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Which Lottery eligible team best for Anthony Davis?

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Being a marginal follower of the NBA, was wondering what those of you in the know thought was the best AD could hope for from the draft lottery?


The draft odds were released this week...Out of 1000 chances each team has the following number of chances...

Charlotte 250

Washington 199

Cleveland 138

New Orleans 137

Sacramento 76

New Jersey* 75

Golden State# 36

Toronto 35

Detroit 17

Minnesota (To New Orleans via LA Clippers) 11

Portland 8

Milwaukee 7

Phoenix 6

Houston 5


* This pick may be conveyed to Portland.

# This pick may be conveyed to Utah via New Jersey.

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Washington would be the best spot for him IMO. He has a dynamic guard in place and a very good low post player to play next to. A core of Nene, Wall, and Davis is pretty solid. If they Amnesty Rashard Lewis they would be in GREAT shape as far as cap space. Only bad contract on that team is Blatche, somehow he is owed $20M over the next 3 years.


Cleveland would be my 2nd option. Similar situation as Washington, dynamic good and a very solid low post player with Anderson Varejao. Outside of those 2 they pretty much stink. They have cap space to get better if they can convince people to come to Cleveland.


Charlotte is awful anyway you spin it. Corey Maggette is the best player on that team. Just awful. Please don't let them win the lottery.

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Washington would be the best spot for him IMO. He has a dynamic guard in place and a very good low post player to play next to. A core of Nene, Wall, and Davis is pretty solid. If they Amnesty Rashard Lewis they would be in GREAT shape as far as cap space. Only bad contract on that team is Blatche, somehow he is owed $20M over the next 3 years.


Cleveland would be my 2nd option. Similar situation as Washington, dynamic good and a very solid low post player with Anderson Varejao. Outside of those 2 they pretty much stink. They have cap space to get better if they can convince people to come to Cleveland.


Charlotte is awful anyway you spin it. Corey Maggette is the best player on that team. Just awful. Please don't let them win the lottery.

Therein lies the problem. What marquee FA has signed with Cleveland...ever?
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How about Sacremento playing next to Boogie? Maybe Boogie could learn from AD's example.


Bullets....er Wizards seem to be a good fit as stated. I just DO NOT want him to go to the Bobcats...they seem horrible from top to bottom with no real idea how to fix anything.

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I would like to see the #1 and #2 picks go to any combination of these 5 teams:








Putting Davis on one of them and MKG on another would be awesome for both the teams and Davis and MKG respectively.

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Why is everyone dismissing Houston? I think Houston is on an entirely different level than Washington or Cleveland.


AD on Houston, Milwaukee or Phoenix would be even better than seeing him go to the Wiz, Cavs, Kings or Nets.


I'd love to see AD at the Wiz, Cavs or Nets and MKG to the Kings.

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:lol: :lol:


They needed to sell that team a long time ago for exactly this reason.


I couldn't agree more. If New Orleans gets the #1 pick it definitely wouldn't pass the smell test any more than Ewing to NY or Lebron to the Cavs. The Hornets are awful. Almost as bad as the Bobcats. The fact that the NBA owns them makes it even worse. How can a team owned by the league be that bad.


(Bill Walton voice) It's incredulous!!!!!

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