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Shovel Ready Job Ready - Obama Will Not Give The Go Ahead

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Let's assume that's part of the debate for the President. On one side he has the "base" and some of them are adamantly opposed to this. He has to take that into consideration. On the other side is what?


Those that want to reduce dependency on foreign energy supplies. I guess we could start getting our oil from Brazil - since we helped them but refuse to help ourselves.


At least the Brazilians are not in the holy war movement.






"Obama has proposed that U.S. taxpayers will finance Brazil's offshore oil development program and then buy the same oil that they paid to help Brazil produce. "


Charity starts at home.

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Those that want to reduce dependency on foreign energy supplies. I guess we could start getting our oil from Brazil - since we helped them but refuse to help ourselves.




How does this pipeline help us reduce our dependency when the great majority of the oil is being exported?

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How does this pipeline help us reduce our dependency when the great majority of the oil is being exported?


Exported from Canada to the US.






The Keystone pipeline could expand access to this vital resource by providing transportation for an additional 830,000 barrels of oil a day. Investing in Canadian oil sands will also produce more than 340,000 U.S. jobs and generate about $34 billion in revenue for the U.S. government, according to an economic analysis by the Canadian Energy Research Institute.


300,000 jobs deferred (a lot of them union) and $34B in revenue (i.e. taxes) for the US Government thrown away. Also satisfy the tree-huggers for political purposes. You have to love the Chicago-way. Its like the new series Boss on Starz. Only in real life its happening in Washington and not downtown Chicago.

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Yes, pushing the decision back seems political in that it comes after the election.


However, the State Department has concerns over the health and welfare of those in the path. It has to be looked into. Jobs are great but not if the plan has the potential to cause damage to many.


We cannot simply justify projects based on jobs and oil.



:ylsuper: I agree. we need to consume less oil and be very careful about irreversible impact to the environment. If we think we can preserve "nature" and its balance in zoos and parks we are sadly mistaken. There are some areas of this planet we need to leave alone.

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:ylsuper: I agree. we need to consume less oil and be very careful about irreversible impact to the environment. If we think we can preserve "nature" and its balance in zoos and parks we are sadly mistaken. There are some areas of this planet we need to leave alone.


I am all for renewable energy sources, but we have been working on them for decades and are no where ready to replace oil.

There is nothing wrong with using oil as breakthroughs are developed on renewable sources to make them less expensive and more efficient.

Do not burn your bridges before new ones are built. We have made great strides in the last 50 years to make the environment cleaner and we still can use oil. A source of availibe energy that has been highly politicized and demonized.

Making sure the environment is safe is one thing, but extremists use this issue to shut down a project like this, because of their agenda. I read that there have been like 13 variations on the pipeline path and all have been rejected.

Once again, we already have 1000's of miles of pipelines and the world has not been destroyed.

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Exported from Canada to the US.







300,000 jobs deferred (a lot of them union) and $34B in revenue (i.e. taxes) for the US Government thrown away. Also satisfy the tree-huggers for political purposes. You have to love the Chicago-way. Its like the new series Boss on Starz. Only in real life its happening in Washington and not downtown Chicago.


BBC - I can't view the WSJ article. Where do you get the 340k jobs and $34B revenue?


I still pose the question of how this removes our dependency when the contracts in place are for companies that will export the oil.

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The Keystone pipeline would have done what the President’s hundreds of billions of dollars in stimulus spending failed to do. It would have created thousands of jobs (tens of thousands, by some predictions), while generating $5.2 billion in property tax revenue for Montana, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Texas. And it would have done it all with private dollars–not taxpayer dollars. http://blog.heritage.org/2011/11/14/morning-bell-how-president-obama-killed-thousands-of-jobs/

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The Keystone pipeline would have done what the President’s hundreds of billions of dollars in stimulus spending failed to do. It would have created thousands of jobs (tens of thousands, by some predictions), while generating $5.2 billion in property tax revenue for Montana, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Texas. And it would have done it all with private dollars–not taxpayer dollars. http://blog.heritage.org/2011/11/14/morning-bell-how-president-obama-killed-thousands-of-jobs/


Again, the people saying this will add thousands of jobs and billions in tax revenue were funded by the company who wins if there is a pipeline.



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Credible ?? LOL


So the study done by the group funded by the pipeline is credible and the one by Cornell wasn't?


Is there something about the Cornell study (other than it doesn't say what you want it to say) that says it lacks credibility?

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