfield.


His 7th child is due any day.

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