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Anti-Bullying Speaker Curses Christian Teens


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What a terrible speaker for kids, has America become so liberal that it allows these kids to be mocked.

What kind of Christian would ever sponsor money to a person like this.


As many as 100 high school students walked out of a national journalism conference after an anti-bullying speaker began cursing, attacked the Bible and reportedly called those who refused to listen to his rant “pansy *****.”

The speaker was Dan Savage, founder of the “It Gets Better” project, an anti-bullying campaign that has reached more than 40 million viewers with contributors ranging from President Obama to Hollywood stars. Savage also writes a sex advice column called “Savage Love.”

Savage, and his husband, were also guests at the White House for President Obama’s 2011*LGBT Pride Month reception. He was also invited to a White House anti-bullying conference.


“The first thing he told the audience was, ‘I hope you’re all using birth control,’” she told CitizenLink. “he said there are people using the Bible as an excuse for gay bullying, because it says in Leviticus and Romans that being gay is wrong. Right after that, he said we can ignore all the (expletive deleted) in the Bible.”


Anti-Bullying Speaker Curses Christian Teens | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes


Now what they had a speaker bashing gays/lesbians, their would be the biggest uproar in the world since the Internet.

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First, your title is misleading. He didn't curse "the teens." He cursed. Not AT the teens. He didn't single them out.


Secondly, this was at a conference for students who want to be journalists. The guy said the "BS" word and said he didn't believe in the Bible. Hardly seems worthy of storming out. I'd argue these students may want to consider another career. If they can't handle listening to someone who doesn't agree with them they need a new gig.


If you want to blame anyone I'd blame the person(s) who are responsible for the invitation. It's not like you can't find any info on the guy's stance. I had never heard of him but quickly found info on him. This should not be a surprise. He's gay. He has a partner. He doesn't believe in the Bible. He has a column about sex. He advocates birth control for teens.


In other words, the guy that showed up is the guy they invited.

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I'm not sure why you ask "what kind of Christian would ever sponsor money..." Where does that come into play?


A sponsor is a contributor of money. So journalist are like that, well then I am sure not many want to be one now.


Not my title, it was the title of the article! Did you even look.


Is Obama a sponsor who contributed to him and isn't Obama a Christian? Or is Jerimiah Wrights church considered a Christian faith?

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From where I am from being called a pansy *** is getting cursed at. Maybe ok for your teen to be called that at a conference, but not mine. Not in that type of setting or by anyone who then cusses the Bible. Sorry you feel it is ok for that to happen.

Edited by spindoc
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A sponsor is a contributor of money. So journalist are like that, well then I am sure not many want to be one now.


Not my title, it was the title of the article! Did you even look.


Is Obama a sponsor who contributed to him and isn't Obama a Christian? Or is Jerimiah Wrights church considered a Christian faith?


Title: You're saying you didn't type the title to this thread? Tell Guru. Someone's messing around.


Sponsor: Gotcha. I thought you meant someone sponsored him for this talk.


The kids have every right to walk out. It just doesn't bode well for their career interest. Although, I'm not really sure where one can work with actual people that would never say anything that offends or that one might disagree with.


Mt Ref, what bothers you most about this(besides the fact that President Obama is linked)? The cursing? The anti-Christian beliefs? The sex talk? The age of the audience as it relates to the material?

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From where I am from being called a pansy a** is getting cursed at. Maybe ok for your teen to be called that at a conference, but not mine. Not in that type of setting or by anyone who then cusses the Bible. Sorry you feel it is ok for that to happen.


Fair enough on the "at" portion.


I would hope my high school child had enough confidence in themselves and their beliefs that they would not leave. I would hope they were not that weak mentally. You can't run from every person who challenges your beliefs.


The only way I would support a parent who said it was alright for their child to leave was if they truly felt it was age inappropriate. We all have to make that decision as parents. Other than that I'd challenge my child as to why they left. Good teaching moment.

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I like Dan Savage. He's not for everyone. I'd let my high school age kids listen to him speak but he is probably better suited for a college aged crowd. Like Clyde said it is a good teaching moment. The article said there were over a thousand people there so 100 walking out is not as large of a percentage of people leaving as I first suspected. Very ironic that Savage became the bully.

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I copied the title from the headline title as it was on the news.


I too want my kids to be thick skinned and take criticism, but also know when a speaker isn't for them to listen to, why sit there and have the Bible and your beliefs put down like that. I would hope mine would stand up and challenge them and have something to say back right at them.


Being challenged is when you and I sit at a bar and discuss our ideas and you telling me how wrong you think I am and then vice versa, these kids were not being challenged, they were being put down.


Age appropriate, I don't think it is HS appropriate, but college kids are better suited to cypher the speech.

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I think I'd raised my hand and try to ask him a question as I walking out of there.


Just out of curiosity, not trying to pick a fight or anything..just curious. Would you go to listen to someone like Dan Savage speak? I ask because you are the most devout Christian I know besides my mother-in-law and I guarantee she wouldn't be in the same building as Dan Savage let alone go listen to him speak.

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