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Finals prove the need to split.


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The fact that the 2005 finals were dominated by one set of teams is clear evidence that we need seperate playoffs in Kentucky. When one group of teams wins such a disproportionate number of championships, it's time to act decisively! This inequity has gone unchecked for too long.


Therefore, the KHSAA should be compelled to immediately set up two -- seperate but equal -- championship tournaments in each of the four classes. One division will be set aside for East Ky teams. The other will consist only of West Ky teams.


This arrangement will level the playing field for the West Ky teams. It will give them a fair chance to bring home a state championship trophy of their very own to love and care for.


The 2005 sweep by East bracket teams must never be repeated! Let's ban together and "Give the west a rest!"





Well...what did you think I was talking about?


BF- that would never fly and here's why; what about the schools in the far west who get kids from the northern part of town or county? or if your school is in the eastern part of the western county, do you still get to play in the western part of the state bracket? I just think it's not fair for these schools who are totally in the west to have all of these advantages, what's next- a seperate playoff for the other schools in the west?

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BF- that would never fly and here's why; what about the schools in the far west who get kids from the northern part of town or county? or if your school is in the eastern part of the western county, do you still get to play in the western part of the state bracket? I just think it's not fair for these schools who are totally in the west to have all of these advantages, what's next- a seperate playoff for the other schools in the west?
Okay, now I have a headache...
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Birdsfan, what about Central teams.


I mean, everytime I watch the weather in times of emergency, they talk about Central Kentucky, North Central Kentucky...And what about Kentuckiana? I'm all confused? Who's playing whom?

How about 280 championships? ;)


Or no championships and we all play for the fun of it. Play the regular season and end it there. :p

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Birdsfan, what about Central teams.


I mean, everytime I watch the weather in times of emergency, they talk about Central Kentucky, North Central Kentucky...And what about Kentuckiana? I'm all confused? Who's playing whom?

I think maybe we should do it Secret Santa style. Everybody put their names in a bowl and then pick one out. That will be the team you play for your state championship.
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The fact that the 2005 finals were dominated by one set of teams is clear evidence that we need seperate playoffs in Kentucky. When one group of teams wins such a disproportionate number of championships, it's time to act decisively! This inequity has gone unchecked for too long.


Therefore, the KHSAA should be compelled to immediately set up two -- seperate but equal -- championship tournaments in each of the four classes. One division will be set aside for East Ky teams. The other will consist only of West Ky teams.


This arrangement will level the playing field for the West Ky teams. It will give them a fair chance to bring home a state championship trophy of their very own to love and care for.


The 2005 sweep by East bracket teams must never be repeated! Let's ban together and "Give the west a rest!"





Well...what did you think I was talking about?


Where have I heard this phrase before?? :rolleyes:

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  • 4 weeks later...

You know--the post is very funny, but don't laugh too hard. This geographic split is exactly the system that's in place in Pennsylvania.

There are multiple class Championship titles for each--the Eastern, and Western parts of the state.

The reason? Way back in the 40's Pittsburgh area schools couldn't compete with the Philly area schools in Basketball, and vice versa in football, so it was split. It's still that way today. So--it's not out of the realm that it's possible.

Very far fetched--but possible nonetheless.

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