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Any chance President Obama is a MUSLIM?

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According to his spiritual advisor for over 20 years.


According to Mr. Klein, Mr. Wright directly contradicts Mr. Obama’s narrative of having little contact with Trinity United Church. Instead, Mr. Wright alleges that he was Mr. Obama’s close spiritual and political adviser, someone who for more than 20 years shaped the future president’s worldview. In fact, the pastor claims that he was like “a second father” to Mr. Obama.


Furthermore, Mr. Wright says Mr. Obama possessed an “Islamic background” and despite his conversion to Christianity has never abandoned his Muslim roots. In short, Mr. Wright appears to be confirming what I have argued for years: Mr. Obama is a cultural Muslim whose Christianity is deeply tied to black liberation theology - the belief that America and the West have an evil, imperialist civilization bent on oppressing the Third World.


KUHNER: Jeremiah Wright can sink Obama - Washington Times

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Does it matter, isn't new information allowed to be presented, can't things change? Can't the real truth come out?


So we've had Rev Wright, Kenya, and now the Muslim angle come out again.


Next? What could be next? Ah, yes, Ayers.


ZERO chance I'm going to use Klein as a valid source. The guy said Bill Clinton raped his wife and said he had "one source."


This book is no different.

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Obama's heritage is one of practicing Islam in Indonesia. He was only 3 years old when his mother married Lolo Soetoro in 1965 and only 5 or 6 when they moved to moved to Indonesia in 1967. As any child must do he had to follow the faith his mother or more likely his step-father established and that was was Islam for Lolo Soetoro. Without a doubt he has roots in Islamic training. Rev. Wright said he made it easy for Obama to accept Christianity without completely forsaking those Muslim roots that Obama was accustomed to.


Is he now a Muslim? It is hard to be Muslim and pro-gay. So it would seem not.

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"Merica's dyin son, I can tell you that right now, we've got a black, muslim queer lovin president that just wants to destroy our country and nothin but a bunch of ignorant idiots that are too stupid to stop it" I'm not an Obama supporter but I swear every time someone starts slamming him for his religion or his stance on homosexuality I feel like I'm hearing some version of the above, obviously not as idiotic but in my mind it all sounds the same.

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NOOOOOOO!!! I love musicals but that one is HORRIBLE!!!! :isurrender:


WHAT! BLASPHEMY! OFF WITH YOUR HEAD! :eek: You OBVIOUSLY have not experienced Rocky Horror in the appropriate (campy) atmosphere!

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WHAT! BLASPHEMY! OFF WITH YOUR HEAD! :eek: You OBVIOUSLY have not experienced Rocky Horror in the appropriate (campy) atmosphere!


Much like mustard gas, there is no atmosphere in which one should be exposed to it. It is far too likely to cause lasting damage.

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